flutter_quill_to_pdf 1.1.4 copy "flutter_quill_to_pdf: ^1.1.4" to clipboard
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Create PDF'S using deltas from Quill, with configurable attributes, fonts, and custom pdf widgets

Flutter quill to PDF #

This package allows you to create PDFs using deltas from Quill.

You can configure:

  • DeltaAttributesOptions (this are attributes that will appear in the delta if certain attributes are not found in the delta)
  • We can use custom fonts. Using onRequest functions in PDFConverter we can detect the font family detected, and use a custom implementation to return a Font valid to pdf package Just works with the default library implementation
  • CustomConverter, which helps you create custom PDF widgets using custom regular expressions.
  • Optional front matter and back matter
  • Page format using PDFPageFormat class
  • CustomPDFWidget functions in PDFConverterthat let us customize the detected style, and create a custom pdf widget implementation
  • ThemeData optional theme data that let us changes the theme for to pdf document
  • Set custom rules from html2md to customize your own markdown style detection (It could have conflicts if don't customize the CustomPDFWidget functions to detect your custom markdown style implementation)
  • Set a custom ConverterOption to PDFConverter to customize your own html rendering implementation (It could have conflicts if you don't also make your own CustomPDFWidget functions, to detect your new html style. And you should also have to change the default rules of the package to make correct detect of this custom implemenation)

By default, the delta when creating the document is processed by a local implementation that uses DeltaAttributesOptions to apply custom attributes, making it easier to add an attribute to the entire delta. If you want to create your own implementation or simply use a default delta, use PDFConverter(...params).createDocument(shouldProcessDeltas: false).

Tap to show/hide screenshots
Delta in editor Delta converted in PDF

Add dependencies #

    flutter_quill_to_pdf: ^1.1.4

Import package #

import 'package:flutter_quill_to_pdf/flutter_quill_to_pdf.dart':

Personalize the settings of the page that will be printed (height,width,margins) #

We can use two types differents constructors of the same PDFPageFormat class

The common, with all set params:
final PDFPageFormat pageFormat = PDFPageFormat(
   width: ..., //max width of the page
   height: ..., //max height of the page,
   marginTop: ..., 
   marginBottom: ...,
   marginLeft: ...,
   marginRight: ...,
The marginize all PDFPageFormat implementation
final PDFPageFormat pageFormat = PDFPageFormat.all(
   width: ..., //max width of the page
   height: ..., //max height of the page,
   margin: ..., //will set the property to the others margins

Use PDF converter to start creating your document #

PDFConverter pdfConverter = PDFConverter(
    backMatterDelta: null,
    frontMatterDelta: null,
    customConverters: [],
    document: QuillController.basic().document.toDelta(),
    fallbacks: [...your global fonts],
    onRequestBoldFont: (String fontFamily) async {
       ...your local font implementation
    onRequestBoldItalicFont: (String fontFamily) async {
       ...your local font implementation
    onRequestFallbackFont: (String fontFamily) async {
       ...your local font implementation
    onRequestItalicFont: (String fontFamily) async {
       ...your local font implementation
    onRequestFont: (String fontFamily) async {
       ...your local font implementation
    params: pageFormat,

To create the PDF document from PDFConverter, we have two options : #

createDocument function returns the PDF document associated

final pw.Document? document = await pdfConverter.createDocument();

createDocumentFile makes the same of the before one, but instead return the document, write in the selected file path

await pdfConverter.createDocumentFile(path: filepath, ...other optional params);

More information about other features #

If you want to get just the html from delta, you can use convertDeltaToHtml function #

//it looks like
String convertDeltaToHtml(Delta delta, [ConverterOptions? options]) {
  return QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter(
    options ?? HTMLConverterOptions.options(), //default html converter options implementation

If you want to get the markdown, you need to make some steps #

  1. Use convertDeltaToHtml function to get html from delta

  2. Use html string, and pass as param in convertHtmlToMarkdown

  3. Pass custom rules, or pass custom rules from this library using MarkdownRules class (Optional)

//it looks like
//If you don't pass any new rule, the converter will use the default ones from html2md
String convertHtmlToMarkdown(String htmlText, List<hm2.Rule>? rules, List<String> ignoreRules,
    {bool removeLeadingWhitespaces = false, bool escape = true}) {
  if (!ignoreRules.contains('underline')) ignoreRules.add('underline');
  return hm2.convert(
    styleOptions: <String, String>{'emDelimiter': '*'},
    escape: escape,
    rules: rules,
    removeLeadingWhitespaces: removeLeadingWhitespaces,
    ignore: ignoreRules,

Supported #

  • Font family
  • Size
  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Underline
  • Link
  • line-height (custom attribute used from this package)
  • Align
  • Embed image (File path yet)
  • Header
  • List (check, bullet, ordered)

Not support yet #

  • Images links (working on it)
  • Code block (working on it)
  • Blockquote (working on it)
  • Text Color (working on it)
  • Background color (working on it)
  • Indented text,
  • Indented list (bullet, unordered, check) - (working on it)
  • Embed formula
  • Embed video

Custom rendering (HTML, Markdown) #

Configure delta to html options (optional) #

This is a fragment from: vsc_quill_delta_to_html description (If you want to know more about these configs, and custom attributes rendering, visit his github)

We can configure a custom ConverterOptions using the param convertOptions from PDFConverter()

QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter accepts a few configuration (ConverterOptions, OpConverterOptions, and OpAttributeSanitizerOptions) options as shown below:

Option Type Default Description
converterOptions.paragraphTag string 'p' Custom tag to wrap inline html elements
converterOptions.encodeHtml boolean true If true, <, >, /, ', ", & characters in content will be encoded.
converterOptions.classPrefix string 'ql' A css class name to prefix class generating styles such as size, font, etc.
converterOptions.inlineStylesFlag boolean false If true, use inline styles instead of classes.
converterOptions.inlineStyles InlineStyles null If non-null, use inline styles instead of classes. See Rendering Inline Styles section below for usage.
multiLineBlockquote boolean true Instead of rendering multiple blockquote elements for quotes that are consecutive and have same styles(align, indent, and direction), it renders them into only one
multiLineHeader boolean true Same deal as multiLineBlockquote for headers
multiLineCodeblock boolean true Same deal as multiLineBlockquote for code-blocks
multiLineParagraph boolean true Set to false to generate a new paragraph tag after each enter press (new line)
multiLineCustomBlock boolean true Same deal as multiLineBlockquote for custom blocks.
bulletListTag string 'ul' Tag for unordered bullet lists.
orderedListTag string 'ol' Tag for ordered/numbered lists.
converterOptions.linkRel string none generated Specifies a value to put on the rel attr on all links. This can be overridden by an individual link op by specifying the rel attribute in the respective op's attributes
converterOptions.linkTarget string '_blank' Specifies target for all links; use '' (empty string) to not generate target attribute. This can be overridden by an individual link op by specifiying the target with a value in the respective op's attributes.
converterOptions.allowBackgroundClasses boolean false If true, css classes will be added for background attr
sanitizerOptions.urlSanitizer String? Function(String url) null A function that is called once per url in the ops (image, video, link) for you to do custom sanitization. If your function returns a string, it is assumed that you sanitized the url and no further sanitization will be done by the library; when anything other than a string is returned (e.g. undefined), it is assumed that no sanitization has been done and the library's own function will be used to clean up the url
sanitizerOptions.allow8DigitHexColors boolean false If true, hex colors in #AARRGGBB format are allowed in the ops
converterOptions.customTag String? Function(String format, DeltaInsertOp op) null Callback allows to provide custom html tag for some format
converterOptions.customTagAttributes Map<String, String>? Function(DeltaInsertOp op) null Allows custom html tag attributes for the given op
converterOptions.customCssClasses List<String>? Function(DeltaInsertOp op) null Allows custom CSS classes for the given op
converterOptions.customCssStyles List<String>? Function(DeltaInsertOp op) null Allows custom CSS styles attributes for the given op

Configuring custom markdown rules (optional) #

You can set custom rules using

//By default is null, and it will throws error if rules are empty
PDFConverter(..., customRules: [...your custom rules]);

This is a fragment from html2md package documentation

Custom Rules

Want to customize element converting? Write your rules!

Rule fields explaination

final String name; // unique rule name
final List<String>? filters; // simple element name filters, e.g. ['aside']
final FilterFn? filterFn; // function for building complex element filter logic
final Replacement? replacement; // function for doing the replacing
final Append? append; // function for appending content

Rule example - Convert the onebox section of discourse post to a link

<aside class="onebox">
  <header class="source">
      <img src="https://discoursesite/uploads/default/original/1X/test.png" class="site-icon" width="32" height="32">
      <a href="https://events.google.com/io/program/content?4=topic_flutter&amp;lng=zh-CN" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google I/O 2021</a>
  filterFn: (node) {
    // Find aside with onebox class
    if (node.nodeName == 'aside' &&
        node.className.contains('onebox')) {
        return true;
    return false;
  replacement: (content, node) {
    // find the first a element under header
    var header = node.firstChild;
    var link = header!
        .firstWhere((element) => element.nodeName == 'a');
    var href = link.getAttribute('href');
    if (href != null && href.isNotEmpty) {
      return '[$href]($href)'; // build the link
    return '';

You can contribute reporting issues or requesting to add new features in: https://github.com/CatHood0/quill_to_pdf

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Create PDF'S using deltas from Quill, with configurable attributes, fonts, and custom pdf widgets

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference




collection, cross_file, dart_quill_delta, flutter, html, html_unescape, meta, pdf, universal_html


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