Copy-With topic
can generate a powerful copyWith
method for your classes. It supports assigning
as well as chained deep copies, polymorphic copy, merging objects or applying delta maps.
class Person with PersonMappable {
String name;
int? age;
Person(, this.age);
void main() {
var person = Person('Tom', 20);
// `age` not passed, its value is preserved
print(person.copyWith(name: 'Max')); // Person(name: Max, age: 24)
// `age` is set to `null`
print(person.copyWith(age: null)); // Person(name: Tom, age: null)
Deep Copy
When having complex nested classes, this syntax can get quite verbose. Therefore this package provides a special syntax for nested classes, similar to freezed.
Consider the following classes:
class Person with PersonMappable {
String name;
class Company with CompanyMappable {
Person manager;
List<Person> employees;
Company(this.manager, this.employees);
void main() {
var company = Company(Person('Anna'), [Person('Max'), Person('Tom')]);
// access nested object using the 'dot' syntax
print(company.copyWith.manager(name: 'Laura'));
// prints: Company(manager: Person(name: 'Laura'), ...)
// this also works with lists or maps
print( 'John'));
// prints: Company(..., employees: [Person(name: 'John), Person(name: 'Tom')])
// you can also use 'apply' with a custom function to transform a value
print(company.copyWith.manager.apply((manager) => Person(;
// prints: Company(manager: Person(name: 'ANNA'), ...)
When working with List
s or Map
s and copyWith
, there are different methods you can use to access, add, remove or filter elements.
The complete interfaces are documented
CopyWith for Inheritance, Polymorphism and Generics
CopyWith works not only for simple use-cases, but also supports complex class structures with inheritance or generics, like Polymorphism.
After reading the next page, check out the Polymorphic-CopyWith Example on Github.
Merging Objects
You can also merge classes fields using the .copyWith.$merge()
extension. Here any non-null property of the provided
object will override the respective property of the base object. Other than the normal copy-with, this is not
null-aware / reversible, meaning a non-null property can never be set back to null using this method.
class A with AMappable {
A(this.a, this.b);
String? a;
String? b;
void main() {
var a = A('a', null);
var b = A(null, 'b');
var c = a.copyWith.$merge(b);
assert(c == A('a', 'b'));
Copy Delta
You can also apply a delta map on an object using the .copyWith.$delta
extension. The delta copy-with is null aware
(other than the merging copy-with) meaning that explicit null values in the provided map will override any value in the base object.
class A with AMappable {
A(this.a, this.b, this.c);
String? a;
String? b;
String? c;
void main() {
var a = A('a', null, 'c');
var delta = {'b': 'b', 'c': null};
var c = a.copyWith.$delta(delta);
assert(c == A('a', 'b', null));
Result, In, Out> Copy-With -
Result, Elem, Copy> Copy-With - Interface used for Lists in chained copyWith methods All methods return a new modified list and do not modify the original list.
Result, Key, Value, Copy> Copy-With - Interface used for Maps in chained copyWith methods All methods return a new modified map and do not modify the original map.
Result, In, Out> Copy-With