easy_auth 0.2.1 copy "easy_auth: ^0.2.1" to clipboard
easy_auth: ^0.2.1 copied to clipboard

Widgets and classes that make it easy to add authentication to any Flutter app


very good analysis very good analysis License: MIT

Widgets and classes that make it easy to add authentication to any Flutter app. Built on top of the package:bloc architecture, it is fully authentication framework agnostic but provides some plug-and-play mechanisms for commonly used frameworks like package:firebase_auth.

⚠️ If you like this repository, I would really appreciate some help in maintaining/improving/promoting it!

Usage #

Lets take a look at how to integrate a basic Firebase Auth state to your app. For other examples, check the examples folder.

First, we create a basic MaterialApp (or any other app you might use) and initialize the default Firebase App:

// -> main.dart
void main() async {
  GestureBinding.instance!.resamplingEnabled = true;
  await Firebase.initializeApp();
      title: 'Flutter Demo',
      theme: ThemeData(primarySwatch: Colors.blue),
      home: const MyApp(),
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We then create our MyApp widget that extends AuthenticationBasedApp:

// -> main.dart
class MyApp extends AuthenticationBasedApp<EquatableUser> {
  const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  BasicFirebaseAuth get repository => BasicFirebaseAuth();

  Widget buildState(BuildContext context, AuthStatus status, EquatableUser user) {
    switch (status) {
      case AuthStatus.uninitialized:
        return const SplashScreenView();
      case AuthStatus.authenticated:
        return const HomeView();
      case AuthStatus.newAccount:
        return const HomeView.newAccount();
      case AuthStatus.authenticating:
      case AuthStatus.unauthenticated:
        return const LoginView();
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That's it, you're done! Now you can use EasyAuth as you would use FirebaseAuth and login, signout, create accounts, etc.

Notice that we passed the EquatableUser class as a generic to AuthenticationBasedApp, let's talk about why.

EquatableUser #

This class is used as a default representation of what a user would be. It can easily be extended to add your own parameters.

As it extends Equatable, if you want to include property as part of the == operation, you'll have to add it to the props array.

// -> custom_user.dart
class CustomUser extends EquatableUser {
 const CustomUser({required this.birthday}) : super(id: '1', email: 'first@user.com');

 final String birthday;

 List<Object?> get props => [...super.props, birthday];
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EasyAuth methods #

EasyAuth is a utility class that lets you statically access the methods on your AuthenticationRepository.

  child: const Text('Log in'),
  onPressed: () {
    final provider = EmailPasswordAuth('test@easyauth.com', 'some-password');
    EasyAuth.login(context, provider: provider);
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AuthenticationRepository #

AuthenticationRepository is an abstract class that defines all the methods necessary to add a custom authentication provider.

Note that you do not need to handle errors when overriding any methods in this class!

abstract class AuthenticationRepository<T extends EquatableUser> {
  Future<void> login({required EasyAuthProvider provider});
  Future<void> register({required T user, required String password});
  Future<void> signOut();
  Future<void> deleteAccount();
  bool isUserNew(T user);

  T get currentUser;
  Stream<T> get user;

  Future<AuthException?> performSafeAuth(Future<void> future, AuthAction action) async {...}
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The only method that does not need to be re-implemented is performSafeAuth(...). It is used to handle any errors that might be thrown by performing an authentication action.

Here's an example of a BasicFirebaseAuth:

class BasicFirebaseAuth extends AuthenticationRepository<EquatableUser> {
  final _firebaseAuth = FirebaseAuth.instance;

  Stream<EquatableUser> get user => _firebaseAuth.authStateChanges().map<EquatableUser>((user) {
        if (user == null) {
          return EquatableUser.empty;
        } else {
          return EquatableUser(
            id: user.uid,
            name: user.displayName,
            email: user.email,
            createdAt: user.metadata.creationTime,

  bool isUserNew(EquatableUser user) =>
      user.createdAt?.isAfter(DateTime.now().subtract(const Duration(seconds: 5))) ?? false;

  EquatableUser get currentUser {
    final _user = _firebaseAuth.currentUser!;
    return EquatableUser(id: _user.uid, name: _user.displayName, email: _user.email);

  Future<void> login({required EasyAuthProvider provider}) async {
    if (provider is EmailPasswordAuth) {
      await _firebaseAuth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email: provider.email, password: provider.password);
    } else if (provider is GoogleAuth) {
      //sign in with google

  Future<void> register({required EquatableUser user, required String password}) async {
    if (user.email == null) throw FirebaseAuthException(code: 'no-email-registration');
    await _firebaseAuth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email: user.email!, password: password);

  Future<void> signOut() => _firebaseAuth.signOut();

  Future<void> deleteAccount() => _firebaseAuth.currentUser!.delete();
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EasyAuthProvider #

If you need to add more authentication providers than the pre-packaged ones, simply override the EasyAuthProvider class.

EasyAuth Widgets #


AuthenticationBasedApp is an abstract class that you need to extend to add authentication responsiveness to your app.

There are a couple of methods you need to know about:

  /// Rebuilds the state of the app every time the authentication status changes.
  /// This is an efficient method due to `T` extending `Equatable` and
  /// therefore only rebuilding when necessary
  Widget buildState(BuildContext context, AuthStatus status, T user);
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Note: this method needs to be overriden.

  /// Called when an exception relating to authentication gets thrown.
  /// Can be overriden to provide your own custom error-handling logic (e.g. logging, custome snackbar, etc.)
  void handleError(BuildContext context, AuthException exception) {...}
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Note: this method has a default implementation that prints the action that was performed when the exception was thrown and displays the following Flushbar from package:another_flushbar.

  icon: const Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 14.0), child: Text('😱')),
  message: exception.message,
  backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).errorColor,
  margin: const EdgeInsets.all(8),
  borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8.0),
  flushbarPosition: FlushbarPosition.TOP,
  flushbarStyle: FlushbarStyle.FLOATING,
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EasyAuthBuilder is a Flutter widget which requires a builder function. EasyAuthBuilder handles building the widget in response to new authentication states. EasyAuthBuilder is a simple wrapper around BlocBuilder from package:bloc. The builder function will potentially be called many times and should be a pure function that returns a widget in response to the state.

  builder: (context, status, user) {
    // return widget here based on the current AuthSatus and User
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Examples #

Dart Versions #

  • Dart 2: >= 2.12
  • Flutter: >=1.17.0

Maintainers #



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Widgets and classes that make it easy to add authentication to any Flutter app

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


MIT (license)


bloc, equatable, flutter, flutter_bloc, rxdart


Packages that depend on easy_auth