circle_ui_navigator 2.0.0 copy "circle_ui_navigator: ^2.0.0" to clipboard
circle_ui_navigator: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard

A user-friendly customized widget whose goal is to display icons on a circle in a beatiful way.

A Flutter package for showing a circular navigation widget in a gorgeous, animated way. Highly customizable.

pub package

An inspiration is a design by Johny Vino.

What does it look like? #

Open Close
The example widget open The example widget close

Installation #

  • Run flutter pub add circle_ui_navigator

Your project requires Dart SDK version >= 3.0.0 but < 4.0.0 to compile with this package.

Please note that only SVG assets are supported for icons, as they are a highly compatible cross-platform solution. While this should be sufficient for most projects, please be aware that other icon types are not currently supported.

Usage #

To use the widget in your project, add the following import statement to the top of the file where you intend to use it:

import 'package:circle_ui_navigator/circle_ui_navigator.dart';

Then, use CircleNavigatorConfig in place of a widget. You can customize all of the parameters shown below, and a few more.

// This code has to be inside a State of a StatefulWidget:
bool _isOpeningAnimation = true;
bool _isClosingAnimation = false;

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return CircleNavigatorConfig(
        center: Point(200, 300), // of your choice and your responsibility to not draw a widget outside of the screen.
        animatedRippleColor: const Color(0xFF66A0FE).withOpacity(0.7),
        filledCircleColor: const Color(0xFFB4D8FF).withOpacity(0.7),
        isOpeningAnimation: _isOpeningAnimation,
        onOpenAnimationComplete: () {
              * You can add an optional reaction here if you like.
            setState(() {
                _isOpeningAnimation = false;
        isClosingAnimation: _isClosingAnimation,
        onCloseAnimationComplete: () {
              * Add navigation call based on your navigation setup.
            setState(() {
                _isClosingAnimation = false;
        iconSize: 48.0,
        actionIcons: [
                assetPath: 'assets/images/local_florist.svg',
                tappedColor: Colors.grey,
                onTap: () {
                      * Add navigation call based on your navigation setup.
                outerBorderColor: Colors.white,
                outerBorderSize: 10,
                innerBorderColor: Colors.white,
                assetPath: 'assets/images/local_activity.svg',
                color: Colors.purple,
                tappedColor: Colors.grey,
                onTap: () {
                      * Add navigation call based on your navigation setup.
                outerBorderColor: Colors.white,
                outerBorderSize: 10,
                innerBorderColor: Colors.white,
                assetPath: 'assets/images/restaurant.svg',
                tappedColor: Colors.grey,
                onTap: () {
                      * Add navigation call based on your navigation setup.
                outerBorderColor: Colors.white,
                outerBorderSize: 10,
                innerBorderColor: Colors.white,
                assetPath: 'assets/images/baby_changing_station.svg',
                tappedColor: Colors.grey,
                onTap: () {
                      * Add navigation call based on your navigation setup.
                outerBorderColor: Colors.white,
                outerBorderSize: 10,
                innerBorderColor: Colors.white,
                assetPath: 'assets/images/construction.svg',
                color: Colors.yellow.shade800,
                tappedColor: Colors.grey,
                onTap: () {
                      * Add navigation call based on your navigation setup.
                outerBorderColor: Colors.white,
                outerBorderSize: 10,
                innerBorderColor: Colors.white,
        closeIcon: TappableIconData(
            color: const Color(0xFF3678D0),
            assetPath: 'assets/images/close.svg',
            tappedColor: const Color(0xFF3678D0).withOpacity(0.5),
            onTap: () {
            setState(() {
                _isClosingAnimation = true;
            outerBorderColor: Colors.white54,
            outerBorderSize: 12,
            innerBorderColor: Colors.white,
        child: const CircleNavigator(),

Refer to the example to learn how to place a widget in the center of the screen and explore the capabilities of CircleNavigatorConfig.

Additional information #

If you find a package relevant or have learned something from it, please do not hesitate to contact me or like it :) Also, please raise any issues you have here on GitHub

I have found two issues that may impact your use of the package:

  • If the animationDuration and backgroundAnimationDuration parameters represent different time values, the onCloseAnimationComplete function is called twice. Usually, the first call causes the app to leave the screen, which is fine.
  • Some users may want to turn off animations entirely. If it applies to you, please let me know so that I can improve the package.

Dependencies #

I tried to keep the project as minimalistic as possible. So its pubspec keeps only:

  equatable: ^2.0.5
  flutter_svg: ^2.0.2


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A user-friendly customized widget whose goal is to display icons on a circle in a beatiful way.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


MIT (license)


equatable, flutter, flutter_svg, test


Packages that depend on circle_ui_navigator