dart_mappable_builder 4.3.1+1 copy "dart_mappable_builder: ^4.3.1+1" to clipboard
dart_mappable_builder: ^4.3.1+1 copied to clipboard

Improved json serialization and data classes with full support for generics, inheritance, customization and more.

4.3.1 #

  • Fixed bug with bounded generic deep copyWith parameters.

4.3.0 #

  • Added support for reusing annotations as constant variables.
  • Fixed generation for generic functions.
  • Fixed bug with nullable generic field.
  • Fixed bug with import path on windows.

4.2.3 #

  • Added lint ignores for 'override_on_non_overriding_member'.

4.2.2 #

  • Fixed issues with adding unnecessary '__type' property for nullable generics.
  • Improved serialization consistency and equality handling.

4.2.1 #

  • Performance improvements.

4.2.0 #

4.1.0 #

  • Added support for shallow encoding a class:
    • MyClassMapper.ensureInitialized().encodeMap<MyClass>(myClass, EncodingOptions(shallow: true))
  • Correctly escape $ in class names.
  • Added option to use unordered list equality with iterables:
    • IterableMapper.equalityMode = IterableEqualityMode.unordered
  • Added build_extensions option to builder configuration.

4.0.1 #

  • Added support for generic typed parameters for deep copyWith.
  • Added lint ignores for 'unnecessary_cast', 'strict_raw_type' and 'inference_failure_on_untyped_parameter'.

4.0.0 #

  • Require sdk: >=3.0.0.

  • Added support for Records.

    • Fields of a class can now be any record type.

    • You can annotate toplevel record typedefs:

        typedef Coordinates = ({double latitude, double longitude});

    For a more detailed usage see the documentation.

3.3.0 #

  • Make enum encoding explicitly typed.
  • Update analyzer to '>=5.11.0 <7.0.0'

3.2.3 #

  • Respect keys and hooks for annotated getters.

3.2.2 #

  • Handle even more cases for generic subclassing.

3.2.1 #

  • Handle bounded nested type parameters in subclasses.

3.2.0 #

  • Added support for annotating getters with @MappableField, which will then be included in the encoding, equality checks, and stringification of that class.

3.1.2 #

  • Fixed bug with broken mapper generation.

3.1.1 #

  • Fixed supporting expressions in @MappableClass.includeCustomMappers.

3.1.0 #

  • Fixed error when using non-literal values in @MappableValue().

  • The builder now respects basic initializer expressions of a constructor. This makes it possible to do field renaming or assigning to private fields without requiring an additional getter matching the parameter.

    The following is now supported out of the box:

    class MyClass {
      MyClass(int value, {String? name}) 
          // Effectively renaming 'value' to 'data'.
        : data = value,
          // Assigning to a private field + having a null fallback.
          _name = name ?? 'Unnamed';
      final int value;
      final String _name;
  • Fixed encoding of a map now returns a Map<String, dynamic> where possible (instead of a Map<dynamic, dynamic>)

3.0.2 #

  • Fixed generic decoding when using generic superclass.
  • Fixed unknown-type bug for serialized non-constructor fields.

3.0.1 #

  • Fixed bug with undetermined includeSubClasses.

3.0.0 #

  • Breaking: Generated mappers no longer have a .container property. This was removed in favor of the new MapperContainer.globals container.

    // Instead of this:
    var value = MyClassMapper.container.fromValue(...);
    // Do this:
    var value = MapperContainer.globals.fromValue(...);

    Mapper initialization and usage is now simplified to the following:

    1. When used explicitly (e.g. through MyClassMapper.fromMap or myClass.toMap()) no additional initialization is needed.
    2. When used implicitly (through a generic type e.g. MapperContainer.globals.fromMap<MyClass>()) the mapper needs to be initialized once before being used with MyClassMapper.ensureInitialized().
  • Breaking: Changed internal mapper implementation which causes any custom mapper to break.

    • Removed MapperElementBase class.
    • Added MappingContext being passed to mapper methods.

    See docs on how to use custom mappers in v3.

  • Breaking: Removed @MappableLib.createCombinedContainer in favor of @MappableLib.generateInitializerForScope.

    Instead of generating a new container, v3 generates an initialization function for all mappers. Use it early on in your application:

    @MappableLib(generateInitializerForScope: InitializerScope.package)
    library main;
    import 'main.init.dart';
    void main() {
  • Breaking: Improved support and features for .copyWith.

    • Copy-With now supports classes that implement multiple interfaces.
    • Renamed .copyWith.apply() method to .copyWith.$update().
    • Added .copyWith.$merge() and .copyWith.$delta().

    You can now use .copyWith with either an existing instance using .$merge or a map of values using .$delta.

    class A with AMappable {
      A(this.a, this.b);
      int? a;
      int? b;
    void main() {
      var a = A(1, null);
      var c = a.copyWith.$merge(A(null, 2));
      assert(c == A(1, 2));
      var d = a.copyWith.$delta({'b': 2});
      assert(d == A(1, 2));
  • Breaking: Removed CheckTypesHook in favor of discriminator functions.

    You can now use a custom predicate function as the discriminatorValue of a class. This function can check whether the encoded value should be decoded to this subclass and return a boolean.

    abstract class A with AMappable {
    @MappableClass(discriminatorValue: B.checkType)
    class B extends A with BMappable {
      /// checks if [value] should be decoded to [B]
      static bool checkType(value) {
        return value is Map && value['isB'] == true;
    @MappableClass(discriminatorValue: C.checkType)
    class C extends A with CMappable {
      /// checks if [value] should be decoded to [C]
      static bool checkType(value) {
        return value is Map && value['isWhat'] == 'C';
  • Added support for serializing fields that are not part of the constructor when annotated with @MappableField().

  • Added EncodingOptions to toValue method.

  • Added support for third-party models by using annotated typedefs.

  • Added renameMethods to build options.

  • Improved performance of generated encoding and decoding methods.

For a detailed migration guide, see this issue.

2.0.2 #

  • Fixed an analysis error when using core interfaces.

2.0.1 #

  • Fixed generated container for private libraries.

2.0.0 #

  • Mappers are now generated for each file containing annotated classes. This removes the need to specify entry points in the build.yaml.

    This is now similar to how packages like json_serializable or freezed generate code.

    • Generated files are now part files and need to be included as such.
    • All annotated classes must now use their respective <MyClass>Mappable mixin.
    • Instead of one global Mapper each class has its own <ClassName>Mapper.
      • A new global container that includes all models can now be generated using @MappableLib(createCombinedContainer: true).
    • Mappers can be linked together to enable working with multiple classes.
    • Removed @CustomMapper annotation in favor of includeCustomMappers property on @MappableClass().

    For a detailed migration guide, see this issue.

  • Documentation is now separated from the README using the official pub.dev documentation topics. Find the new documentation here

  • Improvements in performance and support for generics and inheritance.

  • Added the [CheckTypesHook] to allow for custom discriminator checks on subclasses in a polymorphic class structure.

  • CopyWith is now more powerful and also works for generic or polymorphic classes, while being completely type-safe.

    When called on a superclass, the concrete subtype will be retained through a .copyWith call, which also respects generics:

      // with `class A` and `class B<T> extends A`
      A a = B<int>(); // static type A, dynamic type B<int>
      // signature will be `A copyWith()`, so static type A
      A a2 = a.copyWith(); 
      // this will still resolve to a dynamic type of B<int>
      assert(a2 is B<int>);

    For more checkout the docs or example

1.2.0 #

  • Added support for 2.17 super parameters

1.1.3 #

  • Fixed import paths on windows

1.1.2 #

  • Improved Readme for constructor utilization
  • Fixed missing imports for custom hooks

1.1.1 #

  • Updated description

1.1.0 #

  • Added support for custom enum values
    • Choose between ValuesMode.named and ValuesMode.indexed for automatic generation of encoded values
    • Use @MappableValue(myCustomValue) on an enum value to specify a custom encoded value
    • Deprecated the String toStringValue() extension method in favor of the more general dynamic toValue()

1.0.2 #

  • Fixed unrecognized type issue for equals, hashCode and toString methods

1.0.1 #

  • Improved resolving of constructor parameters, which fixed various issues in copyWith and toMap methods

1.0.0 #

  • Initial release of builder package


verified publisherschultek.dev

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Improved json serialization and data classes with full support for generics, inheritance, customization and more.

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analyzer, ansicolor, build, collection, dart_mappable, dart_style, glob, path, source_gen


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