flutter_3d_controller 2.0.2 copy "flutter_3d_controller: ^2.0.2" to clipboard
flutter_3d_controller: ^2.0.2 copied to clipboard

The most complete Flutter package for rendering interactive 3D models in various formats (GLB, GLTF, OBJ, FBX), with the ability to control animations, textures, camera, and more.

Stable versions of flutter_3d_controller

VersionMin Dart SDKUploadedDocumentationArchive
2.0.2Null safety3.09 days agoGo to the documentation of flutter_3d_controller 2.0.2Download flutter_3d_controller 2.0.2 archive
2.0.1Null safety3.017 days agoGo to the documentation of flutter_3d_controller 2.0.1Download flutter_3d_controller 2.0.1 archive
2.0.0Null safety3.019 days agoDownload flutter_3d_controller 2.0.0 archive
1.3.1Null safety3.04 months agoGo to the documentation of flutter_3d_controller 1.3.1Download flutter_3d_controller 1.3.1 archive
1.3.0Null safety3.06 months agoDownload flutter_3d_controller 1.3.0 archive
1.2.1Null safety3.010 months agoDownload flutter_3d_controller 1.2.1 archive
1.2.0Null safety3.010 months agoDownload flutter_3d_controller 1.2.0 archive
1.1.0Null safety3.011 months agoDownload flutter_3d_controller 1.1.0 archive
1.0.3Null safety3.011 months agoDownload flutter_3d_controller 1.0.3 archive
1.0.0Null safety3.011 months agoDownload flutter_3d_controller 1.0.0 archive

Retracted versions of flutter_3d_controller

VersionMin Dart SDKUploadedDocumentationArchive
1.0.2Null safety3.011 months agoDownload flutter_3d_controller 1.0.2 archive
1.0.1Null safety3.011 months agoDownload flutter_3d_controller 1.0.1 archive
0.0.2Null safety3.011 months agoDownload flutter_3d_controller 0.0.2 archive
0.0.1Null safety3.011 months agoDownload flutter_3d_controller 0.0.1 archive
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verified publishermobilesoft98.dev

The most complete Flutter package for rendering interactive 3D models in various formats (GLB, GLTF, OBJ, FBX), with the ability to control animations, textures, camera, and more.

Repository (GitHub)
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#model-viewer #models3d #models-3d #objects-3d #viewer-3d


API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, http, path, vector_math, webview_flutter, webview_flutter_android, webview_flutter_wkwebview


Packages that depend on flutter_3d_controller