flutter_smart_watch 1.0.0 copy "flutter_smart_watch: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
flutter_smart_watch: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

The Flutter library provides a wrapper layer to communicate with apps running on WatchOS and WearOS.

Flutter Smart Watch #

Version Publisher Points LINCENSE

Plugin provides communication layer between the Flutter app and the WearOS, WatchOS applications.

Features #

Use this plugin in your Flutter app to:

  • Communicate with smart watch application,
  • Transfer raw data.
  • Transfer files.
  • Check for wearable device info.
  • Detect wearable reachability.

Getting started #

For WatchOS companion app, this plugin uses Watch Connectivity framework under the hood to communicate with IOS app.

For WearOS companion app, this plugin uses Data Layer API under the hood to communicate with Android app.

Configuration #

Android #

  1. Create an WearOS companion app, you can follow this instruction to create new WearOS app.

Note: The WearOS companion app package name must be same as your Android app package name in order to communicate with each other.

That's all, you're ready to communicate with WearOS app now.


  1. Create an WatchOS companion app, you can follow this instruction to create new WatchOS app.

Note: If you've created a WatchOS app with UIKit, the WatchOS companion app must have Bundle ID with the following format in order to communicate with IOS app: YOUR_IOS_BUNDLE_ID.watchkitapp.

That's all, you're ready to communicate with WatchOS app now.

How to use #

How to use #

Get started #

Import the library

import 'package:flutter_watch_os_connectivity/flutter_watch_os_connectivity.dart';

Android #

Create new instance of FlutterWearOsConnectivity

final FlutterWearOsConnectivity _flutterWearOsConnectivity = FlutterSmartWatch().wearOS;

And then, please follow this documentation to integrate futher with Android app.


Create new instance of FlutterWatchOsConnectivity

final FlutterWatchOsConnectivity _flutterWatchOsConnectivity = FlutterSmartWatch().watchOS;

Please follow this documentation to integrate futher with IOS app.



verified publishersstonn.xyz

Weekly Downloads

The Flutter library provides a wrapper layer to communicate with apps running on WatchOS and WearOS.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


flutter, flutter_smart_watch_platform_interface, flutter_watch_os_connectivity, flutter_wear_os_connectivity


Packages that depend on flutter_smart_watch