dartabase_migration 1.1.2 dartabase_migration: ^1.1.2 copied to clipboard
Database Migration ia a version-controlled database structure manipulation tool for MySQL and PGSQL without having to write SQL. inspired by Ruby on Rails
1.1.0 -added CRUD backend scaffolding - generate dart app from existing database with one click - see doc
--generate dbSchema from existing db
--generate dart models representing existing db tables and columns
--generate CRUD dart views for existing db tables and columns
--generate simple dart server + CRUD functionality for all Tables
-update paper toast show call
-added automatic backup of generated files
-update core to 0.5.1
1.0.0 -created polymer 1.0 GUI on top of the console functions
--simplified handling of dartabase enhanced projects
--fail-safe way to create and manage migrations over multiple projects at once
-update core to 0.4.0
0.6.3 -added ssl support for Mysql and PGSQL via config file
-improved speed via single connection instead of multi pools
-updated postgresql to 0.2.13
-update scaffold using params 0.0.2 package
0.6.2 -updated sqlJocky to 0.11.0
-fixed problem due to generation of table column created_at using now().
should work in mysql version >= 5.0 //tested on producktion 5.0 and 5.5
//pls file me a bug, if you still have problems creating tables via migration.
-scaffolg now generates bin and a lib folder if not exists
-fixed some resource issues on load
0.6.1 -added link to tutorial in readme.md
0.6.0 -required Model 0.6.x
-added scaffolding for autogenerated dart/html code
0.5.4 -added logo in md format
-moved versions into changelog.md
0.5.3 -fixed "stream.listen" problem when calling dbUp.dart and dbDown.dart
problem seems to have appeared with Dart 1.4 changes// note to me CHECK WHY!! listen var on init seems to be string path to dart.exe
0.5.2 -updated core dependency to 0.2.4
0.5.1 -fixed README.md
0.5.0 -added migration functions createRelation and removeRelation
see createRelation and removeRelation
see "Update to version 0.5.0" for possible breaking change
0.4.3 -fixed crash when projectsMapping.json does not exist on dbInit.dart
0.4.2 -adapted column option to support old migration files
migrations now support '"column" : "INT"' and '"column" : {"type":"INT"}'
0.4.1 -added column options 'default' and 'null'
0.4.0 -small breaking change -> added posibility for column options
0.3.0 -breaking change -> added autogenerated created_at and updated_at
0.2.0 -breaking change -> added autogenerated id
see "COLUMN ID" info below
0.1.0 -updated for Dart 1.0, restructured code for use with Dartabase Models
0.0.5 -adapted breaking changes due to dart:encoder