preload_page_view 0.2.0
preload_page_view: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard
A pre-load PageView widget which you can use it to preload one page before and after current page.
PreloadPageView #
Like the name, this is the widget to support Pre-load function for PageView widget.
For better user experience sometimes we need pre-load the images
/web requests
before user really scrolled to next PageView but the official PageView don't support that.So this is the time to use PreloadPageView
Usage #
Everything is similar like PageView, you need PreloadPageView.builder
and PreloadPageController
to create the PreloadPageView.
Also you can use preloadPagesCount
to set preload pages count when you need.
Example #
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new PreloadPageView.builder(
itemCount: ...,
itemBuilder: ...,
onPageChanged: (int position) {...},
preloadPagesCount: 3,
controller: PreloadPageController(),
If you found any issue in the newest beta version, please try stable version [0.1.4]. Please give us a star if you like this widget. Your star could help us update or fix bugs quickly.