enum_generator 1.1.3
enum_generator: ^1.1.3 copied to clipboard
This is a lightweight library to create functionality for enum class type and make enum usage much better.
Generating the functional Enum #
Freezed, but for enums.
This is a lightweight library to create functionality for enum class type and make enum usage much better.
Installation #
Add the following dependencies to your project.
enum_annotation: ^0.0.2
build_runner: any
enum_generator: any
Usage #
Now generate the code using build_runner.
Dart only:
dart pub run build_runner build
// OR
dart pub run build_runner watch
flutter pub run build_runner build
// OR
flutter pub run build_runner watch
With pure dart
import 'package:enum_annotation/enum_annotation.dart';
part 'main.g.dart';
enum Shape { square, circle, triangle }
void main() {
final shape = Shape.circle;
// all cases must be handled
final message = shape.when(
square: () => 'I am a Square',
circle: () => 'I am a Circle',
triangle: () => 'I am a Triangle',
print(message); // I am a Circle
// all cases may not be handled but `orElse` cannot be null
final canBeRotated = shape.maybeWhen(
circle: () => false,
orElse: () => true,
print('Can be rotate: $canBeRotated'); // false
// equivalent to print(shape == Shape.circle)
print('The shape is circle: ${shape.isCircle}'); // true
print('The shape is Square: ${shape.isSquare}'); // false
print('The shape is Triangle: ${shape.isTriangle}'); // false