codelessly_sdk 0.0.3 copy "codelessly_sdk: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
codelessly_sdk: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard

Codelessly CloudUI™ - Supercharge your Flutter apps with dynamic UI and real-time updates. Build and publish UI without code!"

Codelessly SDK #

This package provides the transformer API to complement the codelessly_api package.

Features #

This package is used to create active and passive transformers that convert BaseNodes from the codelessly_api into Flutter widgets that can be published, previewed, and interacted with in the Codelessly Editor.

Usage #

CodelesslySDK's key feature is Cloud UI which allows the users to update their app's UI over the air, without updating the app itself. To enable this feature, the SDK provides a widget called CodelesslyWidget.

To learn how to use the Codelessly Editor to publish layouts, check out our user guide here.

CodelesslyWidget #

CodelesslyWidget is a widget that renders the layout by utilizing the data of the canvas you publish from the editor. It takes in the following parameters:

  1. layoutID: ID of the published canvas.
  2. isPreview: Whether the layout is in preview or production mode. Preview mode is meant for debugging the layout and syncs with the changes made in the editor. Widgets in production mode do not sync and are only updated when explicitly published using the Publish button.
  3. config: It takes an instance of CodelesslyConfig that holds the information required to fetch the canvas data from the server. authToken is required while other parameters are optional.

Initializing SDK #

Before you can use CodelesslyWidget, you need to initialize the SDK. To do that, simply call the initializeSDK method before you render any CodelesslyWidget. Ideally, call it in the main method.

void main() {

initializeSDK takes in several parameters to provide complete flexibility. For example, you can declare config in this method to make it the default configuration of all CodelesslyWidgets, unless overriden.

  config: const CodelesslyConfig(
    authToken: authToken,

Similarly, you can declare data and functions to make them globally accessible.

Example #

Here's an example of how you can embed a canvas in your app using CodelesslySDK:

import 'package:codelessly_sdk/codelessly_sdk.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {
  // Initialize SDK.
    config: const CodelesslyConfig(
      authToken: 'LDliZlRlTS5EOTAsUzsrR3VfK0coN2sqbDI9OkVMazN4YXUv',

  runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Codelessly SDK Example',
      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
      home: SafeArea(
        child: CodelesslyWidget(
          layoutID: '0QsQaSzQ0A4RIzKKuN8Y',

Extending the transformer API #

Here is a minimal example of how to use this package to create a custom transformer for the MyNode node:

Please read the code inside BaseNode and AbstractNodeWidgetTransformer to better understand what each property does, and refer to the many transformers under codelessly_sdk/lib/src/transformers/node_transformers for additional examples.

import 'package:codelessly_api/codelessly_api.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

import '../../../codelessly_sdk.dart';
class MyNodeTransformer extends NodeWidgetTransformer<MyNode> {
  const MyNodeTransformer();

  Widget buildWidget(
      IconNode node,
      BuildContext context, [
        WidgetBuildSettings settings = const WidgetBuildSettings(),
      ]) {
    return Icon(
      size: node.basicBoxLocal.shortestSide,

To register a transformer:

globalActiveManager.registerTransformer('my_node', MyNodeTransformer());
globalPassiveManager.registerTransformer('my_node', MyNodeTransformer());

Additional information #

If you have any questions or run into any issues, you can file a support ticket through the Codelessly website or contact the Codelessly team directly. We welcome contributions to this package and encourage you to submit any issues or pull requests through the GitHub repository.

You can contact us on our Website or join us on our Discord Server.