fhir_auth 0.11.0-dev.1 fhir_auth: ^0.11.0-dev.1 copied to clipboard
A Dart/Flutter package for authorization & authentication, includes SMART on FHIR and Google sign-in
import 'dart:developer';
import 'package:fhir/r4.dart';
import 'package:fhir_auth/r4.dart';
Future<void> main() async {
const String url = 'http://fhirurl';
const String clientId = 'myClienId';
const String fhirCallback = 'fhir_auth://callback';
final scopes = Scopes(
clinicalScopes: [
role: Role.patient,
resourceType: R4ResourceType.Patient,
interaction: Interaction.any,
openid: true,
offlineAccess: true,
final client = SmartFhirClient(
fhirUri: FhirUri(url),
clientId: clientId,
redirectUri: FhirUri(fhirCallback),
scopes: scopes.scopesList(),
try {
await client.login();
if (client.fhirUri.value != null) {
final newPatient = Patient(fhirId: '12345');
log('Patient to be uploaded:\n${newPatient.toJson()}');
final request1 = FhirRequest.create(
base: client.fhirUri.value!,
//?? Uri.parse(''),
resource: newPatient,
client: client,
String? newId;
try {
final response = await request1.request();
log('Response from upload:\n${response.toJson()}');
newId = response.id;
} catch (e) {
if (newId is! FhirId) {
} else {
final request2 = FhirRequest.read(
base: client.fhirUri.value ?? Uri.parse(''),
type: R4ResourceType.Patient,
id: newId,
client: client,
try {
final response = await request2.request();
log('Response from read:\n${response.toJson()}');
} catch (e) {
} catch (e, stack) {
log('Error $e');
log('Stack $stack');
/// Just to remove errors from this file, doesn't actually do anything
class FhirRequest {
Uri? base;
R4ResourceType? type;
String? id;
FhirClient? client;
Resource? resource;
FhirRequest(this.base, this.type, this.id, this.client, this.resource);
dynamic request() => '';
factory FhirRequest.read({
Uri? base,
R4ResourceType? type,
String? id,
FhirClient? client,
}) =>
FhirRequest(base, type, id, client, null);
factory FhirRequest.create({
Uri? base,
Resource? resource,
FhirClient? client,
}) =>
FhirRequest(base, null, null, client, resource);