easy_firebase_auth 1.0.4
easy_firebase_auth: ^1.0.4 copied to clipboard
Manage authentication with firebase in an extremely simple way
easy_firebase_auth #
Add Firebase authentication to your Flutter app with a few lines of code.
This package manages the authentication state of the app. And toggles between the different screens.
- Splash screen
- Introduction screen
- Login screen
- Home screen
You can customize every widget
This package uses provider package
Features #
- Set Splash Screen duration
- Prebuilt Widgets
- Fully customizable
- Multi-language (Prebuilt for english and spanish)
- Toggle between screens automatically
Supported Firebase authentication methods #
- Sign in with email
- Sign in with Google
- Sign in with Apple
- Sign in Anonymous
Basic usage #
Your MaterialApp must be a child of 'ChangeNotifierProvider'
void main() => runApp(MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ChangeNotifierProvider<AuthState>(
child: MaterialApp(
home: ParentPage(),
create: (_) => AuthState(),
- The AuthManagerWidget manages the screen shown in each of the authentication states
class ParentPage extends StatelessWidget{
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return AuthManagerWidget(
splashScreen: MySplashScreen(), //optional
introductionScreen: MyIntroductionScreen(), //optional, user not logged
loginScreen: MyLoginScreen(), // user not logged, the introduction has been completed
mainScreen: MyMainScreen(), // user logged (email, google, apple or anonymous)
Customize your strings #
You can set here your privacy url and terms of use in markdown format
AuthStrings authStrings = AuthStrings.spanish(
privacyMarkdown: "Al continuar aceptas la [política de privacidad](https://myPrivacyUrl.com) "
"y las [condiciones de servicio](https://myTermsUrl.com)."
Customize LoginScreen #
authStrings: authStrings,
backgroundColor: Colors.purple,
expandedWidget: Center(
child: Container(
height: 200,
width: 300,
color: Colors.red,
logInAnonymous: false,
logInWithEmail: true,
logInWithGoogle: true,
logInWithApple: true,
authStrings: authStrings,
backgroundWidget: Image.network(imageUrl,
fit: BoxFit.cover,),
Customize EmailLoginScreen #
emailLoginBuilder: (BuildContext context){
return EmailLoginScreen(
authStrings: authStrings,
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text("My Login"),
mainColor: Colors.blue,
Other actions #
Retrieve authState from anywhere in your code
AuthState authState = Provider.of(context);
Set introduction as completed
Change user name
authState.changeName('My name');
Change user photo url
Send email to reset password
Get user data
var uid = authState.uid;
var name = authState.name;
var email = authState.email;
var photoUrl = authState.photoUrl;
var isAnonymous = authState.isAnonymous;