flutter_accurascan_kyc 4.1.0 copy "flutter_accurascan_kyc: ^4.1.0" to clipboard
flutter_accurascan_kyc: ^4.1.0 copied to clipboard

This package is for digital user verification system powered by Accura Scan.

Flutter Accura Scan KYC #

Accura Scan OCR is used for Optical character recognition.

Accura Scan Face Match is used for Matching 2 Faces, Source face and Target face. It matches the User Image from a Selfie vs User Image in document.

Accura Scan Authentication is used for your customer verification and authentication. Unlock the True Identity of Your Users with 3D Selfie Technology

Below steps to setup Accura Scan's SDK to your project.

Note:- #

Add flutter_accurascan_kyc under dependencies in your pubspec.yaml file. Usage Import flutter library into file. import 'package:flutter_accurascan_kyc/flutter_accurascan_kyc.dart';

1.Setup Android #

Add this permissions into Android’s AndroidManifest.xml file.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera" />
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera.autofocus" />

Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories.

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io/' }
        maven { url 'https://developer.huawei.com/repo/' } // Add Huawei Maven
        maven {
            url 'https://jitpack.io'
            credentials { username 'jp_ssguccab6c5ge2l4jitaj92ek2' }

Add it in your app/build.gradle file.

packagingOptions {
   pickFirst 'lib/arm64-v8a/libcrypto.so'
   pickFirst 'lib/arm64-v8a/libssl.so'
   pickFirst 'lib/armeabi-v7a/libcrypto.so'
   pickFirst 'lib/armeabi-v7a/libssl.so'
   pickFirst 'lib/x86/libcrypto.so'
   pickFirst 'lib/x86/libssl.so'
   pickFirst 'lib/x86_64/libcrypto.so'
   pickFirst 'lib/x86_64/libssl.so'

2.Setup iOS #

1.Install Git LFS using command install git-lfs

2.Run pod install

Add this permissions into iOS Info.plist file.

<string>App usage camera for scan documents.</string>
<string>App usage photos for get document picture.</string>
<string>App usage photos for save document picture.</string>

3.Setup Accura Scan licenses into your projects #

Accura Scan has two license require for use full functionality of this library. Generate your own Accura license from here key.license

This license is compulsory for this library to work. it will get all setup of accura SDK.


This license is use for get face match percentages between two face pictures.

For Android

Create "assets" folder under app/src/main and Add license file in to assets folder.
- key.license // for Accura Scan OCR
- accuraface.license // for Accura Scan Face Match
Generate your Accura Scan license from https://accurascan.com/developer/dashboard

For iOS

Place both the license in your project's Runner directory, and add the licenses to the target.

4.Get license configuration from SDK. It returns all active functionalities of your license. #

Setting up License #

  Future<void> getMetaData() async{
    try {
      await AccuraOcr.getMetaData().then((value) =>
    }on PlatformException{}
    if (!mounted) return;

Error: String

Success: JSON String Response = {

countries: Array[

barcodes: Array[],

isValid: boolean,

isOCREnable: boolean,

isBarcodeEnable: boolean,

isBankCardEnable: boolean,

isMRZEnable: boolean


Setting up Configuration's,Error mssages and Scaning title messages #

  Future<void> setAccuraConfig() async{
    try {
      await AccuraOcr.setFaceBlurPercentage(80);
      await AccuraOcr.setHologramDetection(true);
      await AccuraOcr.setLowLightTolerance(10);
      await AccuraOcr.setMotionThreshold(25);
      await AccuraOcr.setMinGlarePercentage(6);
      await AccuraOcr.setMaxGlarePercentage(99);
      await AccuraOcr.setBlurPercentage(60);

      await AccuraOcr.SCAN_TITLE_OCR_FRONT("Scan Front side of ");
      await AccuraOcr.SCAN_TITLE_OCR_BACK("Scan Back side of ");
      await AccuraOcr.SCAN_TITLE_OCR("Scan ");
      await AccuraOcr.SCAN_TITLE_MRZ_PDF417_FRONT("Scan Front Side of Document");
      await AccuraOcr.SCAN_TITLE_MRZ_PDF417_BACK("Scan Back Side of Document");
      await AccuraOcr.SCAN_TITLE_DLPLATE("Scan Number plate");
      await AccuraOcr.SCAN_TITLE_BARCODE("Scan Barcode");
      await AccuraOcr.SCAN_TITLE_BANKCARD("Scan BankCard");

      await AccuraOcr.ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_MOTION("Keep Document Steady");
      await AccuraOcr.ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_DOCUMENT_IN_FRAME("Keep document in frame");
      await AccuraOcr.ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_BRING_DOCUMENT_IN_FRAME("Bring card near to frame");
      await AccuraOcr.ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_PROCESSING("Processing");
      await AccuraOcr.ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_BLUR_DOCUMENT("Blur detect in document");
      await AccuraOcr.ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_FACE_BLUR("Blur detected over face");
      await AccuraOcr.ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_GLARE_DOCUMENT("Glare detect in document");
      await AccuraOcr.ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_HOLOGRAM("Hologram Detected");
      await AccuraOcr.ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_DARK_DOCUMENT("Low lighting detected");
      await AccuraOcr.ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_PHOTO_COPY_DOCUMENT("Can not accept Photo Copy Document");
      await AccuraOcr.ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_FACE("Face not detected");
      await AccuraOcr.ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_MRZ("MRZ not detected");
      await AccuraOcr.ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_PASSPORT_MRZ("Passport MRZ not detected");
      await AccuraOcr.ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_ID_MRZ("ID MRZ not detected");
      await AccuraOcr.ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_VISA_MRZ("Visa MRZ not detected");
      await AccuraOcr.ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_UPSIDE_DOWN_SIDE("Document is upside down. Place it properly");
      await AccuraOcr.ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_WRONG_SIDE("Scanning wrong side of Document");
      await AccuraOcr.CameraScreen_CornerBorder_Enable(false);
      await AccuraOcr.CameraScreen_Border_Width(15);
      await AccuraOcr.isShowLogo(0);
      await AccuraOcr.isFlipImg(1);

      await AccuraOcr.CameraScreen_Color("#80000000");   //Pass empty string for clear color else pass the Hex code e.g, #FFFFFF.
      await AccuraOcr.CameraScreen_Back_Button(1); //For iOS disable the back button by Passing 0.
      await AccuraOcr.CameraScreen_Change_Button(1); //To disable flip camera button pass 0.
      await AccuraOcr.CameraScreen_Frame_Color("#D5323F"); //Pass a Hex Code to change the color of the frame.
      await AccuraOcr.CameraScreen_Text_Border_Color("#000000"); //Pass a Hex Code to change the color of the text border pass empty string to disable it.
      await AccuraOcr.CameraScreen_Text_Color("#FFFFFF"); //Pass a Hex Code to change the color of the text.

      await AccuraOcr.setAccuraConfigs().then((value) => {

    }on PlatformException{}

5.Method for scan MRZ documents. #

Future<void> startMRZ() async {
try {
var config = [
await AccuraOcr.startMRZ(config)
    .then((value) => {
    dynamic result = json.decode(value);
}).onError((error, stackTrace) => {
} on PlatformException {}

MRZType: String

value: other_mrz or passport_mrz or id_mrz or visa_mrz

Success: JSON Response {

front_data: JSONObjects?,

back_data: JSONObjects?,

type: Recognition Type,

face: URI?

front_img: URI?

back_img: URI?


Error: String

6.Method for scan OCR documents. #

Future<void> startOCR() async {
try {
var config = [
await AccuraOcr.startOcrWithCard(config)
    .then((value) =>
  setState(() {
    dynamic result = json.decode(value);
    .onError((error, stackTrace) =>
} on PlatformException {}

CountryId: integer

value: Id of selected country.

CardId: integer

value: Id of selected card.

CardName: String

value: Name of selected card.

CardType: integer

value: Type of selected card.

Success: JSON Response { }

Error: String

7.Method for scan barcode. #

Future<void> startBarcode() async{
var config= barcodeSelected;
await AccuraOcr.startBarcode([config]).then((value) => {
  dynamic result = json.decode(value);

BarcodeType: String

value: Type of barcode documents.

Success: JSON Response { }

Error: String

8.Method for scan bankcard. #

Future<void> startBankCard() async{

await AccuraOcr.startBankCard().then((value) => {
    dynamic result = json.decode(value);
}on PlatformException{}

Success: JSON Response { }

Error: String

8.Method for get face match percentages between two face. #

Future<void> startFaceMatch() async{
var accuraConfs = {

   await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedbackTextSize(18);
   await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackframeMessage("Frame Your Face");
   await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackAwayMessage("Move Phone Away");
   await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackOpenEyesMessage("Keep Your Eyes Open");
   await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackCloserMessage("Move Phone Closer");
   await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackCenterMessage("Move Phone Center");
   await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedbackMultipleFaceMessage("Multiple Face Detected");
   await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackFaceSteadymessage("Keep Your Head Straight");
   await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackLowLightMessage("Low light detected");
   await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackBlurFaceMessage("Blur Detected Over Face");
   await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackGlareFaceMessage("Glare Detected");
   await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchBlurPercentage(80);
   await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchGlarePercentage_0(-1);
   await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchGlarePercentage_1(-1);

   await AccuraFacematch.startFaceMatch([accuraConfs])
    .then((value) => {
    dynamic result = json.decode(value);
}).onError((error, stackTrace) => {
}on PlatformException{}

accuraConfs: JSON Object

face_uri: URI

Success: JSON Response { detect: URI? score: Float }

Error: String

9.Method for liveness check. #

Future<void> startLiveness() async{
var accuraConfs = {

   await AccuraLiveness.setLivenessFeedbackTextSize(18);
   await AccuraLiveness.setLivenessFeedBackframeMessage("Frame Your Face");
   await AccuraLiveness.setLivenessFeedBackAwayMessage("Move Phone Away");
   await AccuraLiveness.setLivenessFeedBackOpenEyesMessage("Keep Your Eyes Open");
   await AccuraLiveness.setLivenessFeedBackCloserMessage("Move Phone Closer");
   await AccuraLiveness.setLivenessFeedBackCenterMessage("Move Phone Closer");
   await AccuraLiveness.setLivenessFeedbackMultipleFaceMessage("Multiple Face Detected");
   await AccuraLiveness.setLivenessFeedBackFaceSteadymessage("Keep Your Head Straight");
   await AccuraLiveness.setLivenessFeedBackBlurFaceMessage("Blur Detected Over Face");
   await AccuraLiveness.setLivenessFeedBackGlareFaceMessage("Glare Detected");
   await AccuraLiveness.setLivenessBlurPercentage(80);
   await AccuraLiveness.setLivenessGlarePercentage_0(-1);
   await AccuraLiveness.setLivenessGlarePercentage_1(-1);
   await AccuraLiveness.setLivenessFeedBackLowLightMessage("Low light detected");
   await AccuraLiveness.setLivenessfeedbackLowLightTolerence(39);
   await AccuraLiveness.setLivenessURL("You Liveness Url");

   await AccuraLiveness.startLiveness([accuraConfs])
    .then((value) => {
    dynamic result = json.decode(value);
}).onError((error, stackTrace) => {
}on PlatformException{}

accuraConfs: JSON Object

face_uri: 'uri of face'

Success: JSON Response {

detect: URI?,

Face_score: Float,

score: Float,


Error: String

10.Method for Only Facematch.(The following are Optional methods, Use if you need only FaceMatch) #

For gallery 1

Future<void> openGallery() async{
   var accuraConfs = {
     "face1": this.facematchURI,
     "face2": this.facematchURI2

   await AccuraOcr.getGallery1([accuraConfs]).then((value) => {
     setState(() {
       _result = json.decode(value);
       facematchURI = _result["Image"];
         Score = _result["score"];
       print("RESULT:- $_result");
   }).onError((error, stackTrace)=>{});
 } on PlatformException {}
 if(!mounted) return;

For gallery 2

  Future<void> openGallery2() async{
      var accuraConfs = {
        "face1": this.facematchURI,
        "face2": this.facematchURI2
      await AccuraOcr.getGallery2([accuraConfs]).then((value) => {
        setState(() {
          _result = json.decode(value);
          facematchURI2 = _result["Image"];
            Score = _result["score"];
          print("RESULT:- $_result");
      }).onError((error, stackTrace)=>{});
    } on PlatformException {}
    if(!mounted) return;

To Open Camera for Facematch 1 and 2: #

For Facematch 1:

  Future<void> openCamera() async{
      var accuraConfs = {
        "face1": this.facematchURI,
        "face2": this.facematchURI2
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedbackTextSize(18);
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackframeMessage("Frame Your Face");
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackAwayMessage("Move Phone Away");
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackOpenEyesMessage("Keep Your Eyes Open");
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackCloserMessage("Move Phone Closer");
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackCenterMessage("Move Phone Center");
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedbackMultipleFaceMessage("Multiple Face Detected");
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackFaceSteadymessage("Keep Your Head Straight");
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackLowLightMessage("Low light detected");
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackBlurFaceMessage("Blur Detected Over Face");
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackGlareFaceMessage("Glare Detected");
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchBlurPercentage(80);
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchGlarePercentage_0(-1);
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchGlarePercentage_1(-1);

      await AccuraFacematch.getCamera1([accuraConfs]).then((value) => {
        setState(() {
          _result = json.decode(value);
          facematchURI = _result["Image"];
            Score = _result["score"];
          print("RESULT:- $_result");
    } on PlatformException {}
    if(!mounted) return;

For Facematch 2

  Future<void> openCamera2() async{
      var accuraConfs = {
        "face1": this.facematchURI,
        "face2": this.facematchURI2

      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedbackTextSize(18);
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackframeMessage("Frame Your Face");
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackAwayMessage("Move Phone Away");
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackOpenEyesMessage("Keep Your Eyes Open");
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackCloserMessage("Move Phone Closer");
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackCenterMessage("Move Phone Center");
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedbackMultipleFaceMessage("Multiple Face Detected");
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackFaceSteadymessage("Keep Your Head Straight");
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackLowLightMessage("Low light detected");
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackBlurFaceMessage("Blur Detected Over Face");
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchFeedBackGlareFaceMessage("Glare Detected");
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchBlurPercentage(80);
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchGlarePercentage_0(-1);
      await AccuraFacematch.setFaceMatchGlarePercentage_1(-1);

      await AccuraFacematch.getCamera2([accuraConfs]).then((value) => {
        setState(() {
          _result = json.decode(value);
          facematchURI2 = _result["Image"];
            Score = _result["score"];
          print("RESULT:- $_result");
    } on PlatformException {}
    if(!mounted) return;

accuraConfs: JSON Object

Face1: 'uri of face1'

Face2: ’uri of face2’

Success: JSON Response {

Image: URI?,

score: String, }

Error: String

Contributing See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.

License: MIT

pub points


unverified uploader

This package is for digital user verification system powered by Accura Scan.



API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, plugin_platform_interface


Packages that depend on flutter_accurascan_kyc