flutter_quill_to_pdf 1.2.2 flutter_quill_to_pdf: ^1.2.2 copied to clipboard
Create PDF'S using deltas from Quill, with configurable attributes, fonts, and custom pdf widgets
1.2.2 #
- [Fix] delta to html doesn't detect double values
1.2.1 #
- [Fix] renamed WidgetGenerator to PdfWidgetGenerator
- [Fix] renamed file markdown_rules_custom to markdown_rules
- [Chore] changed ConverterOptions from converter delta to html from
- [Feat] exposed PdfService
- [Feat] added support for strikethrough in PdfService
- [Feat] All params on DeltaAttributesOptions are supported
- [BREAKING CHANGES] rgbColor was renamed as hexColor and now is an int at DeltaAttributesOptions
- [BREAKING CHANGES] levelHeader was removed on DeltaAttributesOptions
1.2.0 #
- Removed unnecessary code
- Writed more documentation about classes and functions
- [Fix] rename at MarkdownRules by bad name of file
- [Fix] bad list formatting. The list block function generator didn't detect the span styles into itself
- [Feat] added support for image links
- [Feat] added support for colors
- [Feat] added support for blockquote
- [Feat] added support for codeblock
- [Feat] added support to render custom html using
param fromconvertDeltaToHtml
//it looks like
String convertDeltaToHtml(Delta delta, [ConverterOptions? options,String Function(DeltaInsertOp customOp, DeltaInsertOp? contextOp)? customRenderCallback]) {
final QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter converterDeltaToHTML = QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter(
options ?? HTMLConverterOptions.options(),
converterDeltaToHTML.renderCustomWith = customRenderCallback;
return converterDeltaToHTML.convert();
- [Feat] added support for customize properties in blockquote and codeblock without create a custom widget
///If you need [customize] exactly how the [code block looks], then you use this [theme]
final pw.TextStyle? codeBlockTextStyle;
///If you need just a different [font] to show your code blocks, use this font [(by default is pw.Font.courier())]
final pw.Font? codeBlockFont;
///Customize the background color of the code block
final PdfColor? codeBlockBackgroundColor;
///Customize the style of the num lines in code block
final pw.TextStyle? codeBlockNumLinesTextStyle;
///Define the text style of the general blockquote. [This overrides any style detected like: line-height, size, font families, color]
final pw.TextStyle? blockQuoteTextStyle;
///Define the left space between divider and text
final double? blockQuotePaddingLeft;
final double? blockQuotePaddingRight;
///Define the width of the divider
final double? blockQuotethicknessDividerColor;
///Customize the background of the blockquote
final PdfColor? blockQuoteBackgroundColor;
///Customize the left/right divider color to blockquotes
final PdfColor? blockQuoteDividerColor;
1.1.4 #
- [Fix] README bad dependecy name
1.1.1 #
- [Feat] improved README
- [Fix] bad unnecessary args remove
- [Fix] bad names in some classes and functions
- [Fix] bad test (by now cannot be created a test)
1.1.0 #
- [Feat] added support to custom delta to html converter
- [Feat] added support to custom html to markdown converter
- [Feat] added new factory to create document and write file
- [Feat] improved params descriptions
- [Feat] added support to customize markdown rules
- [Feat] now we can add a custom theme to pdf document
- [Feat] now we can pass functions to when the create doc ends sucessfully or when throws and exception
- [Fix] removed lineHeight attribute since flutt_quill and html2md has Rule class and creates conflicts on imports
- README now has better documentation, to be more accurate on how use this library
1.0.2 #
- [Fix] inconfortable name. PDFConvertersParam was changed to PDFPageFormat
- [Feat] improved README to make more easy read how works the package
1.0.1 #
- [Fix] minimal errors
- [Fix] issue where list (bullet, check, and ordered) takes a more space that it needs on top
1.0.0 #
- First commit