flutter_quill_extensions 9.5.7 copy "flutter_quill_extensions: ^9.5.7" to clipboard
flutter_quill_extensions: ^9.5.7 copied to clipboard

Embed extensions for flutter_quill including image, video, formula and etc.

Flutter Quill Extensions #

An extensions for flutter_quill to support embedding widgets like images, formulas, videos, tables and more.

Check Flutter Quill for details of use.

The support for tables is currently limited and under development, more are changes expected to arrive. We are actively working on enhancing its functionality and usability. We appreciate your feedback as it is invaluable in helping us refine and expand this feature.

📚 Table of Contents #

📝 About #

Flutter Quill is a rich editor text. It'd allow you to customize a lot of things, it has custom embed builders that allow you to render custom widgets in the editor

This is an extension to extend its functionalities by adding more features like images, videos, and more

📦 Installation #

Before starting using this package, please make sure to install flutter_quill package first and follow its usage instructions.

  flutter_quill_extensions: ^<latest-version-here>


    git: https://github.com/singerdmx/flutter-quill.git
    path: flutter_quill_extensions
    ref: v<latest-version-here>

🛠 Platform Specific Configurations #

The package uses the following plugins:

  1. gal plugin to save images. For this to work, you need to add the appropriate configurations See https://github.com/natsuk4ze/gal#-get-started to add the needed lines.
  2. image_picker plugin for picking images so please make sure to follow the instructions
  3. youtube_player_flutter plugin which uses flutter_inappwebview which has a requirement on web, please follow this link to set up the support for web
  4. image_picker which also requires some configurations, follow this link. It's needed for Android, iOS, and macOS, we must inform you that you can't pick photos using the camera on a desktop so make sure to handle that if you plan on adding support for the desktop, this may change in the future, and for more info follow this link
  5. super_clipboard which needs some setup on Android only, it's used to support copying images and pasting them into editor then you must set up it, open the page in pub.dev and read the README.md or click on this link to get the instructions.

The minSdkVersion is 23 as super_clipboard requires it

For loading the image from the internet

Android: you need to add permissions in AndroidManifest.xml, Follow this Android Guide or Flutter Networking for more info, the internet permission is included by default only for debugging, you need to follow this link to add it in the release version too. you should allow loading images and videos only for the https protocol but if you want http too then you need to configure your Android application to accept http in the release mode, follow this Android Cleartext / Plaintext HTTP page for more info.

macOS: you need to include a key in your Info.plist, follow this link to add the required configurations

🚀 Usage #

Start using the package in 3 steps:

  1. Be sure to follow the Installation section.

  2. This package already include super_clipboard and will be used internally in this package, to use it in flutter_quill, call this function before using any of the widgets or functionalities


    super_clipboard is comprehensive plugin that provides many clipboard features for reading and writing of rich text, images and other formats.

    Executing this function will allow flutter_quill to use modern rich text features to paste HTML and Markdown, support for Gif files, and other formats.

  3. Set the embedBuilders and embedToolbar params in configurations of QuillEditor and QuillToolbar with the values provided by this repository.

    Quill Toolbar:

      configurations: QuillToolbarConfigurations(
        embedButtons: FlutterQuillEmbeds.toolbarButtons(),

    Quill Editor

      child: QuillEditor.basic(
        configurations: QuillEditorConfigurations(
          embedBuilders: kIsWeb ? FlutterQuillEmbeds.editorWebBuilders() : FlutterQuillEmbeds.editorBuilders(),

⚙️ Configurations #

📦 Embed Blocks #

As of version flutter_quill 6.0.x, embed blocks are not provided by default as part of Flutter quill. Instead, it provides an interface for all the users to provide their implementations for embed blocks. Implementations for image, video, and formula embed blocks are proved in this package

The instructions for using the embed blocks are in the Usage section

🔍 Element properties #

Currently, the library has limited support for the image and video properties, and it supports only width, height, margin

  "insert": {
    "image": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/122956/72955931-ccc07900-3d52-11ea-89b1-d468a6e2aa2b.png"
  "attributes": {
    "style": "width: 50px; height: 50px; margin: 10px;"

🔧 Custom Element properties #

Doesn't apply to official Quill JS

Define flutterAlignment` as follows:

  "insert": {
    "image": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/122956/72955931-ccc07900-3d52-11ea-89b1-d468a6e2aa2b.png"
  "attributes": {
    "style": "flutterAlignment: topLeft"

This works for all platforms except Web

🖼️ Image Assets #

If you want to use image assets in the Quill Editor, you need to make sure your assets folder is assets otherwise:

  configurations: const QuillEditorConfigurations(
    // ...
    sharedConfigurations: QuillSharedConfigurations(
      extraConfigurations: {
          assetsPrefix: 'your-assets-folder-name', // Defaults to `assets`

This info is needed by the package to check if its asset image to use the AssetImage provider

🎯 Drag and drop feature #

Currently, the drag-and-drop feature is not officially supported, but you can achieve this very easily in the following steps:

  1. Drag and drop require native code, you can use any Flutter plugin you like, if you want a suggestion we recommend desktop_drop, it was originally developed for desktop. It has support for the web as well as Android (that is not the case for iOS)

  2. Add the dependency in your pubspec.yaml using the following command:

    flutter pub add desktop_drop

    and import it with

    import 'package:desktop_drop/desktop_drop.dart';
  3. in the configurations of QuillEditor, use the builder to wrap the editor with DropTarget which comes from desktop_drop

    import 'package:flutter_quill_extensions/flutter_quill_extensions.dart';
          configurations: QuillEditorConfigurations(
            padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16),
             builder: (context, rawEditor) {
                return DropTarget(
                  onDragDone: _onDragDone,
                  child: rawEditor,
            embedBuilders: kIsWeb
                ? FlutterQuillEmbeds.editorWebBuilders()
                : FlutterQuillEmbeds.editorBuilders(),
  4. Implement the _onDragDone, it depends on your use case but this is just a simple example

const List<String> imageFileExtensions = [
OnDragDoneCallback get _onDragDone {
    return (details) {
      final scaffoldMessenger = ScaffoldMessenger.of(context);
      final file = details.files.first;
      final isSupported =
          imageFileExtensions.any((ext) => file.name.endsWith(ext));
      if (!isSupported) {
            content: Text(
              'Only images are supported right now: ${file.mimeType}, ${file.name}, ${file.path}, $imageFileExtensions',
      // To get this extension function please import flutter_quill_extensions
        imageSource: file.path,
        const SnackBar(
          content: Text('Image is inserted.'),

💡 Features #

## Features

— Easy to use and customizable

- Rich text, images and other formats
- Useful utilities and widgets

🤝 Contributing #

We welcome contributions!

Please follow these guidelines when contributing to our project. See CONTRIBUTING.md for more details.

🌟 Acknowledgments #

  • Thanks to the Flutter Team
  • Thanks to the welcoming community, the volunteers who helped along the journey, developers, contributors and contributors who put time and effort into everything including making all the libraries, tools, and the information we rely on

We are incredibly grateful to many individuals and organizations who have played a role in the project. This includes the welcoming community, dedicated volunteers, talented developers and contributors, and the creators of the open-source tools we rely on.