dart_apitool 0.19.0 dart_apitool: ^0.19.0 copied to clipboard
A tool to analyze the public API of a package, create a model of it and diff it against another version to check semver.
Examples for dart-apitool #
Installation #
dart pub global activate dart_apitool
Examples #
Check pub version against current source ignoring the pre-release tag #
The current source contains a pre-release tag that gets ignored in this check (the current version gets treated as if it wouldn't have the pre-release part). This is done in CI to check the state of the current version once it will be officially released
dart-apitool diff --old pub://dart_apitool/0.1.2 --new . --ignore-prerelease on
Compare two copies #
dart-apitool diff --old [path to old version] --new . --ignore-prerelease on