dghub_image 0.0.2 copy "dghub_image: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
dghub_image: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard

Min Thant Htet.

DGHub Studio #

Buy Me a Coffee #

Buy Me A Coffee


What is #

A flutter package to cache network image fastly without native dependencies, with loader, error builder, and smooth fade transitions. You can also add beautiful loaders and percentage indicators with the total and download size of the image.

See for example this or this answer on previous posted issues.

Installation #

In the dependencies: section of your pubspec.yaml, add the following line:

  dghub_image: <latest_version>

Import package #

import 'package:dghub_image/dghub_image.dart';

Example - Normal #

  avatarLabel: 'Test',
// enabledSvgAvatar; true,
  enabledTextAvatar: true,
  onTap: (){},
  url: 'https://bla',
  width: 60,
  height: 60,
  radius: 15,
  enableCacheMode: true

Importants Methods and propriets #

  • Table by antonio-nicolau
Methods Mean
DGHubImage.network For url image
DGHubImage.file For file image
DGHubImage.asset For asset image
  • Package created by Min Thant Htet