flutter_release_x 0.3.1 copy "flutter_release_x: ^0.3.1" to clipboard
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A CLI tool to easily build, release, and share Flutter apps. Supports cloud uploads, QR codes, and download links for fast distribution.

Flutter Release X #

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Flutter Release X

Watch the tutorial on YouTube

Flutter Release X is a powerful command-line tool that transforms your Flutter app release process. Designed for efficiency and ease of use, it allows you to:

  • Simplify Your Workflow: Replace complex CI/CD pipelines with a single command to effortlessly generate and distribute release builds.
  • Seamless Cloud Integration: Easily configure cloud platforms like GitHub, Google Drive, AWS, and more by simply providing your API keys and tokens. Once configured, enjoy hassle-free, automatic uploads.
  • Instant Distribution: Automatically generate QR codes and download links for your builds, enabling quick and easy distribution to your team or users with no additional effort.

With Flutter Release X, streamline your release process, enhance collaboration, and reduce time-to-marketβ€”all while focusing on what truly matters: building amazing apps.

πŸ“– Documentation #

πŸ“š Read the Full FRX Docs

Learn everything about FRX, from setup to quick examples to advanced configurations.

Table of Contents #

What's New #

Feature Description
Advanced Pipeline Automate and streamline your CI/CD pipeline with the new advanced pipeline feature, integrating multiple steps in one command.
Multi-Platform Build Build for all supported platforms (ios, android, web, macos, windows, linux) using --target all for faster releases or just specify it like frx build -t ios,web.
Notification System Send real-time notifications to popular platforms like Slack using frx notify.

Features Overview #

The table below outlines the current status of various features. Features marked with "Available via Advanced Pipeline" are not part of the basic Flutter Release X setup but can be enabled through our Advanced Pipeline feature for enhanced automation.

Feature Status Description Achievable via Advanced Pipeline
✨ Advanced Pipeline βœ… New Streamline and automate your entire CI/CD workflow in one command. β€”
APK Builds βœ… Integrated Fully integrated APK build process. β€”
GitHub Upload βœ… Integrated Directly upload your builds to a GitHub repository for seamless sharing. β€”
Google Drive Upload βœ… Integrated Securely store your builds in Google Drive. β€”
Upload Link Generation βœ… Integrated Automatically generate and share download links for your builds. β€”
QR Code Generation βœ… Integrated Instantly generate QR codes for quick access to your build downloads. β€”
Slack Integration βœ… Integrated Keep your team updated by sharing builds directly on Slack. β€”
iOS Builds πŸš€ Coming Soon iOS build support is not available by default. βœ… Available via Advanced Pipeline
Windows Builds πŸš€ Coming Soon Windows build support is not available by default. βœ… Available via Advanced Pipeline
macOS Builds πŸš€ Coming Soon macOS build support is not available by default. βœ… Available via Advanced Pipeline
Linux Builds πŸš€ Coming Soon Linux build support is not available by default. βœ… Available via Advanced Pipeline
AWS S3 Upload πŸš€ Coming Soon Scalable cloud storage uploads through AWS S3. βœ… Available via Advanced Pipeline
GitLab Upload πŸš€ Coming Soon Direct upload to GitLab repositories for seamless version control. βœ… Available via Advanced Pipeline
Google Play Store Upload πŸš€ Coming Soon Streamline your Android app distribution via the Google Play Store. βœ… Available via Advanced Pipeline
Apple App Store Upload πŸš€ Coming Soon Simplify iOS app distribution with the Apple App Store upload feature. βœ… Available via Advanced Pipeline

Note: Features marked as "Available via Advanced Pipeline" require configuration through the Advanced Pipeline option in Flutter Release X. For further details, please refer to the Official frx documentation.

Tip: Checkout Cookbook for quick implementation Cookbook

Stay tuned for exciting updates and more cloud upload functionalities like AWS S3, Google Play Store, and Apple App Store integrations. πŸš€

Installation #

You can install Flutter Release X globally using dart:

dart pub global activate flutter_release_x
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Alternatively, add it as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml:

dart pub add flutter_release_x
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Usage #

Flutter Release X provides easy commands to build, upload, and manage your releases. Here are the main commands:

Command Description
frx build Builds the release APK, uploads to Cloud, and generates a QR code & link.
frx build -s Displays the current configuration settings. This helps verify if your setup is correct.
frx build -c <path_to_config> Use this flag to specify a custom configuration file path, overriding the default config.yaml.
frx build --target all Builds release builds for all supported platforms (iOS, Android, Web, macOS, Windows, Linux).
frx notify --platform slack --message 'message' Sends a notification to Slack with a custom message.

Example #

  • To build the release APK, upload it to Cloud, and generate a QR code & Downloadable link:

    frx build
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  • To build release builds for all platforms, upload to Cloud, and generate a QR code & downloadable link:

    frx build --target all
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  • To build only for Android and iOS:

    frx build -t android,ios
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  • To notify on Popular platform like Slack with a custom message:

    frx notify --platform slack --message ":rocket: New Release Available!"
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    frx notify -p slack -m ":rocket: New Release Available!"
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  • To verify your configuration, run:

    --show-config: Displays the current configuration settings. By default, it reads from config.yaml. If a custom file path is provided, it reads from the specified file. Use this option to verify that the setup is correctly configured.

    frx build -s
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  • --config: Use this flag to specify a custom configuration file path, overriding the default config.yaml. This allows you to point to a specific configuration file as needed.

    frx build -c config/file/path
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Configuration #

Create a config.yaml file in the root directory of your project to specify your upload options and QR code generation settings:

Config file #

# Path to Flutter binary
# Example for Windows: C:/dev/flutter/bin/flutter.bat
# Example for macOS: /Users/USER_NAME/development/flutter/bin/flutter

    enabled: true
    token: YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN # Required: Personal Access Token for GitHub
    repo: REPO/PATH # Required: GitHub repository path, e.g., RittikSoni/Flutter-Release-X
    tag: v0.0.1 # Release tag (e.g., version number)

    enabled: true
    client_id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID # Required: Google API Client ID
    client_secret: YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET # Required: Google API Client Secret

    enabled: true
    bot_user_oauth_token: YOUR_BOT_TOKEN # Required: Slack Bot OAuth Token, e.g., xoxb-XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXX
    default_channel_id: CHANNEL_ID # Required: Slack channel ID, e.g., CXXXXXXXXX
    share_QR: true # Optional: Share QR code in Slack (default: true)
    share_link: true # Optional: Share build download link in Slack (default: true)
    custom_message: "πŸš€ Check out the latest build! Download your app now!" # Custom message to accompany the link
    mention_users: ["U0XXXXXXX", "U08XXXXXXXX"] # List of Slack user/member IDs to mention. Note: not username or display name.

# QR Code generation settings
  enabled: true # Whether to generate QR codes (true/false)
  save_file: true # Save the QR code image to the file system (true/false)
  show_in_command: true # Display QR code in the command line output (true/false)
  size: 256 # Size of the generated QR code (pixels)
  error_correction_level: low # Error correction level: low, medium, quartile, high
  save_path: "./release-qr-code.png" # File path to save the QR code image

# Advanced Pipeline Configuration [OPTIONAL]
# This section allows you to define multiple pipeline steps that can be executed in sequence. Each step can have its own commands, dependencies, and upload options.

# If a custom pipeline is provided, it will override the default flow and behavior.
# Ensure that the pipeline steps are properly defined to reflect the intended execution order.

# e.g.,
  - name: "Build APK"
    command: "flutter build apk --release"
    customExitCondition: "error: some specific error message" # Stop if this error appears in the output
    upload_output: true # Enable upload for this step
    output_path: "./build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-release.apk" # APK path
    notify_slack: false # Do not notify Slack after this step

  - name: "Run Tests"
    command: "flutter test"
    customExitCondition: "Test failed" # Stop if tests fail
    upload_output: false # No upload for this step
    notify_slack: true # Notify Slack after tests complete

  - name: "Lint"
    command: "flutter analyze"
    customExitCondition: "issues found" # Stop if issues found

  - name: "Package Release"
    command: "node --version"
    customExitCondition: "version mismatch" # Stop if version mismatch is found
    upload_output: true # Upload to cloud on success
    output_path: "./release-package.zip" # Path to release package
    notify_slack: true # Notify on Slack on success

  - name: "Deploy to Cloud"
    command: "./deploy_to_cloud.sh"
    customExitCondition: "deployment failed" # Stop if deployment fails
    upload_output: false # No upload as deployment is handled separately
    notify_slack: true # Notify on Slack on success

# Note: The order of steps in the pipeline is crucial!
# Each step depends on the successful completion of the previous step.
# If a step fails due to a custom exit condition, the pipeline will halt immediately,
# and subsequent steps will not be executed. Ensure that custom exit conditions are properly defined
# to avoid unwanted interruptions in the pipeline flow.
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Flutter Path #

Key Description Example
flutter_path Path to the Flutter binary C:/dev/flutter/bin/flutter.bat (Windows), /Users/USER_NAME/development/flutter/bin/flutter (macOS)

Upload Options #

GitHub #

Key Description Required Example
enabled Enable GitHub upload Yes true
token Personal Access Token for GitHub Yes YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN
repo GitHub repository path Yes RittikSoni/Flutter-Release-X
tag Release tag (e.g., version number) No v0.0.1 (Defaults to v0.0.1)

Google Drive #

Key Description Required Example
enabled Enable Google Drive upload Yes true
client_id Google API Client ID Yes YOUR_CLIENT_ID
client_secret Google API Client Secret Yes YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET

Slack #

Key Description Required Example
enabled Enable Slack upload Yes true
bot_user_oauth_token Slack Bot OAuth Token Yes YOUR_BOT_TOKEN
default_channel_id Slack channel ID Yes CXXXXXXXXX
share_QR Whether to share QR code on Slack No true (default)
share_link Whether to share build download link on Slack No true (default)
custom_message Custom message to share with the build link No "πŸš€ Check out the latest build! Download your app now!"
mention_users List of Slack user/member IDs to mention No ["U0XXXXXXX", "U08XXXXXXXX"]

QR Code Generation Settings #

Key Description Default Example
enabled Whether to generate QR codes true true
save_file Whether to save the QR code image to the file system true true
show_in_command Whether to display the QR code in the command line true true
size Size of the generated QR code (in pixels) 256 256
error_correction_level Error correction level for the QR code low low (Options: low, medium, quartile, high)
save_path File path to save the QR code image ./release-qr-code.png ./release-qr-code.png

Advance Pipeline #

Field Description Example Value Required Default Value
name The name of the pipeline step. "Build APK" Yes N/A
command The command to run for this pipeline step. flutter build apk --release Yes N/A
upload_output Whether to upload the output from this step. true or false No false
output_path The file path where the output is stored (if applicable). ./build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-release.apk No N/A
notify_slack Whether to notify Slack after this step completes. true or false No false
custom_exit_condition Custom condition for when to stop the pipeline step. It checks for a specific match in the stdout or stderr. If matched, the pipeline stops. If not matched, the pipeline continues. "error: some specific error message" (Stop if a specific error occurs in the output) No N/A

Steps for Setup #

  1. Configure config.yaml Create a config.yaml file with the settings shown above. If you have a custom file path, you can specify it with the -c flag.

  2. Generate Cloud Credentials For cloud uploads (GitHub or Google Drive), follow these steps:

    • GitHub Configuration

      • Generate a Personal Access Token (PAT) in GitHub and add it to your config.yaml.
    • Google Drive Configuration

      • Create a Google Cloud Project and enable the Google Drive API.
      • Generate OAuth 2.0 credentials for your app and add the client_id and client_secret to your config.yaml.
  3. Generate Slack Credentials (Optional)

  4. Run the Tool After setting up the configuration, run:

    frx build
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    This command will build your Flutter project, upload it, and generate a QR code & shareable link.

Cloud Integration #

Github Configuration #

Generating a GitHub Personal Access Token #

To enable your Flutter CLI tool to upload and delete releases on GitHub, you'll need to generate a Personal Access Token (PAT) with the appropriate permissions. Follow the steps below to create and configure your token.

Steps to Generate a GitHub Token

  1. Open the GitHub Token Generation Page:

  2. Set the Token Name:

    • In the Note field, enter a descriptive name for your token, such as Flutter Release X Token.
  3. Select Scopes:

    • Under Select scopes, check the following permissions:
      • repo (Full control of private repositories)
        • This includes access to public and private repositories, which is required for uploading and deleting releases.
  4. Generate the Token:

    • Click the Generate token button at the bottom of the page.
    • Copy the token immediately, as you won’t be able to see it again.
  5. Set Up Your Project:

      enabled: true
      token: YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN
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Google Drive Configuration #

To upload files to Google Drive, follow these steps to set up your credentials:

  1. Create a Google Cloud Project:

  2. Enable the Drive API:

    • In the Google Cloud Console, navigate to APIs & Services > Library.
    • Search for "Google Drive API" and enable it.
  3. Create OAuth 2.0 Credentials:

    • Go to APIs & Services > Credentials.
    • Click on Create Credentials and select OAuth Client ID.
    • Configure the consent screen if prompted.
    • Set the application type to Desktop App.
    • Note down the generated Client ID and Client Secret.
  4. Set Up Your Project:

      enabled: true
      client_id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID
      client_secret: YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET
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    By following these steps, your application will be able to authenticate with Google Drive using the client ID and secret to upload files.

Slack Configuration Setup Guide #

To configure Slack, follow these simple steps:

1. Create a Slack App #

  • Go to the Slack API: Your Apps page.
  • Click on Create New App.
  • Choose From Scratch and give your app a name (e.g., "Build Notifier Bot") and select your workspace.
  • Click Create App.

2. Add Scopes for the App #

Scopes define the permissions your app will have. To upload QR code and Share Flutter build Download link, you'll need to add the following scopes:

For Uploading Files

  • Go to the OAuth & Permissions page in your Slack App's settings.
  • Under Scopes, find the section called Bot Token Scopes.
  • Add the following scope:
    • files:write β€” Allows your app to upload files.

For Sending Chat Messages

  • Under the same Bot Token Scopes section, add:
    • chat:write β€” Allows your app to send messages to channels.

3. Install the App to Your Workspace #

  • Once you've added the required scopes, scroll to the OAuth & Permissions page.
  • Click the Install App to Workspace button.
  • You'll be prompted to authorize the app with the selected permissions. Click Allow to proceed.

4. Get the Bot User OAuth Token #

After installing the app, you will receive a Bot User OAuth Token. This token is required for your Slack configuration to upload files and send messages.

  • In the OAuth & Permissions page, under OAuth Tokens & Redirect URLs, copy the Bot User OAuth Token (it should look like xoxb-XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXX).
  • This is your YOUR_BOT_TOKEN in the configuration.

5. Find Your Channel ID #

The CHANNEL_ID is the unique identifier for the Slack channel where the bot will send messages and share files.

To Find the Channel ID

  • Go to the desired channel in your Slack workspace.
  • Click on the channel name at the top to open the channel details.
  • In the URL of the channel, you will see something like https://app.slack.com/client/TXXXXXXXX/CXXXXXXXXX.
  • The part after the last / (e.g., CXXXXXXXXX) is your CHANNEL_ID.

6. Get Member/User IDs to Mention #

If you want to mention specific users in the Slack message, you will need their Slack User IDs.

To Find a User's ID

  • Open the user's profile by clicking on their name in Slack.
  • Click on three dots and Copy Member Id (e.g., UXXXXXXXX) is the user's User ID.
  • Repeat this for each user you want to mention and collect their User IDs.

Now, you can use the YOUR_BOT_TOKEN, CHANNEL_ID, and member_ids in your configuration to automate Slack file uploads and download link sending.

QR Code Configuration #

Flutter Release X can generate QR codes for quick sharing. The QR codes can be customized with various settings.

Setting Description
enabled Enable or disable QR code generation. (true/false)
save_file Flag to save the QR code image. (true/false)
show_in_command Display the QR code in the command line output. (true/false)
size QR code image size (e.g., 256).
error_correction_level Error correction level (low, medium, quartile, high).
save_path File path to save the QR code image.

To prevent exposing sensitive information or to safeguard your project from unintentionally committing sensitive information or unnecessary files, we strongly recommend adding the following entries to your .gitignore file to excluded from version control:

  • gdcredentials.json: Contains credentials such as API keys and authentication tokens.
  • config.yaml: Includes custom configuration or environment-specific data, which may contain sensitive information (e.g., database credentials).

If you're using a custom configuration file, replace config.yaml with the actual filename (e.g., custom_config.yaml).

License #

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the MIT LICENSE file for details.

Want to Connect? #

πŸ’‘ Have suggestions or ideas? I’d love to hear them! 🐞 Found a bug? Don’t worry, I’ll squash it in no time!

Feel free to reach out to me:

πŸ“§ Email: contact.kingrittik@gmail.com
πŸ“– Documentation: frx docs
πŸ’¬ Discord: Join Discord Community
🌐 GitHub: Flutter Release X Repository
πŸ“Ί YouTube: Learn Flutter & More with Rittik
πŸ“Έ Instagram: @kingrittikofficial
πŸ“– Medium: @kingrittik
β˜•οΈ Buy me a coffee: @kingrittik

Contributors #

Get Involved #

β€οΈπŸ’™ Love using Flutter Release X? We're expanding its capabilities and would love your input! If you have ideas or want to contribute, check out our GitHub repository and star the project to show your support.

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Let's make Flutter Release X even more awesome together! 🌟

Looking to contribute? Join me on this journey!
Check out the Contributing Guidelines and submit your pull requests.

Together, let’s make Flutter development faster, easier, and more fun! πŸŽ‰

Support the package (optional) #

If Flutter Release X has made your development process smoother, please consider supporting our work. Your support is entirely optional but truly appreciated!

  • Give a Thumbs Up: Click the star/thumbs-up at the top of this page to show your appreciation.
  • Become a Sponsor: Sponsor this project on GitHub
  • Buy Me A Coffee:
    Buy Me A Coffee

Thank you for helping us keep Flutter Release X thriving!



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A CLI tool to easily build, release, and share Flutter apps. Supports cloud uploads, QR codes, and download links for fast distribution.

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args, dio, googleapis, googleapis_auth, http, http_parser, image, path, qr, yaml


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