flutter_flex_player 0.0.4 copy "flutter_flex_player: ^0.0.4" to clipboard
flutter_flex_player: ^0.0.4 copied to clipboard

A Flutter package to play video from youtube, vimeo, and direct video links with custom UI.

Flutter Flex Player #

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Flutter Flex Player is a Flutter package for playing videos. It provides a flexible video player widget that supports various video sources including assets, network, file, and YouTube. Built with Dart and Flutter, this package allows you to integrate video playback easily into your Flutter applications.

Features #

  • Play videos from assets, network URLs, files, and YouTube.
  • Customizable aspect ratio for video playback.
  • Fullscreen mode support.
  • Various player controls including play, pause, seek, volume, and playback speed.
  • Stream events for initialization, position changes, duration updates, and player state.

Installation #

Add flutter_flex_player to your pubspec.yaml file:

    sdk: flutter
  flutter_flex_player: ^1.0.0 # Replace with the latest version

Run flutter pub get to install the package.

Usage #

Import the Package #

import 'package:flutter_flex_player/flutter_flex_player.dart';
import 'package:flutter_flex_player/flutter_flex_player_controller.dart';
import 'package:flutter_flex_player/helpers/flex_player_sources.dart';

Create a Video Player Controller #

FlutterFlexPlayerController _controller = FlutterFlexPlayerController();

Initialize the Video Player #

In your widget's initState, load the video source:

void initState() {
    autoPlay: false,
    loop: true,

Build the Video Player Widget #

Use the FlutterFlexPlayer widget to display the player:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Scaffold(
    appBar: AppBar(
      title: const Text('VideoPlayerScreen'),
    body: Column(
      children: [
        const SizedBox(
          height: 50,

Classes and Methods #

FlutterFlexPlayerController #

  • load(FlexPlayerSource source, {bool autoPlay = false, bool loop = false}): Loads a video source.
  • play(): Plays the video.
  • pause(): Pauses the video.
  • stop(): Stops the video.
  • seekTo(Duration position): Seeks to a specific position in the video.
  • setVolume(double volume): Sets the volume of the video player.
  • setPlaybackSpeed(double speed): Sets the playback speed.
  • setLooping(bool looping): Enables or disables looping.
  • setMute(bool mute): Mutes or unmutes the video player.
  • dispose(): Disposes of the controller.
  • enterFullScreen(BuildContext context): Enters fullscreen mode.
  • exitFullScreen(BuildContext context): Exits fullscreen mode.
  • reload(): Reloads the current video.
  • setQuality(String quality): Sets the video quality.

FlexPlayerSource #

  • AssetFlexPlayerSource(String asset): Source for video assets.
  • NetworkFlexPlayerSource(String url): Source for network URLs.
  • FileFlexPlayerSource(File file): Source for local files.
  • YouTubeFlexPlayerSource(String videoId, {bool isLive = false, bool useIframe = false}): Source for YouTube videos.

Enums #

  • InitializationEvent: Represents the initialization state of the player.

    • initializing
    • initialized
    • uninitialized
  • PlayerState: Represents the state of the player.

    • playing
    • paused
    • stopped
    • buffering
    • ended

Example #

Check out the example directory for a complete example of how to use flutter_flex_player in a Flutter application.

Contributing #

Feel free to contribute to this package by submitting issues or pull requests.

Contact #

For any questions or feedback, please reach out to me@sunilflutter.in.

pub points


verified publishersunilflutter.in

A Flutter package to play video from youtube, vimeo, and direct video links with custom UI.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


audio_video_progress_bar, flutter, get, html, http, traffic_stats, video_player, youtube_explode_dart


Packages that depend on flutter_flex_player