davi 3.4.1 copy "davi: ^3.4.1" to clipboard
davi: ^3.4.1 copied to clipboard

A full customized dataview that builds the cells on demand. Focused on Web/Desktop Applications. Bidirectional scroll bars. (DataTable, Data Table, Data View)

3.4.1 #

  • Upgraded renderObject.parent object to use RenderObject instead of the deprecated AbstractNode. This ensures compatibility and resolves deprecation Flutter v3.13.0.

3.4.0 #

  • BugFix
    • On-screen keyboard not showing up in Windows.
  • Semantics configuration individually for each cell.
    • New typedef: DaviCellSemanticsBuilder.
    • DaviColumn
      • New attribute: semanticsBuilder

3.3.0 #

  • Adding copyWith method to theme classes: DaviThemeData, HeaderCellThemeData, HeaderThemeData, RowThemeData, CellThemeData and TableScrollbarThemeData.

3.2.0 #

  • Davi
    • The multiSort attribute has been moved to DaviModel as multiSortEnabled.
  • DaviModel
    • New attribute: alwaysSorted.
      • Defines if there will always be some sorted column.
    • The ignoreSort attribute has been renamed to ignoreDataComparators.
    • New methods: getColumn(dynamic id) and sortList.
    • Removed methods: multiSortByColumn, sortByColumnIndex and sortByColumn.
  • DaviColumn
    • The sort attribute has been renamed to dataComparator.
    • The priority and order attributes has been replaced by the new sort attribute.
    • The isSorted has been removed.
  • HeaderCellThemeData
    • The sortOrderSize attribute has been renamed to sortPrioritySize
  • The DaviColumnSort typedef has been renamed to DaviDataComparator
  • The TableSortOrder enum has been renamed to DaviSortDirection
  • The ColumnSort class has been renamed to DaviSort
    • The order attribute has been renamed to direction.
    • The columnIndex(int) has been replaced by columnId(dynamic).
  • HeaderCellThemeData
    • Default sorting icons have been changed.
    • The sortIconColor attribute has been replaced by sortIconColors (ascending and descending).
    • The ascendingIcon and descendingIcon attributes has been replaced by sortIconBuilder.
    • New attributes: sortPriorityColor and sortPriorityGap.
  • SortIconBuilders
    • Default sort icon builders.

3.1.1 #

  • Bugfix
    • DaviModel and scroll controllers being disposed by Davi.

3.1.0 #

  • Adding semantics on header and cells.
  • Allow to ignore sorting functions. Useful for server-side sorting when loading data.
  • DaviModel
    • New callback: onSort.
    • New attribute: ignoreSort.
      • Ignore column sorting functions to maintain the natural order of the data. Allows the header to be sortable if the column is also sortable.
  • Davi
    • New attribute: tapToSortEnabled.
      • Indicates whether sorting events are enabled on the header. final bool sortable;
  • Refactor
    • The sortable attribute of the DaviColumn can be TRUE even without a sort function.
    • Typedef DaviColumnSort
      • New parameter: DaviColumn<DATA> column

3.0.0 #

  • Renaming classes and parameters
    • EasyTable<ROW> to Davi<DATA>
    • EasyTableColumn<ROW> to DaviColumn<DATA>
    • EasyTableTheme to DaviTheme
    • EasyTableThemeData to DaviThemeData
    • RowData<ROW> to DaviRow<DATA>
      • ̀ROW row to DATA data
    • EasyTableModel<ROW> to DaviModel<DATA>
    • EasyTableRowColor<ROW>(RowData<ROW> data) to DaviRowColor<DATA>(DaviRow<DATA> row)
    • EasyTableRowCursor<DATA>(RowData<DATA> data) to DaviRowCursor<DATA>(DaviRow<DATA> row)
    • EasyTableColumnSort<ROW>(ROW a, ROW b) to DaviColumnSort<DATA>(DATA a, DATA b)
    • RowTapCallback<ROW>(ROW row) to RowTapCallback<DATA>(DATA data)
    • RowDoubleTapCallback<ROW>(ROW row) to RowDoubleTapCallback<DATA>(DATA data)
    • CellBackgroundBuilder<ROW>(RowData<ROW> data) to CellBackgroundBuilder<DATA>(DaviRow<DATA> row)
    • EasyTableCellBuilder<ROW>(BuildContext context, RowData<ROW> data) to DaviCellBuilder<DATA>(BuildContext context, DaviRow<DATA> row)
    • CellStyleBuilder<ROW>(RowData<ROW> data) to CellStyleBuilder<DATA>(DaviRow<DATA> row)
    • EasyTableIntValueMapper<ROW>(ROW row) to DaviIntValueMapper<DATA>(DATA data)
    • EasyTableDoubleValueMapper<ROW>(ROW row) to DaviDoubleValueMapper<DATA>(DATA data)
    • EasyTableStringValueMapper<ROW>(ROW row) to DaviStringValueMapper<DATA>(DATA data)
    • EasyTableObjectValueMapper<ROW>(ROW row) to DaviObjectValueMapper<DATA>(DATA data)
    • EasyTableIconValueMapper<ROW>(ROW row) to DaviIconValueMapper<DATA>(DATA data)

2.6.0 #

pub points


verified publishercaduandrade.net

A full customized dataview that builds the cells on demand. Focused on Web/Desktop Applications. Bidirectional scroll bars. (DataTable, Data Table, Data View)

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference




axis_layout, collection, flutter, meta


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