dio 5.6.0 copy "dio: ^5.6.0" to clipboard
dio: ^5.6.0 copied to clipboard

A powerful HTTP networking package, supports Interceptors, Aborting and canceling a request, Custom adapters, Transformers, etc.


Before you upgrade: Breaking changes might happen in major and minor versions of packages.
See the Migration Guide for the complete breaking changes list.

Unreleased #


5.6.0 #

  • Supports the WASM environment. Users should upgrade the adapter with dart pub upgrade or flutter pub upgrade to use the WASM-supported version.

5.5.0+1 #

  • Fix WASM compile errors after moving the web implementation to dio_web_adapter.

5.5.0 #

  • Raise the min Dart SDK version to 2.18.0.
  • Add constructor for DioExceptionType.badCertificate.
  • Create type alias DioMediaType for http_parser's MediaType.
  • Fix the type conversion regression when using MultipartFile.fromBytes.
  • Split the Web implementation to package:dio_web_adapter.
  • Add FusedTransformer for improved performance when decoding JSON.
  • Set FusedTransformer as the default transformer.
  • Improves InterceptorState.toString().
  • If the CancelToken got canceled before making requests, throws the exception directly rather than cut actual HTTP requests afterward.
  • Catch MediaType parse exception in Transformer.isJsonMimeType.
  • Improves warning logs on the Web platform.
  • Improves memory allocating when using CancelToken.

5.4.3+1 #

  • Fix type promotions for the UTF-8 encoder on previous Dart SDKs.

5.4.3 #

  • Remove sockets detach in IOHttpClientAdapter.
  • Allows to define FormData.boundaryName instead of the default --dio-boundary-.

5.4.2+1 #

  • Revert "Catch sync/async exceptions in interceptors' handlers".

5.4.2 #

  • Fix receiveTimeout throws exception after the request has been cancelled.
  • Catch sync/async exceptions in interceptors' handlers.
  • Throws precise StateError for handler's duplicated calls.

5.4.1 #

  • Provide fix suggestions for dart fix.
  • Fix receiveTimeout for streamed responses.
  • Fix cancellation for streamed responses and downloads when using IOHttpClientAdapter.
  • Fix receive progress for streamed responses and downloads when using IOHttpClientAdapter.
  • Support relative baseUrl on the Web platform.
  • Avoid fake uncaught exceptions during debugging with IDEs.

5.4.0 #

  • Improve SyncTransformer's stream transform.
  • Allow case-sensitive header keys with the preserveHeaderCase flag through options.
  • Fix receiveTimeout for the IOHttpClientAdapter.
  • Fix receiveTimeout for the download method of DioForNative.
  • Improve the stream byte conversion.

5.3.4 #

  • Raise warning for Maps other than Map<String, dynamic> when encoding request data.
  • Improve exception messages.
  • Allow ResponseDecoder and RequestEncoder to be async.
  • Ignores Duration.zero timeouts.

5.3.3 #

  • Fix failing requests throw DioExceptions with .unknown instead of .connectionError on SocketException.
  • Removes the accidentally added options argument for Options.compose.
  • Fix wrong formatting of multi-value header in BrowserHttpClientAdapter.
  • Add warning in debug mode when trying to send data with a GET request in web.
  • Reduce cases in which browsers would trigger a CORS preflight request.
  • Add warnings in debug mode when using sendTimeout and onSendProgress with an empty request body.
  • Fix receiveTimeout not working correctly on web.
  • Fix ImplyContentTypeInterceptor can be removed by Interceptors.clear() by default.

5.3.2 #

  • Revert removed download for DioMixin.
  • Fix for Dio.download not cleaning the file on data handling error.

5.3.1 #

  • Improve package descriptions and code formats.
  • Improve comments.
  • Fix error when cloning MultipartFile from FormData with regression test.
  • Deprecate MultipartFile constructor in favor MultipartFile.fromStream.
  • Add FormData.clone.

5.3.0 #

  • Remove http from dev_dependencies.
  • Add support for cloning MultipartFile from FormData.
  • Only produce null response body when ResponseType.json.

5.2.1+1 #

  • Fix changelog on pub.dev.

5.2.1 #

  • Revert changes to handling of List<int> body data.

5.2.0+1 #

  • Fix DioErrorType deprecation hint.

5.2.0 #

  • Make LogInterceptor prints in DEBUG mode (when the assertion is enabled) by default.
  • Deprecate DioError in favor of DioException.
  • Fix IOHttpClientAdapter.onHttpClientCreate Repeated calls
  • IOHttpClientAdapter.onHttpClientCreate has been deprecated and is scheduled for removal in Dio 6.0.0 - Please use the replacement IOHttpClientAdapter.createHttpClient instead.
  • Using CancelToken no longer closes and re-creates HttpClient for each request when IOHttpClientAdapter is used.
  • Fix timeout handling for browser receiveTimeout.
  • Improve performance when sending binary data (List<int>/Uint8List).

5.1.2 #

  • Allow FormData to send a null entry value as an empty string.

5.1.1 #

  • Revert changes to CancelToken.cancel() behavior, as a result the DioError provided by the CancelToken.cancelError does not contain useful information when the token was not used with a request.
  • Fix wrong ListFormat being used for comparison during encoding of FormData and application/x-www-form-urlencoded, resulting in potential wrong output encoding for ListFormat.multi and ListFormat.multiCompatible since Dio 4.0.x.
  • Respect Options.listFormat when encoding x-www-url-encoded content.

5.1.0 #

  • Fix double-completion when using connectionTimeout on web platform.
  • Allow defining adapter methods through their constructors.
  • Fix FormData encoding regression for maps with dynamic keys, introduced in 5.0.3.
  • Mark several static DioMixin functions as @internal.
  • Make DioError.stackTrace non-nullable.
  • Ensure DioError.stackTrace always points to the correct call site.

5.0.3 #

  • Imply List<Map> as JSON content in ImplyContentTypeInterceptor.
  • Fix FormData encoding for collections and objects.

5.0.2 #

  • Improve code formats according to linter rules.
  • Remove the force conversion for the response body.
  • Fix DioErrorType.cancel in Interceptors.
  • Fix wrong encoding of collection query parameters.
  • Fix "unsupported operation" error on web platform.

5.0.1 #

  • Add ImplyContentTypeInterceptor as a default interceptor.
  • Add Headers.multipartFormDataContentType for headers usage.
  • Fix variable shadowing of withCredentials in browser_adapter.dart.

5.0.0 #

  • Raise the min Dart SDK version to 2.15.0 to support BackgroundTransformer.
  • Change Dio.transformer from DefaultTransformer to BackgroundTransformer.
  • Remove plain ASCII check in FormData.
  • Allow asynchronous method with savePath.
  • Allow data in all request methods.
  • A platform independent HttpClientAdapter can now be instantiated by doing dio.httpClientAdapter = HttpClientAdapter();.
  • Add ValidateCertificate to handle certificate pinning better.
  • Support Content-Disposition header case sensitivity.

Breaking Changes #

  • The default charset utf-8 in Headers content type constants has been removed.
  • BaseOptions.setRequestContentTypeWhenNoPayload has been removed.
  • Improve DioErrors. There are now more cases in which the inner original stacktrace is supplied.
  • HttpClientAdapter must now be implemented instead of extended.
  • Any classes specific to dart:io platforms can now be imported via import 'package:dio/io.dart';. Classes specific to web can be imported via import 'package:dio/browser.dart';.
  • connectTimeout, sendTimeout, and receiveTimeout are now Durations.

4.0.6 #

  • fix #1452

4.0.5 #

  • require Dart 2.12.1 which fixes exception handling for secure socket connections (#45214)
  • Only delete file if it exists when downloading.
  • Fix BrowserHttpClientAdapter canceled hangs
  • Correct JSON MIME Type detection
  • [Web] support send/receive progress in web platform
  • refactor timeout logic
  • use 'arraybuffer' instead of 'blob' for xhr requests in web platform

4.0.4 #

  • Fix fetching null data in a response

4.0.3 #

  • fix #1311

4.0.2 #

  • Add QueuedInterceptor
  • merge #1316 #1317

4.0.1 #

  • merge pr #1177 #1196 #1205 #1224 #1225 #1227 #1256 #1263 #1291
  • fix #1257

4.0.0 #

stable version

4.0.0-prev3 #

  • fix #1091 , #1089 , #1087

4.0.0-prev2 #

  • fix #1082 and # 1076

4.0.0-prev1 #

Interceptors: Add handler for Interceptor APIs which can specify the subsequent interceptors processing logic more finely (whether to skip them or not).

4.0.0-beta7 #

  • fix #1074

4.0.0-beta6 #

  • fix #1070

4.0.0-beta5 #

  • support ListParam

4.0.0-beta4 #

  • fix #1060

4.0.0-beta3 #

  • rename CollectionFormat to ListFormat
  • change default value of Options.listFormat from multiCompatible to multi
  • add upload_stream_test.dart

4.0.0-beta2 #

  • support null-safety
  • add CollectionFormat configuration in Options
  • add fetch API for Dio
  • rename DioErrorType enums from uppercase to camel style
  • rename 'Options.merge' to 'Options.copyWith'

3.0.10 2020.8.7 #

  1. fix #877 'dio.interceptors.errorLock.lock()'
  2. fix #851
  3. fix #641

3.0.9 2020.2.24 #

  • Add test cases

3.0.8 2019.12.29 #

  • Code style improvement

3.0.7 2019.11.25 #

  • Merge #574 : fix upload image header error, support both oss and other server

3.0.6 2019.11.22 #

  • revert #562, and fixed #566

3.0.5 2019.11.19 #

  • merge #557 #531

3.0.4 2019.10.29 #

  • fix #502 #515 #523

3.0.3 2019.10.1 #

  • fix encode bug

3.0.2 2019.9.26 #

  • fix #474 #480

3.0.2-dev.1 2019.9.20 #

  • fix #470 #471

3.0.1 2019.9.20 #

  • Fix #467
  • Export DioForNative and DioForBrowser classes.

3.0.0 #

New features #

Change List #

  • Options.cookies

  • Options.connectionTimeout ;We should config connection timed out in BaseOptions. For keep-alive reasons, not every request requires a separate connection。

  • Options.followRedirectsOptions.maxRedirectsResponse.redirects don't make sense in Flutter Web,because redirection can be automatically handled by browsers.

  • FormData.from,use FormData.fromMap instead.

  • Delete Formdata.asBytes()Formdata.asBytesAsync() , use Formdata.readAsBytes() instead.

  • Delete UploadFileInfo class, MultipartFile instead.

  • The return type of Interceptor's callback changes from FutureOr<dynamic> to Future. The reason is here.

  • The type of Response.headers changes from HttpHeaders to Headers, because HttpHeaders is in "dart:io" library which is not supported in Flutter Web.

2.1.16 #

Add deleteOnError parameter to downloadUri

2.1.14 #

  • fix #402 #385 #422

2.1.13 #

  • fix #369

2.1.12 #

  • fix #367 #365

2.1.10 #

  • fix #360

2.1.9 #

  • support flutter version>=1.8 (fix #357)

2.1.8 #

  • fix #354 #312
  • Allow "delete" method with request body(#223)

2.1.7 #

  • fix #321 #318

2.1.6 #

  • fix #316

2.1.5 #

  • fix #309

2.1.4 #

  • Add options.responseDecoder
  • Make DioError catchable by implementing Exception instead of Error

2.1.3 #

Add statusMessage attribute for Response and ResponseBody

2.1.2 #

First Stable version for 2.x

2.0 #

Refactor the Interceptors

  • Support add Multiple Interceptors.
  • Add Log Interceptor
  • Add CookieManager Interceptor


  • Support Uri
  • Support queryParameters for all request API
  • Modify the get API


  • Separate Options to three class: Options、BaseOptions、RequestOptions
  • Add queryParameters and cookies for BaseOptions


  • Abstract HttpClientAdapter layer.
  • Provide a DefaultHttpClientAdapter which make http requests by dart:io:HttpClient

0.1.8 #

  • change file name "TransFormer" to "Transformer"
  • change "dio.transFormer" to "dio.transformer"
  • change deprecated "UTF8" to "utf8"

0.1.5 #

  • add clear method for dio instance

0.1.4 #

  • fix download bugs

0.1.3 #

  • support upload files with Array
  • support create HttpClient by user self in onHttpClientCreate
  • support generic
  • bug fix

0.0.1 #

  • Initial version, created by Stagehand
pub points


verified publisherflutter.cn

A powerful HTTP networking package, supports Interceptors, Aborting and canceling a request, Custom adapters, Transformers, etc.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


#dio #http #network #interceptor #middleware


API reference


MIT (license)


async, dio_web_adapter, http_parser, meta, path


Packages that depend on dio