flutter_feathersjs 4.1.5
flutter_feathersjs: ^4.1.5 copied to clipboard
Real-Time Flutter Apps, Powered by FeathersJS.
The road to the feathersjs headquarters https://feathersjs.com/
FlutterFeathersJs is a Flutter package designed to simplify the development of real-time applications using the FeathersJS Node framework. It provides an intuitive API and seamless integration between Flutter and FeathersJS, empowering developers to build powerful and responsive real-time applications with ease.
Features #
- Effortless Integration: Seamlessly connect your Flutter frontend with your FeathersJS backend using FlutterFeathersJs's simple and straightforward API.
- Real-Time Communication: Utilize FeathersJS's real-time capabilities to create dynamic and interactive Flutter applications.
- Authentication Support: Authenticate users using email/password or tokens, ensuring secure communication between your Flutter app and FeathersJS server.
- Socket.io or REST Client: Choose between Socket.io or REST client to suit your project's needs and communication preferences.
- Event Handling: Leverage FeathersJS's event-driven architecture to handle real-time events and updates efficiently.
- Scalable and Reliable: Benefit from FeathersJS's scalability options and FlutterFeathersJs's robust design to build reliable real-time applications.
Installation #
To start using FlutterFeathersJs, add it to your project's pubspec.yaml
flutter_feathersjs: ^latest_version
Replace latest_version
with the latest version of FlutterFeathersJs available on pub.dev.
Then, run the following command in your project's root directory:
flutter pub get
Getting Started #
To get started with FlutterFeathersJs, follow these steps:
Import the FlutterFeathersJs package into your Flutter project:
import 'package:flutter_feathersjs/flutter_feathersjs.dart';
Initialize FlutterFeathersJs as a single instance:
const BASE_URL = "https://your-feathersjs-server.com"; // Use tools like get_it to initialize FlutterFeathersJs globally across your app FlutterFeathersjs flutterFeathersjs = FlutterFeathersjs()..init(baseUrl: BASE_URL);
Authenticate a user using email/password:
var response = await flutterFeathersjs.authenticate(userName: user["email"], password: user["password"]); print(response);
Re-authenticate with a token:
var response = await flutterFeathersjs.reAuthenticate(); print(response);
Get the authenticated user:
var response = await flutterFeathersjs.user(); print(response);
For more detailed usage examples and API documentation, please refer to the FlutterFeathersJs documentation.
Configure and Use Socket.io or REST Client #
To configure and use either the Socket.io or REST client, follow the examples below:
Socket.io Client #
FlutterFeathersjs socketIOClient = FlutterFeathersjs();
IO.Socket io = IO.io(BASE_URL);
// Authenticate with Socket.io client
var response = await socketIOClient.authenticate(userName: user["email"], password: user["password"]);
// Re-authenticate with Socket.io client
var reAuthResponse = await socketIOClient.reAuthenticate();
// Create a message using Socket.io standalone client
var ioResponse = await socketIOClient.service('messages').create({"text": 'A new message'});
// Get the authenticated user
var userResponse = await socketIOClient.user();
REST Client #
FlutterFeathersjs restClient = FlutterFeathersjs();
Dio dio = Dio(BaseOptions(baseUrl: BASE_URL));
// Authenticate user using REST client
var response = await restClient.authenticate(userName: user["email"], password: user["password"]);
// Re-authenticate user using REST client
var reAuthResponse = await restClient.reAuthenticate();
// Call service using REST client
var restResponse = await restClient.service('messages').create({"text": 'A new message'});
// Get the authenticated user
var user = await restClient.user();
Contributing #
Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please create a new issue on the issue tracker. Pull requests are also appreciated.
Before contributing, please review our contribution guidelines.
License #
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
If you find FlutterFeathersJs useful, consider giving it a star on GitHub and sharing it with your friends and colleagues. Happy coding!