catalyst 3.0.0
catalyst: ^3.0.0 copied to clipboard
The only dependency injection container for Dart you'll ever need
* This file is part of the Catalyst package.
* Copyright 2018-present by Julian Finkler <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please read the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
import 'package:catalyst/catalyst.dart';
void main() {
var container = Container();
// Register the StackAsAService in the container
container.register('shared_stack', StackAsAService);
// Get the registered service from the container
StackAsAService stack = container.get('shared_stack');
// Modify the stack
print(stack.length); // Outputs 0
print(stack.length); // Outputs 2
print(stack.entries); // Outputs [Hello, World]
// Retrieve the same service again from the container
StackAsAService anotherStack = container.get('shared_stack');
print(anotherStack.length); // Outputs 2
print(anotherStack.entries); // Outputs [Hello, World]
// Modify it...
// And the first variable is also modified
print(stack.length); // Outputs 2
print(stack.entries); // Outputs [Hello]
class StackAsAService {
final _entries = <String>[];
void add(String entry) {
void remove(String entry) {
_entries.removeWhere((e) => e == entry);
List<String> get entries => _entries;
int get length => _entries.length;