docker_commander 2.1.6 docker_commander: ^2.1.6 copied to clipboard
A Docker manager for local and remote host machines. Works with personalized containers and pre-configured popular containers, like PostgreSQL, Apache HTTPD and NGINX.
docker_commander #
is a Docker manager to easily automate a
Docker Daemon, or a Docker Swarm, with:
- Local and remote management.
- Helpers to build a Docker network and automatically configure running containers.
- Helpers to manipulate files inside a running container.
- Formulas: pre-defined code to install/uninstall containers.
- Built-in pre-configured containers:
Running docker_commander
image #
A Docker image of docker_commander
is provided at Docker HUB,
allowing an easy and fast way to use docker_commander
in any environment with Docker (even without Dart).
Pull the Docker image:
docker pull gmpassos/docker_commander
SERVER MODE (docker_commander_server): #
Run the docker_commander
image in SERVER mode, mapping port 8099
and Docker Host Daemon socket file (/var/run/docker.sock
docker run --name docker_commander_server -d -t --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -p 8099:8099 gmpassos/docker_commander --server userx pass123
You need to provide an username and password (the parameters userx
and pass123
above) to control the access to this docker_commander
You will pass this credential, and the public mapped port (8099) to the DockerHostRemote
, allowing it to connect to the server container.
If you need to restrict address access, pass the parameter --private
Follow the server output:
docker logs docker_commander_server -f
To enable control of Docker Daemon from the docker_commander
server container, you need
to map the Docker Host Daemon socket file (/var/run/docker.sock
). This won't require to run the
container in a --privileged
context or as root.
CONSOLE MODE (docker_commander_console): #
Run the docker_commander
image in CONSOLE mode, passing --console
docker run -it --rm gmpassos/docker_commander --console userx 8099
Console example:
ARGS: [--console, userx,, 8099]
[docker_commander server:]
Please, provide the password for user 'userx':
password> pass123
DockerCommanderConsole{dockerCommander: DockerCommander{dockerHost: DockerHostRemote{serverHost:, serverPort: 8099, secure: false, username: userx}, initialized: false. lastDaemonCheck: null}}
Initialization: true
$> ps
>> 0f229773e36f gmpassos/docker_commander "/usr/bin/dart run b…" About an hour ago Up About an hour>8099/tcp docker_commander_server
$> help
For more information: #
Formulas #
Formulas are a very easy way to install/uninstall and handle containers and services
in docker_commander
You can use docker_commander
formulas from a repository. Below there's a simple
example of how to use the standard repository (DockerCommanderFormulaRepositoryStandard
from a Dart code.
import 'package:docker_commander/docker_commander_vm.dart';
void main() async {
// Creates a `DockerCommander` for a local host machine:
var dockerCommander = DockerCommander(DockerHostLocal());
// Initialize `DockerCommander`:
await dockerCommander.initialize();
// The formula repository to use:
var repository = DockerCommanderFormulaRepositoryStandard();
// Get the `apache` formula source:
var formulaSource = await repository.getFormulaSource('apache');
// Get the formula instance and perform setup:
var formula = formulaSource!.toFormula() ;
formula.setup(dockerCommander: dockerCommander);
// Install the formula:
var installed = await formula.install();
// Stop the formula:
var stopped = await formula.stop();
// Start the formula:
var start = await formula.start();
// Uninstall the formula:
var uninstalled = await formula.uninstall();
Defining a Formula #
Formulas are pre-defined codes to handle install, uninstall, start, stop and other extra operations that a container, or group of containers, can have.
Formulas are defined using a high level languages, like Dart
or Java
. Any language supported
by ApolloVM can be used.
Here's a simple example of an Apache
formula source code in Dart
class ApacheFormula {
String getVersion() {
return '1.0';
void install() {
cmd('create-container apache httpd latest --port 80 --hostname apache');
void start() {
cmd('start apache');
void stop() {
cmd('stop apache');
void uninstall() {
cmd('remove-container apache --force');
A formula source code will be parsed and executed by ApolloVM,
allowing dynamic loading and execution, in a sandbox, of any formula by docker_commander
Using a Formula through docker_commander_console
: #
To list the available formulas in the server:
$> list-formulas
apache gitlab
To show information of a formula:
$> show-formula gitlab
FORMULA: gitlab
CLASS NAME: GitLabFormula
- imageGitlab: gitlab/gitlab-ce
- imageGitlabRunner: gitlab/gitlab-runner
- imageRunner: google/dart
- network: gitlab-net
- hostGitlabConfigPath: /srv/gitlab-runner/config
- getVersion
- pull
- pullRunner
- install
- installRunner
- registerRunner
- start
- stop
- startRunner
- stopRunner
- uninstall
- uninstallRunner
Using a formula.
## Pull images:
$> formula-exec gitlab pull
$> formula-exec gitlab pullRunner
## Install images (create containers and start):
$> formula-exec gitlab install
## Install optional GitLab Runner,
## personalizing field "hostGitlabConfigPath":
$> formula-exec gitlab installRunner --hostGitlabConfigPath /host/path/to/gitlab-config-dir/
## Register GitLab Runner,
## passing the host and token of GitLab,
## and the personalized field "hostGitlabConfigPath":
$> formula-exec gitlab registerRunner zysByxVr9tss18BvLFxj --hostGitlabConfigPath /host/path/to/gitlab-config-dir/
## Starts the GitLab Runner, once it's registered.
$> formula-exec gitlab startRunner
NOTE: The function installRunner
and registerRunner
are personalizing the path of the GitLab config directory in
the host machine using the field hostGitlabConfigPath
Stopping and uninstalling a formula:
$> formula-exec gitlab stop
$> formula-exec gitlab uninstall
ApolloVM #
ApolloVM is a simple and portable VM for Dart
and Java
that can at runtime dynamically parse, execute and generate code in any
platform (native, JS/Browser and Flutter).
Dart Usage #
Local Docker #
Here's a simple usage example in Dart
for a local host machine:
import 'package:docker_commander/docker_commander_vm.dart';
void main() async {
// Creates a `DockerCommander` for a local host machine:
var dockerCommander = DockerCommander(DockerHostLocal());
// Initialize `DockerCommander`:
await dockerCommander.initialize();
// Ensure that Docker daemon is running.
await dockerCommander.checkDaemon();
// Run Docker image `hello-world`:
var dockerContainer = await'hello-world');
// Waits the container to exit, and gets the exit code:
var exitCode = await dockerContainer.waitExit();
// Gets all the STDOUT as [String].
var output = dockerContainer.stdout.asString;
print('EXIT CODE: $exitCode');
Remote Docker #
Here's another usage example for a remote host machine:
Start DockerHostServer
import 'package:docker_commander/docker_commander_vm.dart';
void main() async {
// A simple username and password table:
var authenticationTable = AuthenticationTable({'admin': '123'});
// A `DockerHost` Server at port 8099:
var hostServer = DockerHostServer(
(user, pass) async => authenticationTable.checkPassword(user, pass),
// Starts the server and wait initialization:
await hostServer.startAndWait();
Client side using DockerHostRemote
. Note that the code below
can run in any platform, like JS (in a Web Browser) or any Flutter platform (Android, iOS, Web, Linux, macOS, Windows):
import 'package:docker_commander/docker_commander.dart';
void main() async {
// Connect to a `DockerHost` running at ''
var dockerHostRemote = DockerHostRemote('', 8099, username: 'admin', password: '123');
// Creates a `DockerCommander` for a remote host machine:
var dockerCommander = DockerCommander(dockerHostRemote);
// Initialize `DockerCommander` (at remote server):
await dockerCommander.initialize();
// Ensure that Docker daemon is running (at remote server):
await dockerCommander.checkDaemon();
// Run Docker image `hello-world` (at remote server):
var dockerContainer = await'hello-world');
// The behavior is the same of the example using `DockerHostLocal`.
// The internal `DockerRunner` will sync remote output (stdout/sdterr) automatically!
// ...
// Gets all the STDOUT as [String].
var output = dockerContainer.stdout.asString;
// ...
PostgreSQLContainer #
A pre-configured PostgreSQL Container:
import 'package:docker_commander/docker_commander_vm.dart';
void main() async {
// Creates a `DockerCommander` for a local host machine:
var dockerCommander = DockerCommander(DockerHostLocal());
// Initialize `DockerCommander`:
await dockerCommander.initialize();
// Start PostgreSQL container:
var dockerContainer = await PostgreSQLContainer().run(dockerCommander);
// Print the current STDOUT of the container:
var output = dockerContainer.stdout.asString;
// Execute inside the container a `psql` command:
var execPsql = await dockerContainer.exec('/usr/bin/psql',
['-d','postgres', '-U','postgres', '-c','\\l']);
// Wait command to execute:
var execPsqlExitCode = await execPsql.waitExit();
// Command output:
print( execPsql.stdout.asString );
// Stops PostgreSQL, with a timeout of 20s:
await dockerContainer.stop(timeout: Duration(seconds: 20));
// Wait PostgreSQL to exit and get exit code:
var exitCode = await dockerContainer.waitExit();
// ...
ApacheHttpdContainer #
A pre-configured container for the famous Apache HTTPD:
import 'package:docker_commander/docker_commander_vm.dart';
import 'package:mercury_client/mercury_client.dart';
void main() async {
var dockerCommander = DockerCommander(DockerHostLocal());
// Initialize `DockerCommander`:
await dockerCommander.initialize();
// The host port to map internal container port (httpd at port 80).
var apachePort = 8081;
var dockerContainer = await ApacheHttpdContainer()
.run(dockerCommander, hostPorts: [apachePort]);
// Get HTTPD configuration file:
var httpdConf = await dockerContainer.execCat('/usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf');
// Get the host port of Apache HTTPD.
var hostPort = dockerContainer.hostPorts[0];
// Request a HTTP GET using hostPort:
var response = await HttpClient('http://localhost:$hostPort/').get('index.html');
// The body of the response
var content = response.bodyAsString;
// Stop Apache HTTPD:
await dockerContainer.stop(timeout: Duration(seconds: 5));
NginxContainer #
A pre-configured container for the famous NGINX proxy server.
This example shows a NGINX reverse proxy, that redirects HTTP requests at localhost:4082
to the internal Apache container, with hostname apache
, at port 80
import 'package:docker_commander/docker_commander_vm.dart';
import 'package:mercury_client/mercury_client.dart';
void main() async {
var dockerCommander = DockerCommander(DockerHostLocal());
// Initialize `DockerCommander`:
await dockerCommander.initialize();
// Docker Network for Apache HTTPD and NGINX containers:
var network = await dockerCommander.createNetwork();
// Start Apache HTTPD, mapping port 80 to 4081.
var apacheContainer = await ApacheHttpdContainer().run(dockerCommander,
hostPorts: [4081], network: network, hostname: 'apache');
// Generate a NGINX configuration, mapping domain `localhost` to
// docker host `apache` at port 80 (without HTTPS).
var nginxConfig = NginxReverseProxyConfigurer(
[NginxServerConfig('localhost', 'apache', 80, false)]).build();
// Start a NGINX container using generated configuration.
var nginxContainer = await NginxContainer(nginxConfig, hostPorts: [4082])
.run(dockerCommander, network: network, hostname: 'nginx');
// Request apache:80 (mapped in the host machine to localhost:4081)
// trough NGINX reverse proxy at localhost:4082
var response = await HttpClient('http://localhost:4082/').get('');
// The Apache HTTPD response content:
var apacheContent = response.bodyAsString;
// Stop NGINX:
await nginxContainer.stop(timeout: Duration(seconds: 5));
// Apache Apache HTTPD:
await apacheContainer.stop(timeout: Duration(seconds: 5));
// Remove Docker network:
await dockerCommander.removeNetwork(network);
See Also #
See package docker_commander_test, for unit test framework with Docker containers.
Thanks to isoos@GitHub, author of the precursor package docker_process
, that was substituted by this one.
Features and bugs #
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.
Author #
Graciliano M. Passos: gmpassos@GitHub.