Configuration topic

There are different configuration options that control how dart_mappable generates code for your models. Most of the options can be configured on three levels:

  • On a Class Level, by using its property on the @MappableClass() annotation,
  • on a Library Level, by using its property on the @MappableLib() annotation, or
  • on a Global Level, by defining its options in the build.yaml file (as shown further down).

Class level configurations override library level configurations override global configurations.

Generation Methods

This package can generate a few different sets of methods, which can be activated or deactivated individually. This makes sure that only code is generated that you actually need. By default, all methods are generated for each class.

You can set the generateMethods property to specify which methods to generate. The following methods are supported:

  • decode: Will generate fromJson and fromMap.
  • encode: Will generate toJson and toMap.
  • copy: Will generate copyWith.
  • stringify: Will generate the toString override.
  • equals: Will generate the == and hashCode overrides.

When using annotations, you can specify multiple methods using the bitwise-or operator like this: @MappableClass(generateMethods: GenerateMethods.copy | GenerateMethods.equals | GenerateMethods.stringify).

Case Styles

You can specify the caseStyle options for the json keys and the enumCaseStyle option for your stringified enum values. Choose one of the existing styles or specify a custom one.

Currently supported are:

Option Code Example myFieldName
none / unmodified CaseStyle.none myFieldName (unchanged, default)
camelCase CaseStyle.camelCase myFieldName (dart style)
pascalCase CaseStyle.pascalCase MyFieldName
snakeCase CaseStyle.snakeCase my_field_name
paramCase CaseStyle.paramCase my-field-name
lowerCase CaseStyle.lowerCase myfieldname
upperCase CaseStyle.upperCase MYFIELDNAME

You can also specify a custom case style using the custom(ab,c) syntax or CaseStyle() class.

  • The letters before the comma define how to transform each word of a field name. They can be either l for lowerCase, u for upperCase, or c for capitalCase. When using only one letter, it is applied to all words. When using two letters, the first one is applied to only the first word and the second one to all remaining words. Respective options head and tail.

  • The one letter after the comma defines the separator between each word, like _ or -. This can be any character or empty. Respective option separator.

Here are some examples that can be achieved using this syntax:

Option Code Example myFieldName
custom(u,_) CaseStyle(tail: TextTransform.upperCase, separator: '_') MY_FIELD_NAME
custom(uc,+) CaseStyle(head: TextTransform.upperCase, tail: TextTransform.capitalCase, separator: '+') MY+Field+Name
custom(cl,) CaseStyle(head: TextTransform.capitalCase, tail: TextTransform.lowerCase) Myfieldname

Global options

Additionally to using the @MappableClass() and @MappableLib() annotations for configuration, you can also define a subset of their properties as global options in the build.yaml file:

      # the case style for the map keys, defaults to 'none'
      caseStyle: none # or 'camelCase', 'snakeCase', etc.
      # the case style for stringified enum values, defaults to 'none'
      enumCaseStyle: none # or 'camelCase', 'snakeCase', etc.
      # if true removes all map keys with null values
      ignoreNull: false # or true
      # used as property name for type discriminators
      discriminatorKey: type
      # used to specify which methods to generate (all by default)
      generateMethods: [decode, encode, copy, stringify, equals]


The build_extensions option allows you to specify custom paths for the generated files. This is particularly useful when working with certain code generation scenarios. It takes a map where keys are paths to source files and values are lists of corresponding generated file paths.


Here is an example to write in a build.yaml file to generate the generated files in a generated folder:

      # only to resolve build_runner conflicts
              - 'lib/{{path}}/generated/{{file}}.mapper.dart'
              - 'lib/{{path}}/generated/{{file}}.init.dart'

Next: Copy-With


CaseStyle Configuration
Used to transform fields to a specific case style.
CaseStyle Configuration
Used to transform fields to a specific case style.
GenerateMethods Configuration
Collection of constants to indicate which methods and extensions to generate for a specific class.
GenerateMethods Configuration
Collection of constants to indicate which methods and extensions to generate for a specific class.
MappableClass Introduction Models Configuration Polymorphism Mapping Hooks Custom Mappers
Used to annotate a class in order to generate mapping code.
MappableClass Introduction Models Configuration Polymorphism Mapping Hooks Custom Mappers
Used to annotate a class in order to generate mapping code.
MappableConstructor Models Configuration
Used to annotate a constructor to be chosen as the serialization function.
MappableConstructor Models Configuration
Used to annotate a constructor to be chosen as the serialization function.
MappableField Models Records Configuration Mapping Hooks
Used to annotate a parameter or field to overwrite the mapped key.
MappableField Models Records Configuration Mapping Hooks
Used to annotate a parameter or field to overwrite the mapped key.
MappableLib Configuration Polymorphism Generics
Used to annotate a library to define default values.
MappableLib Configuration Polymorphism Generics
Used to annotate a library to define default values.


TextTransform Configuration
Text transformation applied to a single word.
TextTransform Configuration
Text transformation applied to a single word.