boomerang 0.1.14 copy "boomerang: ^0.1.14" to clipboard
boomerang: ^0.1.14 copied to clipboard

A starting point for Dart libraries or applications.

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A library for building simple, consistent and clean network layers. In dart you have to either use tools that rely on tools that use codegen or write it all from the scratch yourself. This is a simple, lean and extendible library with integrations for both Json_Serializable and built_value that helps you have clean and maintainable network layers.


First configure a TypeConverter for handling serialization and deserialization.

final converter = BuiltValueConverter(serializers);

Then define your Boomerang Client.

final boomerang = Boomerang(
    converter: converter, client: http.Client(), baseUrl: '');

Assuming you have setup a Character model in your serializers you can define your call.

Call<Character> getSnow = Call(Get('characters/583'));

And then make network call.

final res = boomerang.dispatch(call);  // res is of type Future<Response<Character>>

You can optionally define an extension method on Call

extension Equeue<T> on Call<T> {
  Future<Response<T>> enqueue() => boomerang.dispatch(this);

and make calls like

final res = call.equeue();


Type converters handle serialization and deserialization for boomerang. 3 Type converters are provided as part of the project.

Default Type Converter

A DefaultTypeConverter that uses dart:convert and is part of the boomerang package itself. It simply converts request and response bodies to Map<String, dynamic>. Keep in mind that an instance is the default value of boomerangs converter argument.

final boomerang = Boomerang(
    client: http.Client(), baseUrl: '');

You should mention the Map return type in your call definitions

Call<Map<String, dynamic>> getSnow = Call(Get('characters/583'));
final res = call.enqueue();  // res is of type Future<Response<Map<String, dynamic>>>

A full example can be found here.

Built value Type Converter

BuiltValueConverter takes a built_value Serializers as an argument and uses it for serialization and deserialization. Please see this article for more info on setting that up. Don't forget to add StandardJsonPlugin plugin to your serializers.

final Serializers serializers =
final converter = BuiltValueConverter(serializers);

You can then use models that are set up with the serializers in your call definitions.

Call<Character> getSnow = Call(Get('characters/583'));

A full example can be found here.

Json Serializable Type Converter

The json_serializable package is a much simpler alternative offered by the dart team itself.

For using this Converter you need to setup a Serializer for each model. Basicaly a static property in which methods provided by json_serializable are passed to the Serializer constructor.

@JsonSerializable(nullable: false)
class Character {
 final String name;
 final String gender;
 final List<String> aliases;

 Character({, this.gender, this.aliases});

 static Serializer<Character> get serializer =>
     Serializer(_$CharacterFromJson, _$CharacterToJson);

You also need to pass a list of every Serializer to a Serializers constructor.

final serializers = Serializers([Character.serializer]);

Both of these classes are part of the serializable_converter package.

Rest of the steps are exactly the same as built_value converter.

final converter = BuiltValueConverter(serializers);

You can then use models that are set up with the serializers in your call definitions.

Call<Character> getSnow = Call(Get('characters/583'));

A full example can be found here.

Call API

Call object constructor has a mandatory argument and a number of named optional ones that enable you to fully customize request parameters.

arg name description type mandatory
method http method, relative path Method1
url2 absolute path String
body body of request Object3
pathParams path params Map<String, String>
queryParams query params Map<String, String>
headers headers Map<String, String>
bodyFields url encoded form data4 Map<String, String>
  1. A sealed class of http verbs that also can hold relative path(similar to retrofit). Relative path should not have starting slash.
  2. Absolute path that would override baseUrl. Call(Get(), url: '') // request path will be regardless of set baseUrl
  3. Will be serialized based on runtimeType. Please enforce type in function definition.
  4. Cannot be set simultaneously with body.
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