flutter_reels_viewer 1.0.0 copy "flutter_reels_viewer: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
flutter_reels_viewer: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

A highly customizable widget that displays multiple videos in a vertically scrollable list, providing a smooth scrolling experience while watching short videos, similar to platforms like Facebook, Ins [...]

Flutter Reels Viewer #

pub Licence

A highly customizable widget that displays multiple videos in a vertically scrollable list, providing a smooth scrolling experience while watching short videos, similar to platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

Preview #

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Demo APK #

Click here for download demo app.

Instalation #

  • Add the latest version of the package to your pubspec.yaml file in the dependency section.
      sdk: flutter

    flutter_reels_viewer: ^1.0.0

Run this in your terminal

$ flutter pub get

How to use #

Video list can contain either only videos.

List<dynamic> videos = [

Or videos with poster image.

List<dynamic> videosWithImage = [
    'video': 'https://assets.mixkit.co/videos/39767/39767-720.mp4',
    'image': 'https://assets.mixkit.co/videos/39767/39767-thumb-360-0.jpg'
    'video': 'https://assets.mixkit.co/videos/34487/34487-720.mp4',
    'image': 'https://assets.mixkit.co/videos/34487/34487-thumb-360-0.jpg'
    'video': 'https://assets.mixkit.co/videos/34404/34404-720.mp4',
    'image': 'https://assets.mixkit.co/videos/34404/34404-thumb-360-0.jpg'

Then simple example

    height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height,
    width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,
    videoSourceList: videos, // OR videosWithImage
    scrollDirection: Axis.vertical,
    preloadPagesCount: 2,
    videoBoxFit: BoxFit.cover,
    playInLoop: true,
    showControlsOverlay: true,
    showVideoProgressIndicator: true,
    onPageChanged: (videoPlayerController, index) {},
    getCurrentVideoController: (videoPlayerController) {},
    overlayBuilder: (context, index) => MyCustomVideoOverlay(index)

Variant #

Variant Description
FlutterReelsViewer.network(...) Plays videos from list of network video urls
FlutterReelsViewer.asset(...) Plays videos from list of asset videos
FlutterReelsViewer.file(...) Plays videos from list of video files

Properties #

FlutterReelsViewer(...) #

Type Property Description Default
double height Set height for Widget
double width Set width for Widget
List< dynamic > videoSourceList List or dynamic video sources
Axis scrollDirection Scroll direction of preload page view Axis.vertical
int preloadPagesCount Number of videos getting initialized defined by preloadPagesCount 1
ScrollPhysics scrollPhysics How the page view should respond to user input Platform conventions
bool pageSnapping Set to false to disable page snapping true
bool reverse Whether the page view scrolls in the reading direction false
PreloadPageController pageController To get more control on PreloadPageView
BoxFit videoBoxFit Set video scaling mode BoxFit.fitWidth
bool playInLoop To play videos in a continuous loop. Note: This feature cannot be disabled if the showControlsOverlay property is turned off. true
VideoPlayerOptions videoPlayerOptions Provide additional configuration options (optional). Like setting the audio mode to mix
Future< ClosedCaptionFile > closedCaptionFile Optional field to specify a file containing the closed captioning
Map< String, String > httpHeaders HTTP headers can be used only for [VideoPlayerController.network]
VideoFormat formatHint Android only. Will override the platform's generic file format true
String package Only set for [asset] videos. The package that the asset was loaded from true
bool showControlsOverlay Enable play/pause controls on tap of the video true
bool showVideoProgressIndicator Show progress indicator at bottom of the video true
Functoin(controller, index) onPageChanged Listen to page change with current index
Function(controller) getCurrentVideoController Get current playing video contoller
Function(context, index) overlayBuilder Design your own widget that will show as a overlay on the video


unverified uploader

Weekly Downloads

A highly customizable widget that displays multiple videos in a vertically scrollable list, providing a smooth scrolling experience while watching short videos, similar to platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


cached_network_image, cached_video_player, flutter, preload_page_view


Packages that depend on flutter_reels_viewer