flutter_network 1.1.0+3 copy "flutter_network: ^1.1.0+3" to clipboard
flutter_network: ^1.1.0+3 copied to clipboard

This plugin provides networking capabilities for your Flutter application. It includes functionality for making various types of HTTP requests and handling API responses.

Networking Plugin for Flutter #

This plugin provides networking capabilities for your Flutter application. It includes functionality for making various types of HTTP requests and handling API responses. The module is organized into several files:

Features: #

  1. Flutter Network:

    • Supports HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE.
    • Easily customizable with various options such as headers, timeouts, and more.
  2. Error Handling:

    • Failure class representing different types of failure responses from the server.
    • Concrete classes like BadRequest, Unauthorized, etc., extend the Failure class.
  3. Caching:

    • Integrated caching functionality using dio_cache_interceptor.
    • CacheInterceptor to add caching to your HTTP requests.
    • A caching directory can be added to FlutterNetwork for caching HTTP responses in initialize cache directory call back based on whether Hive is used in the project or not.
    • If Hive is used, no need to initialize, otherwise, initialize the cache directory.
  4. Token-based Authentication:

    • Easy integration of authentication tokens with the tokenCallBack function.
    • The FlutterNetwork instance automatically handles the authentication token for protected API calls, eliminating the need to pass it multiple times during initialization.
  5. Dependency Management:

    • Utilizes popular packages like dio, dio_smart_retry, dio_cache_interceptor, and dio_cache_interceptor_hive_store.
  6. Customizable:

    • Can be easily customized to suit your application's specific requirements.

Dependencies: #

  • dio: 5.3.3
  • dio_smart_retry: 6.0.0
  • dio_cache_interceptor: 3.4.4
  • dio_cache_interceptor_hive_store: 3.2.1
  • pretty_dio_logger: 1.3.1

network.dart #

This file serves as the entry point for the networking module and exports relevant components.

Exported Components: #

  • FlutterNetwork: A class responsible for making HTTP requests. It supports different HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE.

  • Failure: An abstract class representing different types of failure responses from the server. Various concrete classes like BadRequest, Unauthorized, etc., extend this class.

How to Use #

  1. Import the networking module in your Dart files:

    import 'package:network/flutter_network.dart';
  2. Create an instance of FlutterNetwork to make HTTP requests:

    FlutterNetwork flutterNetwork = FlutterNetwork(
      baseUrl: 'https://api.example.com',
      tokenCallBack: () {
       return Future.value();
  3. Use the flutterNetwork instance to make HTTP requests:

    Response<dynamic> response = await flutterNetwork.get(
      apiType: APIType.protected,
      data: {'requestBody': requestBody}  
      query: {'param': 'value'},

Feel free to customize the networking module to suit your application's requirements. Happy networking!

pub points


unverified uploader

This plugin provides networking capabilities for your Flutter application. It includes functionality for making various types of HTTP requests and handling API responses.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


cupertino_icons, dio, dio_cache_interceptor, dio_cache_interceptor_hive_store, dio_smart_retry, flutter, pretty_dio_logger


Packages that depend on flutter_network