fadlurahmanfdev_alice 0.0.1 fadlurahmanfdev_alice: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
Forked alice from https://github.com/jhomlala/alice
0.4.2 #
- [BREAKING_CHANGE] Changed type of library from plugin to package. This means native ( android/iOS/macOS/...) implementations have been removed.
- Added notifications permissions request on Alice startup. This is needed for latest OS releases.
- Updated dependencies (by Jamie Astley https://github.com/jamieastley).
- Recreated example project.
- Fixed deprecated material properties.
- Fixed lints.
0.4.1 #
- Updated dependencies.
- Alice requires now min sdk version 22, and compile sdk version 34 for android.
0.4.0 #
- [BREAKING_CHANGE] Updated dart min version to 3.0.0.
parameter. Alice will now automatically detect the color scheme. - [BREAKING_CHANGE] Alice will now return chopper interceptor instance instead of list with that interceptor.
- Added
method to check inspector state. - Added support for macOS.
- Fixed issue with the same http call not properly handled with chopper. Alice will add " alice_token" to the headers of the request to identify given http call.
- Fixed lints.
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated example.
0.3.3 #
- Updated dependencies
- Added fix for call time for http package (by itsara-odds https://github.com/itsara-odds)
0.3.2 #
- Removed video player.
- Link to the video will be displayed instead of video player.
0.3.1 #
- Fixed flutter version upper bound
0.3.0 #
- Added logger feature (by Bartosz Gasztych https://github.com/bgasztych)
- Updated Android configuration (by Bartosz Gasztych https://github.com/bgasztych)
- Updated Flutter configuration (by Bartosz Gasztych https://github.com/bgasztych)
- Updated dependencies (by Bartosz Gasztych https://github.com/bgasztych)
- Updated chopper extension
- Changed open_file to open_filex
- General refactor
0.2.5 #
- Added showShareButton in Alice constructor.
- Added support for Android 12 (by Igor Kurek https://github.com/ikurek )
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated color scheme of Alice widgets.
- Fixed issue with saving logs to file on Android.
- Fixed lint
0.2.4 #
- Updated dependencies
0.2.3 #
- Updated dependencies
0.2.2 #
- Updated dependencies
- Changed default sort filter of create time from ascending to descending. This will show latest HTTP calls on top of the list.
0.2.1 #
- Added directionality support (by Abdol Hussain Mozaffari https://github.com/mozaffari)
- Updated dependencies (by https://github.com/Nyan274)
0.2.0 #
- Migrate to null safety (by https://github.com/ARIFCSE10)
- Updated Dio interceptor
- Updated dependencies
0.1.12 #
- Fixed query parameter issue not handled properly (by https://github.com/shreyas18jan).
- Removed shake dependency and added sensors dependency. Shake will be detected with sensors.
- Updated other dependencies.
- Added maxCallsCount which handles max number of calls stored in memory.
- Refactored notification text.
- Added sorting in inspector UI.
- Added additional chopper request error handling.
0.1.11 #
- Updated dependencies
- Lint fixes
0.1.10 #
- Lint update
- General refactor
- Dart format
0.1.9 #
- Lint update
0.1.8 #
- Lint update
0.1.7 #
- Updated dependencies
0.1.6 #
- Updated dependencies
- Removed unused android/ios native code
- Migrated example to v2 android
0.1.5 #
- Changed video_player and Chewie to Better Player. Better Player will be used to display videos.
0.1.4 #
- Updated texts in call details to be selectable
- Fixed general bugs
- Fixed video not disposed properly
0.1.3 #
- Updated documentation
0.1.2 #
- Updated dependencies
- Added documentation
- General refactor
0.1.1 #
- Removed sound in ios notification
- Upgraded local notification library
0.1.0 #
- Promoted to 0.1.0
- Added Android/iOS dummy classes for pubdev score fix
0.0.33 #
- Fixed share issue
0.0.32 #
- Code style refactor
0.0.31 #
- Fixed file save path of iOS
- Fixed Stream request body
0.0.30 #
- Added better duration and bytes formatting
0.0.29 #
- Added possibility to add generic http call
- Refactored rendering of invalid body in application/json response
0.0.28 #
- Fixed rendering body responses of unknown content-type
0.0.27 #
- UI polishing
- File & email content polishing
0.0.26 #
- Added search support in calls screen
- Disabled notifications sound (by https://github.com/itsJoKr Josip Krnjic)
0.0.25 #
- Added notificationIcon parameter
- Added better notification handling
- Refactored codebase
- Added setNavigatorKey method
- Added FormData support for Dio requests
0.0.24 #
- Updated dependencies
- Prepare for 1.0.0 version of sensors and package_info. (dart_lsc)
0.0.23 #
- Updated to dart 2.6.0
- Added AliceHttpExtensions, AliceHttpClientExtensions
0.0.22 #
- Updated dependencies
- Refactored response page. If response is image or video, Alice will show it in response page. Large body outputs will be not shown by default. There is a "Show body" button to show large output.
0.0.21 #
- Added Chopper support
- Added AndroidX support
0.0.20 #
- Updated dependencies
0.0.19 #
- Updated dependencies
0.0.18 #
- Added share option in call details. Share allows user to share curl of the request. (by: Praveenkumar Ramasamy https://github.com/pravinarr)
0.0.17 #
- Added shake option to open inspector from everywhere (by https://github.com/MattisBrizard MattisBrizard)
- Fixed double-encoding of request body if request body is a minified json ( by https://github.com/knaeckeKami knaeckeKami)
- Added dark theme (idea by: https://github.com/Agondev Agondev)
0.0.16 #
- Fixed server text overflow
0.0.15 #
- Updated dependencies
0.0.14 #
- Fixed Dio API breaking change
0.0.13 #
- Updated dependencies
- Notification won't init when showNotification is off
0.0.12 #
- Updated flutter local notification dependency version
- Refactor
0.0.11 #
- Fixed iOS version issues (fixed by https://github.com/britannio Britannio Jarrett)
0.0.10 #
- Added stats feature
- Added save feature
- Added secured/not secured connection indicator in call list item
- Query parameters feature (Dio only)
- Fix for Uint8List SDK breaking change
- Updated dependencies
- Refactored code
0.0.6 #
- Fixed http/http package requests
0.0.5 #
- Updated dependencies
- Navigator key can be provided now from application (instead of using Alice's navigator key)
0.0.4 #
- Updated Kotlin version
0.0.3 #
- Removed gif from package
0.0.2 #
- Bug fixes
0.0.1 #
- Initial release