fireflutter 0.3.7
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A free, open source, complete, rapid development package for creating Social apps, Chat apps, Community(Forum) apps, Shopping mall apps, and much more based on Firebase.
FireFlutter #
A free, open source, complete, rapid development package for creating Social apps, Chat apps, Community(Forum) apps, Shopping mall apps, and much more based on Firebase
- FireFlutter
- Installation
- Usage
- Widgets
- Chat Feature
- User
- Upload
- Push notifications
- Following and Follower
- Customization
- Admin
- Translation
- Unit Testing
- Developer
- Contribution
Overview #
- We don't use
since the field should be dynamically added or edited. And the model class has not only the json serialized data, but also basic functionalities for the model.
Features #
- User management
- Chat
- Forum
- Push notification
Getting started #
If you want to build an app using FireFlutter, the best way is to copy codes from the example project.
Installation #
Please follow the instructions below to install the fireflutter.
Install the easy extension #
We built a firebase extension for the easy management of firebase and fireflutter is using this extension. Install the latest version of easy-extension.
Install cloud functions #
Since the firebase extension does not support sending push notification with node.js SDK, we just made it as cloud function. To install,
cd firebase/cloud-functions/functions
npm i
firebase use add <project>
firebase run deploy
Security rules #
Security rules are under /firebase/firestore/firestore.rules
Copy the security rules of fireflutter and paste it in your firebase project. You may need to copy only the parts of the necessary security rules.
Security rule for admin #
You can add your uid (or other user's uid) to the adminUIDs
variable in isAdmin
function in the security rule. With this way, you don't have to pay extra money for validating the user is admin or not.
function isAdmin() {
let adminUIDs = ['root', 'admin', 'CYKk5Q79AmYKQEzw8A95UyEahiz1'];
return request.auth.uid in adminUIDs || request.auth.token.admin == true;
Once the admin is set, you can customize your security rules to restrict some docuemnts to write access from other users. By doing this way, you can add sub-admin(s) from client app (without editing the security rules on every time when you add subadmin)
For instance, you may write security rules like below and add the uids of sub-admin users. then, add a security rule function to check if the user is sub-admin.
/setttings/sub-admins {
allow read, write: if isAdmin();
function isSubAdmin() {
Cloud functions #
Instead of building and managing cloud functions code, we choose to use it as firebase extension. The easy-extension
has all the functions that fireflutter needs. See the Install the easy extension.
All cloud functions must go under firebase/cloud-functions/functions
Admin settings #
See the Security rules for admin chapter to set admin in the security rules. After this, you can set the isAdmin
field to true on the admin's user document.
Setup the base code #
Fireflutter has many features and each feature has a signleton service class. You need to initialize each of the singleton on yor needs.
Since, fireflutter uses snackbars, it needs global key (or global build context). Put the global key into the FireFlutterService.instance.init(context: ...)
. If you are not going to use the global key, you may not need to initialzie it like when you are only doing unit test.
For instance, if you are using go_route, you can pass the global build context like below.
UserService.instance.init(adminUid: 'xxx');
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((timeStamp) {
FireFlutterService.instance.init(context: router.routerDelegate.navigatorKey.currentContext!);
If you are using the flutter's default Navigator
for routing, define the global key like below first,
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
GlobalKey<NavigatorState> globalNavigatorKey = GlobalKey();
BuildContext get globalContext => globalNavigatorKey.currentContext as BuildContext;
Then connect it to MaterialApp like below
navigatorKey: globalNavigatorKey,
Then, store the global context into fireflutter like below
class _MainWidgetState extends State<MainWidget> {
int value = 0;
void initState() {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((timeStamp) {
FireFlutterService.instance.init(context: globalContext);
By defualt, feed feature is disabled. To use feed features, add the following in app widget.
FeedService.instance.init(enable: true);
Usage #
UserService #
is null when
- the user didn't log in
- when the user is logged in and has document, but the
has not read the user document, yet. In this case it simply needs to wait sometime.
is false if the user has logged in but no document. In this case, the documentNotExistBuilder
of UserDoc
will be called.
So, the lifecyle will be the following when the app users UserDoc
will be null on app bootUserService.instance.nullableUser
will have an instance ofUser
- If the user document does not exists,
will befalse
to be called. - If the user document exsist, then it will have right data and
will be called.
- If the user document does not exists,
Right way of getting a user document.
UserService.instance.get(UserService.instance.uid).then((user) => ...);
The UserService.instance.user
or UserService.instance.docuemntChanges
may be null when the user document is being loaded on app boot. So, the better way to get the user's document for sure is to use UserService.instance.get
You cannot use my
until the UserService is initialized and UserService.instance.user
is available. Or you will see null check operator used on a null value.
ChatService #
How to open 1:1 chat room #
Call the showChatRoom
method anywhere with user model.
ChatService.instance.showChatRoom(context: context, user: user);
How to display chat room menu #
By default, it has a full screen dialog with default buttons. Since all apps have difference features and design, you will need to customize it or rebuild it. But see the code inside and copy and paste them into your project.
How to show chat room dialog.
context: context,
pageBuilder: (context, _, __) => Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('Invite User'),
body: ChatRoomUserInviteDialog(room: room),
Customizing the chat header #
You can build your own chat header like below.
ChatService.instance.customize.chatRoomAppBarBuilder = (room) => MomCafeChatRoomAppBar(room: room);
Widgets #
The widgets in fireflutter can be a small piece of UI representation or it can be a full screen dialog.
The file names and the class names of the widgets must match.
The user widgets are inside
and the file name is in the form ofuser.xxxx.dart
. And it goes the same to chat and forum.
EmailLoginForm #
Use this widget for creating and logging-in with email/password. This widget is designed for test use.
UserDoc #
To display user's profile photo, use like below. See the comment for the details.
builder: (user) => UserProfileAvatar(
user: user,
size: 38,
shadowBlurRadius: 0.0,
onTap: () => context.push(ProfileScreen.routeName),
defaultIcon: const FaIcon(FontAwesomeIcons.lightCircleUser, size: 38),
backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.inversePrimary,
documentNotExistBuilder: () {
// Create user document if not exists.
return const SizedBox.shrink();
Avatar #
This is a similiar widget of the CircleAvatar
in Material UI.
Avatar(url: ''),
UserAvatar #
To display user's profile photo, use UserAvatar
Not that, UserAvatar
does not update the user photo in realtime. So, you may need to give a key when you want it to dsiplay new photo url.
user: user,
size: 120,
UserProfileAvatar #
To let user update or delete the profile photo, use like below.
user: user,
size: 120,
upload: true,
delete: true,
User List View #
Use this widget to list users. By default, it will list all users. This widget can also be used to search users by filtering a field with a string value.
This widget is a list view that has a ListTile
in each item. So, it supports the properties of ListView
and ListTile
at the same time.
searchText: 'nameValue',
field: 'name',
Example of complete code for displaying the UserListView
in a dialog with search box
onPressed() async {
final user = await showGeneralDialog<User>(
context: context,
pageBuilder: (context, _, __) {
TextEditingController search = TextEditingController();
return StatefulBuilder(builder: (context, setState) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.inversePrimary,
title: const Text('Find friends'),
body: Container(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20),
child: Column(
children: [
controller: search,
decoration: const InputDecoration(
border: OutlineInputBorder(),
labelText: 'Search',
onSubmitted: (value) => setState(() => search.text = value),
child: UserListView(
key: ValueKey(search.text),
searchText: search.text,
field: 'name',
avatarBuilder: (user) => const Text('Photo'),
titleBuilder: (user) => Text(user?.uid ?? ''),
subtitleBuilder: (user) => Text(user?.phoneNumber ?? ''),
trailingBuilder: (user) => const Icon(Icons.add),
onTap: (user) => context.pop(user),
Chat Feature #
Welcome message #
To send a welcome chat message to a user who just registered, use UserService.instance.sendWelcomeMessage
. See details on the comments of the source.
No of new message #
We save the no of new messages of each users in RTDB. If we save the no of new messages of all users of the room in the chat room document like { noOfNewMessages: { uid-A: 1, uid-B 2, ... }}
, there will be performance issue and it will cost more. The problem is the chat room must be listened as a stream for realtime update. And if a user chats there are other users who read. Everytime a user reads a messgae, the chat room docuemnt will be fetched for every user with no reason. This is jus tan extra cost. So, we put the number of new messages under /chats/{roomId}/noOfNewMessages/{uid}
in RTDB.
Chat Room List #
The beginning point would be chat room list screen.
- On the chat room list screen, you can display chat room create icon and the login user's chat room list.
Follow the setup first.
You can display chat room list like below
final ChatRoomListViewController controller = ChatRoomListViewController();
controller: controller,
You can customsize the chat room item in the list like below. You can replace the ChatRoomListTile
or you can customize the onTap behavior.
singleChatOnly: true,
controller: controller,
itemBuilder: (context, room) => ChatRoomListTile(
room: room,
onTap: () => controller.showChatRoom(context: context, room: room),
Create a chat room #
- To create a chat room, add a button and display
widget. You may copy the code fromChatRoomCreate
and apply your own design.
class _ChatRoomListreenState extends State<ChatRoomListSreen> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('Easy Chat Room List'),
actions: [
onPressed: () async {
context: context,
builder: (_) => ChatRoomCreate(
success: (room) {
if (context.mounted) {
controller.showChatRoom(context: context, room: room);
cancel: () => Navigator.of(context).pop(),
error: () => const ScaffoldMessenger(child: Text('Error creating chat room')),
icon: const Icon(Icons.add),
- You need to create only one screen to use the easychat.
appBar: AppBar(
How to display a chat room #
- In the chat room, there should be a header, a message list view as a body, and message input box.
- To display the chat room, you need to have a chat room model.
- To have a chat room model, you need to create a chat room (probably a group chat).
- Then, you will get it on the app by accessing the database or you may compose it using
. - Then, pass the chat room model into the chat room (or you can compose a chat room manually with the chat room model.)
Additional information #
- Please create issues.
How to test & UI work Chat room screen # {
// Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute(builder: (_) => const ChatScreen()));
// How to test a chat room screen:
/// Open the chat room screen with a chat room for the UI work and testing.
builder: (_) => ExampleChatRoomScreen(
/// Get the chat room from the firestore and pass it to the screen for the test.
room: ChatRoomModel.fromMap(
id: 'mFpHRSZLCemCfC2B9Y3B',
map: {
'name': 'Test Chat Room',
Chat Room fields
master: [string]
is the master. root of the chat room.moderators: Array[uid]
is the [boolean]
- if true, it's group chat. otherwise it's 1:1 chatopen: [boolean]
- if true, any one in the room can invite and anyone can jogin (except if it's 1:1 chat). If it's false, no one can join except the invitation of master and moderators.createdAt: [timestamp|date]
is the time that the chat room created.users: Array[uid]
is the number of users.noOfNewMessages: Map<string, number>
- This contains the uid of the chat room users as key and the number of new messages as value.lastMessage: Map
is the last message in the room.createdAt: [timestamp|date]
is the time that the last message was sent.uid: [string]
is the sender Uidtext: [string]
is the text in the message
maximumNoOfUsers: [int]
is the maximum no of users in the group.
Chat Message fields
is the text message [Optional] - Optional, meaning, a message can be sent without the text.createdAt
is the time that the message was sent.uid
is the sender UidimageUrl [String]
is the image's URL added to the message. [Optional]fileUrl [String]
is the file's URL added to the message. [Optional]fileName
is the file name of the file fromfileUrl
. [Optional]
Counting no of new messages #
- We don't seprate the storage of the no of new message from the chat room document. We have thought about it and finalized that that is not worth. It does not have any money and the logic isn't any simple.
- noOfNewMessages will have the uid and no. like
{uid-a: 5, uid-b: 0, uid-c: 2}
- When somebody chats, increase the no of new messages except the sender.
- Wehn somebody receives a message in a chat room, make his no of new message to 0.
- When somebody enters the chat room, make his no of new message to 0.
Displaying chat rooms that has new message (unread messages) #
- Get whole list of chat room.
- Filter chat rooms that has 0 of noOfNewmessage of my uid.
1:1 Chat and Multi user chat #
1:1 chat room id must be consisted with
pattern in alphabetically sorted. -
When the login user taps on a chat room, it is considered that the user wants to enter the chat room. It may be a 1:1 chat or group chat.
- In this case, the app will deliver
as a prameter to chat room list screen and chat room list screen will open the chat room.
- In this case, the app will deliver
When the login user taps on a user, it means, the login user want to chat with the user. It will be only 1:1 chat.
- Int his case, the app will deliver
as a parameter to chat room list screen and chat room list screen will open the chat room. - When the login user taps on a user, the app must search if the 1:1 chat room exsits.
- If yes, enter the chat room,
- If not, create 1:1 chat room and put the two as a member of the chat room, and enter.
- Int his case, the app will deliver
When one of user in 1:1 chat invites another user, new group chat room will be created and the three users will be the starting members of the chat room.
- And the new chat room is a group chat room and more members would invited (without creating another chat room).
Any user in the chat room can invite other user unless it is password-locked.
Onlt the master can update the password.
means, the invitor will add theinvitee
's uid intousers
field.- It is same as
. If the user who wants to join the room, he will simply add his uid intousers
field. That's calledjoining
- It is same as
Any one can join the chat room if
/easychat/{id}/{ open: true }
.- 1:1 chat room must not have
{open: false}
- 1:1 chat room must not have
If a chat room has
{open: false}
, no body can join the room except the invitation of master and moderators. -
group chat room must have
{group: true, open: [boolean]}
. This is for searching purpose in Firestore.- For 1:1 chat room, it must be
{group: false, open: false}
. This is for searching purpose in Firestore.
- For 1:1 chat room, it must be
UI Customization #
UI can be customized
Chat room list #
- To list chat rooms, use the code below.
controller: controller,
itemBuilder: (context, room) {
return ListTile(
leading: const Icon(,
title: ChatRoomListTileName(
room: room,
style: const TextStyle(color:,
trailing: const Icon(Icons.chevron_right),
onTap: () {
controller.showChatRoom(context: context, room: room);
Chat Room Menu #
The chat room menu can be accessed by the Chat Room Menu Button. This will open the Chat Room Menu Screen.
room: chatRoomModel,
onUpdateRoomSetting: (updatedRoom) {
debugPrint("If a setting was updated. Setting: ${updatedRoom.toString()}");
The Chat Room Menu consists the following:
Invite User
This button opens a List View of users that can be invited to the group chat. To use Invite User Button for List View, follow the code:
room: chatRoomModel,
onInvite: (invitedUserUid) {
debugPrint("You have just invited a user with a uid of $invitedUserUid");
To programatically, invite a user, follow these codes:
updatedRoom = await EasyChat.instance.inviteUser(room: chatRoomModel, userUid: user.uid);
This can open the chat room settings. To use the button that opens the settings menu:
room: chatRoomModel,
onUpdateRoomSetting: (updatedRoom) {
debugPrint("Something was updated in the room. Setting ${updatedRoom.toString()}");
See Chat Room Settings for more details
This is a List View of the members of the group chat. The user can be marked as [Master], [Moderator] and/or [Blocked]. Tapping the user will open a Dialog that may show options for Setting as Moderator, or Blocking on the group.
Chat Room Settings #
Open Chat Room
This setting determines if the group chat is open or private. Open means anybody can join and invite. Private means only the master or moderators can invite. See the code below to use the Default List Tile.
room: chatRoomModel,
onToggleOpen: (updatedRoom) {
debugPrint('Updated Room Open Setting. Setting: ${}');
To programatically update the setting, follow the code below. It will return the room with updated setting.
updatedRoom = await EasyChat.instance.updateRoomSetting(
room: chatRoomModel,
setting: 'open',
value: updatedBoolValue,
Maximum Number of User
This number sets the limitation for the number of users in the chat room. If the current number of users is equal or more than this setting, it will not proceed on adding the user.
room: chatRoomModel,
onUpdateMaximumNoOfUsers: (updatedRoom) {
debugPrint('Updated Maximum number of Users Setting. Setting: ${updatedRoom.maximumNoOfUsers}');
To programatically update the setting, follow the code below. It will return the room with updated setting.
updatedRoom = await EasyChat.instance.updateRoomSetting(
room: chatRoomModel,
setting: 'maximumNoOfUsers',
value: updatedIntValue
Default Chat Room Name
The master can use this setting to set the default name of the Group Chat.
room: _roomState!,
onUpdateChatRoomName: (updatedRoom) {
To programatically update the default chat room name, follow the code below. It will return the room with updated setting.
updatedRoom = await EasyChat.instance.updateRoomSetting(
room: chatRoomModel,
setting: 'name',
value: updatedName
User #
is the code of user's authentication id code. This is used to save user's id code when the user uploaded his id card like passport and the AI (Firebase AI Extension) detect user's information and the verification succeed, the file path is being hsave in idVerificationCoce
. You may use it on your own purpose.
is a boolean field to indicate that the user completed updating his profile information.
is a boolean field to indicate that the user's identification has fully verified by the system. Note that, this is not secured by the rules as of now. Meaning, user can edit it by himself.
Like #
The Like function does the following
- When A likes B,
- A's uid is saved in B's
- A's uid is saved in B's
- When A likes(again or remove likes),
- A's uid is deleted from B's
- A's uid is deleted from B's
Note that, the user document fields are synced and it's slow, fireflutter saves the likes into the /users
in rtdb for the speed up.
- On the public profile screen of B, the number of likes will be displayed.
TODO; @thruthesky
Improvement needed here. Since the maximum size of a firestore document is limited in 1M bytes, saving likes
in the user document is not a good idea. Save it under seprated collection. It will not only solve the document size limit problem but also, it will work fast.
Favorite/Bookmark #
Bookmark is known to be Favorite
When A bookmarks on B's profile,
/favorites/A/{type: profile, uid: my_uid, otherUid: ..., createdAt: ..., }
will be saved.
When A bookmarks a post
/favorites/A/{type: post, uid: my_uid, postId: ..., createdAt: ..., }
will be created.
When A bookmarks a comment,
/favorites/A/{type: comment, uid: my_uid, commentId: ..., created: ... }
will be created.
When A wants to see the bookmarks, the app should display a screen to list the bookmarks by all, type, user, etc.
How to display icon #
Use FavoriteIcon
to display the icon.
otherUid: 'abc',
builder: (re) => FaIcon(re ? FontAwesomeIcons.solidHeart : FontAwesomeIcons.heartCirclePlus, size: 38),
Follow and Unfollow #
This method will make follow or unfollow the user of the [otherUid].
- If the login user is already following [otherUid] then, it will unfollow.
- If the login user is not following [otherUid] then, it will follow.
When it follows or unfollows,
- It will add or remove the [otherUid] in the login user's followings array.
- It will add or remove the login user's uid in the [otherUid]'s followers array.
Note that you may use it with or without the feed service. See the Feed Service
for the details on how to follow to see the posts of the users that you are following. But you can use it without the feed system.
Upload #
Photo upload #
You can upload photo like below. It will display a dialog to choose photo from photo gallery or camera.
final url = await StorageService.instance.upload(context: context);
The code below displays a button and do the file upload process.
onPressed: () async {
final url = await StorageService.instance.upload(
context: context,
progress: (p) => setState(() => progress = p),
complete: () => setState(() => progress = null),
print('url: $url');
if (url != null && mounted) {
setState(() {
icon: const Icon(
size: 36,
It has options like displaying a progressive percentage.
You can choose which media source you want to upload.
onPressed: () async {
final url = await StorageService.instance.upload(
context: context,
progress: (p) => setState(() => progress = p),
complete: () => setState(() => progress = null),
camera: PostService.instance.uploadFromCamera,
gallery: PostService.instance.uploadFromGallery,
file: PostService.instance.uploadFromFile,
if (url != null && mounted) {
setState(() {
icon: const Icon(
size: 36,
Push notifications #
Push notification tokens are saved under /users/{uid}/fcm_tokens/{token} { uid: ..., device_type: ..., fcm_token: ... }
. If the user didn't sign in, the token will not be saved.
The admin can send push notification to all the devices, or specific type/os through cloud function by creating a push notification document.
// init here
// while the app is close and notification arrive you can use this to do small work
// example are changing the badge count or informing backend.
onBackgroundMessage: onTerminatedMessage,
onForegroundMessage: (RemoteMessage message) {
onMessageOpenedFromTerminated: (message) {
// this will triggered when the notification on tray was tap while the app is closed
// if you change screen right after the app is open it display only white screen.
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((duration) {
// this will triggered when the notification on tray was tap while the app is open but in background state.
onMessageOpenedFromBackground: (message) {
onNotificationPermissionDenied: () {
// print('onNotificationPermissionDenied()');
onNotificationPermissionNotDetermined: () {
// print('onNotificationPermissionNotDetermined()');
Below shows how to search a user and send a push message to the user
AdminService.instance.showUserSearchDialog(context, onTap: (user) async {
final tokens = await Token.gets(uid: user.uid);
title: 'message title',
body: 'message body',
tokens: => e.fcmToken).toList(),
Customizing source #
You can limit the uploaded sources. You can choose camera, gallery, or files like below.
uploadFromCamera: true,
uploadFromGallery: true,
uploadFromFile: false,
uploadFromCamera: false,
uploadFromGallery: true,
uploadFromFile: false,
uploadFromCamera: true,
uploadFromGallery: false,
uploadFromFile: false,
Following and Follower #
When A follows B,
- B's uid will be added into
field of A's document. - And A's uid will be added into
field in B's document. - Get the last 20 posts of B and save title, content, photo, createAt into
in RTDB. - See the security rules for this logic.
- B's uid will be added into
When A unfollow B, all the relative data will be removed.
When A open's his wall(it could be home, profile or any screen), A can display the posts who he follows with
widget. -
To display the followers use
. -
To display the users who you follow, use
. -
A feed is a post that user can create on the forum in whatever category.
Feed listing logic #
is an action that I am following other user.followed
is an action that I am being followed by other user.followers
is a field that contains a list of uid that are follow me. For instance, C and D follow me. thenfollowers
will contain[C, D]
is a field that contains a list of uid that I am the one who follow other user. For instance, I follow E and F, thenfollowings
will contain[E, F]
Since the
filter is limited into 30 element, we cannot use it to query the posts offollowings
flowchart TD
When_Follow-->UpdateFollower[Update Follower]-->UpdateFollowing[Update Following]-->UpdateFeed[Get last 20 feed and save in rtdb]
NewFeed_From_Follower-->SaveNewFeedToAllFollower[Where there is a new feed, save all in all follower's feed list.]-->Push_Notification-->Messaging
flowchart TD
flowchart TD
How to follow #
Use FeedService.instance.follow
. This will produce a permission error if you are going to follow a user that you are already following.
How to unfollow #
Use FeedService.instance.unfollow
. This will produce a permission error if you try to unfollow a user that you are not following.
Customization #
supports full customization from the i18n to the complete UI.
Chat Customization #
The fireflutter gives full customization of the chat feature. It has a lot of widgets and texts to customize and they are nested deep inside the widget layers. So, the fireflutter lets developers to register the builder functions to display(customize) the widgets that are being used in deep place of the chat feature.
Registering the build functions do not cause any performance issues since it only registers the build functions at app booting time. It does not build any widgets while registering.
ChatService.instance.customize.chatRoomAppBarBuilder = (room) => MomCafeChatRoomAppBar(room: room);
Admin #
To set a user as an admin, put the user's uid into isAdmin()
in firestore security rules.
function isAdmin() {
let adminUIDs = ['xxx', 'oaCInoFMGuWUAvhqHE83gIpUxEw2'];
return request.auth.uid in adminUIDs || request.auth.token.admin == true;
Then, set isAdmin
to true in the user document.
Admin Widgets #
AdminUserListView #
Updating auth custom claims #
Required properties
{ command: 'update_custom_claims' }
- the command.{ uid: 'xxx' }
- the user's uid that the claims will be applied to.{ claims: { key: value, xxx: xxx, ... } }
- other keys and values for the claims.
example of document creation for update_custom claims
- Response
{ config: ... }
- the configuration of the extension{ response: { status: 'success' } }
- success respones{ response: { timestamp: xxxx } }
- the time that the executino had finished.{ response: { claims: { ..., ... } } }
- the claims that the user currently has. Not the claims that were requested for updating.
option only works withupdate_custom_claims
command.- When it is set to
, the claims of the user will be set to user's document. - By knowing user's custom claims,
- the app can know that if the user is admin or not.
- If the user is admin, then the app can show admin menu to the user.
- Security rules can work better.
- the app can know that if the user is admin or not.
- When it is set to
Disable user #
Disabling a user means that they can't sign in anymore, nor refresh their ID token. In practice this means that within an hour of disabling the user they can no longer have a request.auth.uid in your security rules.
- If you wish to block the user immediately, I recommend to run another command. Running
comand with{ disabled: true }
and you can add it on security rules. - Additionally, you can enable
set enable field on user document
to yes. This will adddisabled
field on user documents and you can search(list) users who are disabled.
- If you wish to block the user immediately, I recommend to run another command. Running
option only works withdisable_user
command.- When it is set to yes, the
field withtrue
will be set to user document. - Use this to know if the user is disabled.
- When it is set to yes, the
command: 'delete_user',
uid: '--user-uid--',
- Warning! Once a user changes his displayName and photoUrl,
must be called to update user information in easychat.
Translation #
I feel like the standard i18n feature is a bit heavy and searched for other i18n packages. And I decided to write a simple i18n code for fireflutter.
The i18n code is in lib/i18n/t.dart
By default, it supports English and you can change it to any language.
Here is an example of updating the translation.
tr.user.loginFirst = '로그인을 해 주세요.';
Unit Testing #
Testing on Local Emulators and Firebase #
- We do unit testing on both of local emulator and on real Firebase. It depends on how the test structure is formed.
Testing security rules #
Run the firebase emulators like the followings. Note that you will need to install and setup emulators if you didn't.
cd firebase/firestore
firebase emulators:start
Then, run all the test like below.
npm test
To run group of tests, specify folder name.
npm run mocha tests/rule-functions
npm run mocha tests/posts
To run a single test file, specify file name.
npm run mocha tests/posts/create.spec.js
npm run mocha tests/posts/likes.spec.js
Testing on real Firebase #
Test files are under
. This test files work with real Firebase. So, you may need provide a Firebase for test use.- You can run the emulator on the same folder where
resides, and run the tests on the same folder.
- You can run the emulator on the same folder where
To run the sample test,
npm run test:index
To run all the tests
npm run test
To run a test by specifying a test script,
npm run mocha -- tests/**/*.ts
npm run mocha -- tests/update_custom_claims/get_set.spec.ts
npm run mocha -- tests/update_custom_claims/update.spec.ts
Testing on Cloud Functions #
All of the cloud functions are tested directly on remote firebase (not in emulator). So, you need to save the account service in firebase/service-account.json
. The service account file is listed in .gitignore. So, It won't be added into git.
To run all the test,
cd firebase/functions
npm i
run test
To run a single test,
npm run mocha **/save-token*
npm run mocha **/save-token.test.ts
Developer #
Development Tips #
Most often, you would click, and click, and click over, and over again, and again to see what you have changed on the UI. Then, you change the UI again. And you would click, and click over again, and again, ... Yes, this is the reality.
To avoid this, you can display the UI part immediately after hot-restart (with keyboard shortcut) like below. This is merely a sample code. You can test any part of the app like below.
Below is an example of openning a chat room
context: context,
room: await Room.get('hQnhAosriiewigr4vWFx'),
Below is an example of openning a group chat room menu dialog.
I copied the Room
properties manually from the Firestore document and I edited some of the values of the properties for test purpose. You may code a line to get the real room model data.
class _HomeScreenState extends State<HomeScreen> {
void initState() {
Timer(const Duration(milliseconds: 200), () {
context: context,
room: Room(
id: 'DHZWDyeuAlgmKxFxbMbF',
name: 'Here we are in Manila. Lets celebrate this beautiful day.',
group: true,
open: true,
master: 'ojxsBLMSS6UIegzixHyP4zWaVm13',
users: [
'aaa', // not existing user
'bbb', // not existing user
'ccc', // not existing user
'ddd', // not existing user
'eee', // not existing user
moderators: ['lyCxEC0oGtUcGi0KKMAs8Y7ihSl2', '15ZXRtt5I2Vr2xo5SJBjAVWaZ0V2'],
blockedUsers: [],
noOfNewMessages: {},
maximumNoOfUsers: 3,
rename: {
FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser!.uid: 'I renamed this chat room',
Below is an example of opening a single chat room. I got the room data by calling print
on a chat room.
context: context,
room: Room(
id: '23TE0SWd8Mejv0Icv6vhSDRHe183-ojxsBLMSS6UIegzixHyP4zWaVm13',
name: '',
group: false,
open: false,
master: '23TE0SWd8Mejv0Icv6vhSDRHe183',
users: ['23TE0SWd8Mejv0Icv6vhSDRHe183', 'ojxsBLMSS6UIegzixHyP4zWaVm13'],
rename: {},
moderators: [],
maximumNoOfUsers: 2,
blockedUsers: [],
Below is to show post view screen.
/// Example 1
Post.get('Uc2TKInQ9oBJeKtSJpBq').then((p) => PostService.instance.showPostViewDialog(context, p));
/// Example 2
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((timeStamp) async {
PostService.instance.showPostViewDialog(context, await Post.get('Wqdje1wU1IDVs7Uus936'));
Below is to show post edit dialog.
Post.get('Uc2TKInQ9oBJeKtSJpBq').then((p) => PostService.instance.showPostEditDialog(context, post: p));
The code below shows how to open a post create dialog.
categoryId: 'buyandsell',
success: (p) => print(p),
The code below shows how to open a 1:1 chat room and send a message to the other user.
(user) async {
ChatService.instance.showChatRoom(context: context, user: user);
room: await ChatService.instance.getSingleChatRoom(UserService.instance.adminUid),
text: "",
The code below shows how to open a comment edit bottom sheet. Use this for commet edit bottom sheet UI.
PostService.instance.showPostViewDialog(context, await Post.get('PoxnpxpcC2lnYv0jqI4f'));
if (mounted) {
comment: await Comment.get('bvCJk4RFK79yexAKfAYs'),
Contribution #
Fork the fireflutter and create your own branch. Then update code and push, then pull request.
Install FireFlutter and Example Project #
git clone
cd fireflutter
mkdir apps
cd apps
git clone
cd example
flutter run
Coding Guideline #
fireflutter uses sigular form in its file name and variable name, class name. For instance, it alwasy user
over users
unless there is good reason.