djed 0.1.1 copy "djed: ^0.1.1" to clipboard
djed: ^0.1.1 copied to clipboard

The Dart implementation of the Djed, the formally verified Crypto-Backed Pegged Algorithmic Stablecoin

Pub Version (stable) Dart Test CI

Dart implementation of Djed Stablecoin #

Djed-Dart is the dart implementation of the official Scala based Djed Stablecoin Prototype (djed-stableccoin-prototype)

Features #

It contains almost all the original code's unittest and games. In addition, it has a historical ADA price based game featuring Extended Djed.

Getting started #

You need to have the Dart SDK and the git command installed on your local machine.

Install and configure dart SDK #

Follow the instructions at the Official Dart's page or you can install it in a Linux/macOS shell compatible terminal, see details below:

$ cd 

$ mkdir -p development && pushd  development

$ curl -so- | tar -xzvf -
# x dart-sdk/
# x  dart-sdk/bin/
# ...

$ echo "export PATH=\"\$PATH:$PWD/dart-sdk\"" >> ~/.profile && . ~/.profile

# The command below should return successfully.
$ dart --version
Dart SDK version: 2.17.3 (stable) (Wed Jun 1 11:06:41 2022 +0200) on "macos_x64"
$ popd

Usage #

Currently, there are three very simple simulations are in the example directory:

  1. simple_extended_game.dart
  2. simple_minimal_game.dart
  3. historical_game.dart

Simple minimal game #

Thsi simple came just buys and sells the 5% of the available stablecoins for the 99% percent of the targetPrice.

Simple extended game #

Almost the same as above. The only difference is that it uses Extended Djed instead.

Historical extended game #


Simulate a game #

To run a predefined game simulation type the following into a terminal:

$ git clone
$ cd djed-dart && dart pub get
# Run a game simulation
$ dart example/historical_extended_game.dart

Credits #

References #

License #

MIT License

pub points


unverified uploader

The Dart implementation of the Djed, the formally verified Crypto-Backed Pegged Algorithmic Stablecoin

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)




Packages that depend on djed