flutter_code_editor 0.2.8 copy "flutter_code_editor: ^0.2.8" to clipboard
flutter_code_editor: ^0.2.8 copied to clipboard

A customizable code field supporting syntax highlighting and code folding.


Examples #

The single example project contains multiple main.dart files: https://github.com/akvelon/flutter-code-editor/tree/main/example

Run any of them for the specific example app.

01.minimal #


This is the minimal example that uses CodeController with an ordinary TextField.

Run this: https://github.com/akvelon/flutter-code-editor/tree/main/example/lib/01.minimal

02.code_field #


CodeField widget adds a gutter, code folding, and basic autocompletion.

Run this: https://github.com/akvelon/flutter-code-editor/tree/main/example/lib/02.code_field

03.change_language_theme #


This example shows how to change language and theme dynamically.

Run this: https://github.com/akvelon/flutter-code-editor/tree/main/example/lib/03.change_language_theme