flutter_3d_controller 2.1.0
flutter_3d_controller: ^2.1.0 copied to clipboard
The most complete Flutter package for rendering interactive 3D models in various formats (GLB, GLTF, OBJ, FBX), with the ability to control animations, textures, camera, and more.
v2.1.0 #
v2.0.1 #
Fixes #
- Fix internet permission in example's android manifest
- Add internet permission guide for android in readme
- Fix flutter.embedded permission in example's iOS info.plist
v2.0.0 #
Features #
- Gesture interceptor feature for android and iOS
- Load .obj 3d models with mtl and textures from asset and url
- Controller model loading value listener
- Initial scale and camera properties for .obj models
- Model loading states callbacks, onProgress, onLoad and onError
- Stop animation method
- Enable/disable touch control properties
- Update core modules
Fixes #
- Fix some small bugs
- Fix example
- Update dependencies
- Improve exception handling
v1.2.1 #
Features #
- Mobile and Web stable version (support glb & gltf format)
- Play animation
- Switch between animations
- Pause animation
- Reset animation
- Get available animation list
- Switch between textures
- Get available texture list
- Set camera target
- Reset camera target
- Set camera orbit
- Reset camera orbit
Fixes #
- Some improvements
- Fix readme file
- Reduce Sample size
- Fix Dart Analyse warnings
v1.2.0 #
Features #
- Mobile and Web stable version (support glb & gltf format)
- Play animation
- Switch between animations
- Pause animation
- Reset animation
- Get available animation list
- Switch between textures
- Get available texture list
- Set camera target
- Reset camera target
- Set camera orbit
- Reset camera orbit
Fixes #
- Some improvements
- Fix readme file