flutter_network 1.0.0+2 copy "flutter_network: ^1.0.0+2" to clipboard
flutter_network: ^1.0.0+2 copied to clipboard

Network package contains a RestClient class which facilitates API handling.

Flutter Networking Module #

This module provides networking capabilities for your Flutter application. It includes functionality for making various types of HTTP requests and handling API responses. The module is organized into several files:

Dependencies: #

  • dio: 5.1.1
  • http_parser: 4.0.2
  • pretty_dio_logger: 1.3.1
  • logger: 1.1.0
  • internet_connection_checker: 1.0.0+1
  • equatable: 2.0.5

network.dart #

This file serves as the entry point for the networking module and exports relevant components.

Exported Components: #

  • RestClient: A class responsible for making HTTP requests. It supports different HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE.

  • Failure: An abstract class representing different types of failure responses from the server. Various concrete classes like BadRequest, Unauthorized, etc., extend this class.

  • PrettyDioLogger: A custom Dio interceptor that logs network requests and responses in a readable and organized format. It helps with debugging and understanding API interactions.

pretty_dio_logger.dart #

This file contains the implementation of the PrettyDioLogger class, which is a custom Dio interceptor for logging network requests and responses.

failures.dart #

This file defines different types of failure classes representing various HTTP error responses. Each class corresponds to a specific HTTP status code and includes information about the error, such as the error message and status code.

exception_message.dart #

This file contains a class ExceptionMessage with pre-defined error messages. It provides a central place for maintaining error messages that can be used throughout the networking module.

rest_client.dart #

This file contains the implementation of the RestClient class, which is responsible for making HTTP requests. It supports different HTTP methods, handles response parsing, and manages headers.

How to Use #

  1. Import the networking module in your Dart files:

    import 'package:network/flutter_network.dart';
  2. Create an instance of RestClient to make HTTP requests:

    RestClient restClient = RestClient(
      baseUrl: 'https://api.example.com',
      token: 'your_access_token',
  3. Use the restClient instance to make HTTP requests:

    Response<dynamic> response = await restClient.get(
      query: {'param': 'value'},
  4. Handle responses and errors using the relevant classes:

    Example Snippet (Clean Architecture): #

    P.S - Feel free to use any architecture of your liking

    Data Source #

    /// Interface Class
    abstract class ProductDataSource {
       Future<Response> fetchProductList();
       Future<Response> fetchProduct(int id);
    /// Implementation Class
    class ProductDataSourceImpl implements ProductDataSource {
          required this.client,
       final RestClient client;
       Future<Response> fetchProductList() async {
          return await client.get(
       Future<Response> fetchProduct(int id) async {
          return await client.get(

    Repository #

    /// Interface Class
    /// P.S. you can use Either from dartz library or you can use Records feature
    abstract class ProductRepository {
       Future<Either<ErrorModel, List<ProductModel>>> productList();
       Future<Either<ErrorModel, ProductModel>> product(int id);
    /// Implementation Class
    class ProductRepositoryImpl implements ProductRepository {
       ProductRepositoryImpl({required this.dataSource});
       final ProductDataSource dataSource;
       Future<Either<ErrorModel, List<ProductModel>>> productList() async {
          return await dataSource.fetchProductList().guard(
                (data) => (data as List).map((e) {
                   return ProductModel.fromJson(e);
       Future<Either<ErrorModel, ProductModel>> product(int id) async {
          return await dataSource
             .guard((data) => ProductModel.fromJson(data));

    Helper Extension to handle response and Error #

    extension FutureResponseExtension on Future<Response> {
       /// Use Either from dartz library or you can use Records feature
       /// ErrorModel can be any model of your choice
       Future<Either<ErrorModel, T>> guard<T>(Function(dynamic) parse) async {
          try {
             final response = await this;
             return Right(parse(response.data));
          } on Failure catch (e, stacktrace) {
             /// Feel free to change the log with any logger library of your choice
                error: {},
                stackTrace: stacktrace,
             ErrorModel errorModel = ErrorModel.fromJson(e.error);
             return Left(errorModel);

Feel free to customize the networking module to suit your application's requirements. Happy networking!

pub points


unverified uploader

Network package contains a RestClient class which facilitates API handling.

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unknown (LICENSE)


cupertino_icons, dio, equatable, flutter, http_parser, internet_connection_checker, logger, pretty_dio_logger


Packages that depend on flutter_network