bones_api 1.7.21 copy "bones_api: ^1.7.21" to clipboard
bones_api: ^1.7.21 copied to clipboard

Bones_API - A powerful API backend framework for Dart. It comes with a built-in HTTP Server, route handler, entity handler, SQL translator, and DB adapters.

1.7.21 #

  • Time.fromBytes:
    • Handle 7 bytes encoding from PostgreSQL.

1.7.20 #

  • Pool:
    • removeFromPool: call closePoolElement.

1.7.19 #

  • Pool:
    • _catchFromPopulatedPool: call disposePoolElement on invalid elements.

1.7.18 #

  • EntityReferenceBase:

    • Added disposeInternalHandlers and resolve.
  • coverage: ^1.9.1

1.7.17 #

  • EntityReference:
    • Fix set for null value.

1.7.16 #

  • EntityReferenceBase:

    • Optimize _resolveEntityHandler: avoid multiple null resolutions.
    • Optimize _resolveEntity: avoid uncessary call to entityProvider when entity and id are null.
    • Added resolveTypeName: avoid type.toString().
    • Optimize _isInvalidEntityType: avoid multiple == calls.
  • data_serializer: ^1.2.1

  • crypto: ^3.0.5

1.7.15 #

  • ConditionSQLEncoder:

    • encodeConditionValuesWithOperator: Fix encoding for null values to use IS NULL and IS NOT NULL.
  • statistics: ^1.1.2

1.7.14 #

  • APIModuleProxyHttpCaller:

    • isJsonResponse: Improve logic for determining JSON response types.
    • isByteArrayResponse: Improve logic for determining raw bytes response types.
  • swiss_knife: ^3.2.1

1.7.13 #

  • EntityHandler:

    • Added fieldsEntityAnnotations.
    • Added fieldsWithTypeAndAnnotations.
    • fieldsWithEntityReference, fieldsWithEntityReferenceList: ensure unmodifiable.
    • fieldsWithTypeListEntityOrReference: do not return hidden fields (@EntityField.hidden()).
  • sdk: '>=3.4.0 <4.0.0'

  • data_serializer: ^1.2.0

  • reflection_factory: ^2.4.4

  • statistics: ^1.1.1

  • collection: ^1.19.0

  • shelf: ^1.4.2

  • http: ^1.2.2

  • test: ^1.25.8

  • coverage: ^1.9.0

1.7.12 #

  • APISecurity:
    • resolveRequestCredentials: call validateUnknownToken to allow external tokens.

1.7.11 #

  • LoggerHandler: optimize logBuffered.

1.7.10 #

  • APIToken, APICredential: added field refreshToken.

  • APISecurity:

    • Added onNewAPIToken, validateUnknownToken, validateRefreshToken.
  • shared_map: ^1.1.9

  • reflection_factory: ^2.4.3

1.7.9 #

  • EntityHandlerProvider:

    • Optimize _getEntityHandlerImpl.
  • ClassReflectionEntityHandler:

    • Optimize copy.
  • DBEntityRepository:

    • Optimize hasReferencedEntities.
  • EntityResolutionRules:

    • Added: isAnyEagerEntityType, isAnyEagerEntityTypeInfo, isAnyLazyEntityType, isAnyLazyEntityTypeInfo.
  • EntityReference

    • Added fromEntityInstantiator and hasEntity.
  • New EntityInstantiator and EntityInstantiatorHandler.

  • EntityHandler:

    • Added getIDFromMap and toEntitiesMapByIdMap.
  • EntityRepository: added getEntityMapID.

  • Time: set all fields final.

  • APIResponse: added metric API-response-json.

  • reflection_factory: ^2.4.2

1.7.8 #

  • DBSQLMemoryAdapter:
    • _selectEntries: add support for limit.

1.7.7 #

  • EntityHandler:
    • _resolveValueAsUInt8List: handle hex: and base64: prefixed data.

1.7.6 #

  • EntityHandler:

    • Added getIDs.
  • EntitySource, EntityRepository:

    • Added existIDs, selectIDsBy and selectIDsByQuery.
  • DBRelationalAdapter:

    • Added parseIDs.

1.7.5 #

  • New IterableEntityReferenceExtension and IterableEntityReferenceListExtension.

  • EntityReference: added idAsInt and idNotNullAsInt.

  • EntityReferenceList: added idsAsInt and idsNotNullAsInt.

1.7.4 #

  • TimedMap:
    • Added keyTimeoutChecker

1.7.3 #

  • MapAsCacheExtension:
    • Added getIfCached.
    • Exposed checkCachedEntry.

1.7.2 #

  • New MapOfCachesExtension and RecordExtension.

  • reflection_factory: ^2.4.0

  • docker_commander: ^2.1.6

  • meta: ^1.15.0

  • archive: ^3.5.1

  • build_runner: ^2.4.10

  • test: ^1.25.5

  • coverage: ^1.8.0

1.7.1 #

  • DBPostgreSQLAdapter:
    • Fix _parseConstraint for enums with single values.

1.7.0 #

  • ConditionParameter:

    • Added contextKeyPosition with the parameters position of the key.
    • getValue: improve key and index resolution.
    • 💥 Breaking Change:
      • contextPosition: the index is now resolved using all parameters, not only the positional ones.
        • Now baz will resolve contextPosition as 2 and not 1: foo == ? || bar == ?:x || baz == ?
  • args: ^2.5.0

  • meta: ^1.14.0

  • googleapis_auth: ^1.6.0

  • test: ^1.25.3

1.6.15 #

  • APIModuleProxyTargetResolver: added parameter errorHandler.

  • APIModuleProxyCaller.resolveTarget: added parameter errorHandler.

  • APIModuleProxyDirectCaller and APIModuleProxyHttpCaller:

    • Added field errorHandler.
    • Added static field defaultErrorHandler.
  • APIModuleProxyCallerListener

    • Added static field defaultErrorHandler.
  • APIModuleProxyCallerResponseError:

    • Added fields: request, responseStatus, module, methodName and parameters.
  • Removed deprecated APIModuleHttpProxy (use APIModuleProxyHttpCaller).

1.6.14 #

  • APIToken: fix the constructor initialization of field duration.

1.6.13 #

  • Condition: added isIDCondition

  • DBSQLMemoryAdapter: optimize _selectEntries for Conditions that only depends on IDs.

1.6.12 #

  • LoggerHandler:
    • Added isLoggingAll and isLoggingDB.
    • Optimize parent, rootLogger and root.

1.6.11 #

  • TableScheme: optimize getFieldReferencedTable.

  • DBSQLMemoryAdapter:

    • optimize _resolveEntityMap and _resolveEntityFieldRelationshipTable.
  • APIServerConfig: added logQueue.

  • EntityRepository:

    • _storeAllFromJsonImpl: optimize loading of entities from JSON (split in blocks of 100 entries per store).

1.6.10 #

  • reflection_factory: ^2.3.4

1.6.9 #

  • ClassReflectionEntityHandler:

    • getFields: call reflection.getJsonFieldsVisibleValues (avoid issues with JsonHidden.fields).
  • reflection_factory: ^2.3.3

1.6.8 #

  • LoggerHandler:

    • Added useLogQueue, disableLogQueue and enableLogQueue.
  • New APIModuleProxyCallerError:

    • Implemented by APIModuleProxyCallerResponseError.
  • APIModuleProxyDirectCaller:

    • Throw APIModuleProxyCallerResponseError for APIResponses with ERROR status.
  • APIModuleProxyHttpCaller:

    • Throw APIModuleProxyCallerResponseError for error HttpResponses.
  • Optimize DBAdapter and DBEntityRepository.

  • async_extension: ^1.2.12

  • mercury_client: ^2.2.2

  • async_extension: ^1.2.9

  • googleapis_auth: ^1.5.1

  • build_runner: ^2.4.9

1.6.7 #

  • EntityHandler: added normalizeID and normalizeIDs.

  • EntityReference.fromID: use _normalizeID.

  • EntityReferenceList.fromIDs: use _normalizeIDs.

1.6.6 #

  • APIServerConfig:

    • Added field development and serverResponseDelay.
    • Added option server-response-delay.
  • APISecurity:

    • Fixed disposeAuthenticationData.
    • Added disposeAuthenticationToken.
  • APITokenStore:

    • Added removeTokenData.

1.6.5 #

  • EntityAccessRules:

    • Fix toJsonEncodable to allow rules to be applied to sub-entities.
  • APIResponse extension on Future and FutureOr:

    • Added payloadAsyncOr.
  • LoggerHandler:

    • flushMessages: added parameter delay.
  • async_extension: ^1.2.7

  • reflection_factory: ^2.3.1

  • postgres: ^2.6.4

  • googleapis_auth: ^1.5.0

1.6.4 #

  • EntityReference:

    • Added idNotNull, idAs and idNotNullAs
  • EntityReferenceList:

    • Added idsAs and idsNotNullAs.
  • LoggerHandler:

    • Added flushMessages.
  • APIServer and APIServerWorker:

    • _startImpl: call flushMessages before return.

1.6.3 #

  • APIServer: allow return of List<int> as JSON.

1.6.2 #

  • DBEntityRepository:

    • Optimize _resolveRelationshipFields.
  • LoggerHandlerIO:

    • printMessage: add a message queue for printing log messages asynchronously.
  • http: ^1.2.1

1.6.1 #

  • statistics: ^1.1.0

  • swiss_knife: ^3.2.0

  • shared_map: ^1.1.8

  • mercury_client: ^2.2.1

  • meta: ^1.12.0

  • logging: ^1.2.0

  • mime: ^1.0.5

  • gcloud: ^0.8.12

  • path: ^1.9.0

  • archive: ^3.4.10

  • http: ^1.2.0

  • build_runner: ^2.4.8

  • test: ^1.25.2

1.6.0 #

Dart 3.3.0 compatibility.

  • sdk: '>=3.3.0 <4.0.0'

  • data_serializer: ^1.1.0

  • yaml_writer: ^2.0.0

  • project_template: ^1.1.0

  • hotreloader: ^4.2.0

1.5.28 #

  • ClassReflectionEntityHandler.getFields: optimize using reflection.getFieldsValues.

  • async_events: ^1.1.0

  • reflection_factory: ^2.3.0

1.5.27 #

  • SQLGenerator:
    • Added generateAddUniqueConstraintAlterTableSQL.
  • DBSQLAdapter:
    • _checkDBTablesImpl: Added check for missingReferenceConstraintsSQLs, missingUniqueConstraintsSQLs and missingEnumConstraintsSQLs.
  • New TableUniqueConstraint.
  • EntityHandler:
    • Added getFieldsEnumTypes, getFieldsEntityTypes and getAllFieldsWithEntityAnnotation.
  • New DBException and TransactionErrorResolver.
  • DBAdapterException:
    • Added field previousError.
  • DBPostgreSQLAdapter:
    • resolveError: pass previousError.
  • New RecursiveToString.
  • Add RecursiveToString interface to EntityFieldInvalid and TransactionOperation.

1.5.26 #

  • DBSQLMemoryAdapter:
    • Added index for relationship tables.
  • InitializationStatus:
    • Added fields _initializingTime and _initializedTime.
    • Logging initialization time.

1.5.25 #

  • Fix DBPostgreSQLAdapter._parseConstraint.

1.5.24 #

  • APIModuleProxyCallerListener: fix resolveResponse for null response.

1.5.23 #

  • EntityAccessRules:

    • Added toJsonEncodable (moved from APIServer).
  • New APIModuleProxyCallerListener base class.

  • APIModuleProxyDirectCaller:

    • Added responsesAsJson.
    • Now capable to simulate a JSON serialization/deserialization for unit tests.
  • reflection_factory: ^2.2.8

1.5.22 #

  • DBAdapterCapability:
    • Added constraintSupport.
  • TableScheme:
    • Added constraints.
  • New TableConstraint, TablePrimaryKeyConstraint and TableEnumConstraint.
  • SQLGenerator:
    • Added generateAddEnumConstraintAlterTableSQL.
  • MapAsCacheExtension:
    • Added internal _checkCachedEntry to handle TimedMap.checkEntry.

1.5.21 #

  • APIRouteBuilder:
    • _resolveRequestParameterValueAsBytes: allow hex:... format.

1.5.20 #

  • Better error message for null getRepositoryAdapterByTableName and getEntityRepositoryByType.

1.5.19 #

  • New DateTimeToTimeExtension:

    • New toTime.
  • reflection_factory: ^2.2.7

  • coverage: ^1.7.2

1.5.18 #

  • shelf_gzip: ^4.1.0

1.5.17 #

  • APIServerWorker:
    • Improve error 500 logging.

1.5.16 #

  • APIServer:
    • added resolveBodySync -APIRequest, APIResponse and Transaction.
    • Added disposeAsync.
  • APIServerWorker:
    • _processAPIResponse: optimize Response resolution.
    • Call APIResponse.disposeAsync instead of .dispose.

1.5.15 #

-APIRequest, APIResponse and Transaction.

  • Added dispose.
  • APIServerWorker._processAPIResponse: call APIResponse.dispose.

1.5.14 #

  • DBMySQLAdapter and DBPostgreSQLAdapter:
    • Add finalizer to ensure that the DB connection is closed when the wrapper is collected.
  • Fix ˜KeyConditionNotIN`.

1.5.13 #

  • LoggerHandlerIO:
    • Added APIPlatform properties:
      • bones_api.log.max_file_length, bones_api.log.max_rotation_files.
  • LogFileRotate:
    • Optimize needRotation.
  • APIPlatform:
    • Added getPropertyAs, propertiesKeys, setProperty and applyProperties.
  • DBAdapter:
    • isConnectionValid: added parameter checkUsage.

1.5.12 #

  • APIServerConfig:
    • Added properties: cacheStaticFilesResponses, staticFilesCacheMaxMemorySize and staticFilesCacheMaxContentLength.
  • APIConfig:
    • getAs and getPath: also tries to parse the value to the returned type.

1.5.11 #

  • New APIServerResponseCache.

1.5.10 #

  • printZoneError: reduce print calls.

  • shared_map: ^1.1.7

  • petitparser: ^6.0.2

1.5.9 #

  • reflection_factory: ^2.2.5
  • shared_map: ^1.1.6

1.5.8 #

  • EntityHandler:
    • Added _resolveTransaction: improve current Transaction resolution.
  • DBSQLMemoryAdapter:
    • Using catchFromPool/releaseIntoPool to simulate connection/context usage and indicate heavy use of connections in tests.

1.5.7 #

  • SQLGenerator:
    • generateCreateTableSQL: fix CONSTRAINT of fields with EntityReference.

1.5.6 #

  • APIRepository:
    • Expose countByQuery.

1.5.5 #

  • lints: ^3.0.0
    • Apply new lints fixes.
  • shared_map: ^1.1.5

1.5.4 #

  • APISecurity:

    • Ensure that _sessionSet (APISessionSet) is using _sharedStoreField.
  • APITokenStore:

    • Also call _resolveSharedTokensByUsername from constructor, to fully pre-initialize it.
  • shared_map: ^1.1.4

1.5.3 #

  • shared_map: ^1.1.1

1.5.2 #

  • APIServerConfig:
    • Fix name and version resolution

1.5.1 #

  • new APIServerConfig:

    • Holds the configuration need for APIServer and APIServerWorker.
    • Can be created from command-line arguments or a JSON object.
  • Created an abstract base class _APIServerBase for APIServer and APIServerWorker.

    • start and stop methods, delegating to startImpl and stopImpl.
    • Add a new boolean property isStarting to determine if the server is in the process of starting.
  • APIServer

    • Support for spawning auxiliary workers in separate isolates when needed.
    • Starting and stopping of auxiliary APIServerWorker instances using isolates. Main worker starts normally.
  • New APIServerWorker to handle multi-worker APIServer.

    • Add _processWhileInitializing to handle API requests while the server is still initializing, including a timeout for initialization.
  • APIRequest:

    • Can also handle metrics.
    • Added transactions field, automatically populated with all the Transactions of the request.
  • APIRequest and APIResponse:

    • Improved metrics: added description parameter.
    • Added Transactions duration to Server-Timing.
  • APIRoot:

    • Added isIsolateCopy.
  • DBAdapterCapability:

    • Added multiIsolateSupport;
  • DBAdapter

    • Added auxiliaryMode and enableAuxiliaryMode.
    • DBSQLMemoryAdapter and DBObjectMemoryAdapter don't support auxiliaryMode, since they don't support multiIsolateSupport.
  • SQLGenerator.generateCreateTableSQL: skip annotated hidden fields.

  • APISessionSet: using SharedStoreField and SharedMapField to store the the sessions.

  • New APITokenStore:

    • Shared tokens among Isolates.
  • shared_map: ^1.0.10

  • args_simple: ^1.1.0

  • coverage: ^1.7.1

  • vm_service: ^13.0.0

1.5.0 #

1.4.37 #

  • DBObjectGCSAdapter:
    • Fix cached file parent directory creation.

1.4.36 #

  • APIConfig: fix resolution of variables keys.

  • DBAdapter:

    • Added parameter populateSourceVariables: allow variables in populate source.
  • Improved related tests.

  • data_serializer: ^1.0.12

  • hotreloader: ^4.1.0

1.4.35 #

  • DBSQLMemoryAdapter._findFieldsReferencedTables: Fix referenced field name.

1.4.34 #

  • APIConfig: added field test.
  • DBSQLMemoryAdapter:
    • Fix _findFieldsReferencedTables:
      • Normalize entity field to table column name.
  • DBSQLAdapter:
    • Fix_checkDBTableScheme:
      • Normalize entity field to table column name.
    • Fix checkDBTableField:
      • Allow EntityReferenceList fields.

1.4.33 #

  • EntityReferenceBase: added isNotNull.
  • New NullEntityReferenceBaseExtension and NullEntityReferenceExtension.
  • meta: ^1.11.0
  • hotreloader: ^4.0.0
  • archive: ^3.4.6

1.4.32 #

  • APIModuleProxy: added ignoreMethods.
  • reflection_factory: ^2.2.3

1.4.31 #

  • Added EntityHandler.constructors.

  • EntityHandler._createFromMapDefaultImpl: improve UnsupportedError message.

  • statistics: ^1.0.26

  • data_serializer: ^1.0.11

  • docker_commander: ^2.1.5

  • postgres: ^2.6.3

  • archive: ^3.4.5

  • collection: ^1.18.0

  • dependency_validator: ^3.2.3

  • coverage: ^1.6.4

  • test: ^1.24.7

1.4.30 #

  • EntityResolutionRules:

    • New factory constructor fetchTypes.
  • docker_commander: ^2.1.2

1.4.29 #

  • New abstract class DBConnectionWrapper:

    • Implementations DBMySqlConnectionWrapper and PostgreSQLConnectionWrapper.
  • Pool

    • Added createPoolElementForced (non-nullable).
    • _catchFromPopulatedPool: now can return null.
  • DBAdapter:

    • New connectionInactivityLimit.
    • isConnectionValid:
      • MySQL and PostgreSQL: checking connection.isInactive.
  • Using Graph to resolve the correct order of CreateTableSQL and to populate samples.

  • Checking SQLBuilder order and warning invalid orders.

  • EntityReferenceList.fromJson:

    • Fix issue with some entities null in the JSON.
  • APIRouteBuilder._apiMethodInvocation:

    • Check if returned value is a FutureOr<APIResponse> or return an APIResponse.error.
  • graph_explorer: ^1.0.2

  • ascii_art_tree: ^1.0.6

  • docker_commander: ^2.1.1

  • petitparser: ^6.0.1

  • archive: ^3.3.9

1.4.28 #

  • getTableScheme, getTableSchemeImpl and getTableSchemeForEntityRepository:

    • Added optional contextID parameter to allow multiple calls with the same contextID to share internal caches.
  • DBMySQLAdapter and DBPostgreSQLAdapter:

    • Optimize getTableScheme and getRepositoriesSchemes with use of contextID and internal shared caches.
  • async_extension: ^1.2.5

1.4.27 #

  • DBSQLAdapter:
    • _checkDBTableScheme: ignore fields annotated with EntityField.hidden.
  • reflection_factory: ^2.2.1
  • mercury_client: ^2.2.0
  • archive: ^3.3.8

1.4.26 #

  • APIServer:
    • Integrate LetsEncrypt logger with APIServer logger.
  • shelf_letsencrypt: ^1.2.2
  • dart_spawner: ^1.1.0
  • vm_service: ^11.10.0

1.4.25 #

  • SQLBuilderListExtension:
    • bestOrder: fix dependencies order of table relationships.
  • EntityRepositoryProviderExtension:
    • storeAllFromJson: store by allRepositories orders.

1.4.24 #

  • async_extension: ^1.2.3
  • docker_commander: ^2.1.0

1.4.23 #

  • New FutureOrAPIResponseExtension and FutureAPIResponseExtension.

  • async_extension: ^1.2.2

  • reflection_factory: ^2.2.0

1.4.22 #

  • APIServer:

    • _resolvePayload:
      • Better resolution of MimeType when content-type header is not provided.
      • String MimeTypes: use charsetEncoding to decode the String.
      • Optimize load of payload bytes as Uint8List.
  • async_extension: ^1.2.0

  • data_serializer: ^1.0.10

  • gcloud: ^0.8.11

  • test: ^1.24.6

  • vm_service: ^11.9.0

1.4.21 #

  • ConditionSQLEncoder:

    • resolveValueToCompatibleType: force DateTime.toUtc() to avoid DB adapter issues.
  • Transaction

    • Added waitOperation.
      • Added timeout parameter.
  • EntityRepository:

    • ensureStored implementations (DBRelationalEntityRepository, DBEntityRepository, IterableEntityRepository):
      • Avoid multiple store of the same entity in the same [Transaction].
        • Fix issue with unique fields.
      • Throws RecursiveRelationshipLoopError if a loop is detected.
  • EntityFieldInvalid:

    • Added field operation.
  • Added missing APIRequestMethod.HEAD.

  • EntityHandler:

    • Avoid recursive loop call to _validateFieldValueImpl.
  • APIDBModule:

    • select: sort entities by id.
    • update: fix enum selected option (HTMLInput).
  • LogFileRotate:

    • Fix needRotation for a log file not created yet.
  • async_events: ^1.0.12

  • stream_channel: ^2.1.2

  • gcloud: ^0.8.10

  • postgres: ^2.6.2

  • petitparser: ^5.4.0

1.4.20 #

  • ConditionElement:

    • Added field parent.
    • Added isInner.
  • EncodingContext:

    • resolveEntityAlias:
      • Better alias naming for _ref and _rel tables.
      • Better naming for long names.
  • DBRelationalEntityRepository._getCachedEntitiesRelationships:

    • Fix issue with EntityReferenceList and EntityReference values.
  • New LogFileRotate (used by default when logging to files).

  • APIServer: log Response.internalServerError (error 500 responses) as severe.

  • shelf_letsencrypt: ^1.2.1

  • http: ^1.1.0

1.4.19 #

  • Update bones_api_template.tar.gz.

1.4.18 #

  • ConditionEncoder:
    • encodeEncodingValueList: fix SQL encoding of empty list as ( null ) and not ( ).

1.4.17 #

  • logErrorMessage and logDBMessage: fix resolution of MessageLogger.

1.4.16 #

  • API Config:
    • Allow log.all, log.error and log.db to files.
  • DBAdapter:
    • Better boot hierarchy.
    • registerAsDbLogger loggers of implementations of DBAdapter.
  • LoggerHandler:
    • Added resolveLogDestiny and logBuffered.
  • DBAdapterException:
    • Added field operation.

1.4.15 #

  • SQLBuilderListExtension:
    • Optimize bestOrder:
      • Use internal Quick Sort algorithm for better pivot selection (producing a better order of elements).

1.4.14 #

  • APIRouteBuilder.apiMethod:

    • Ignores framework methods from APIModule that could be interpreted as routes.
  • SQLBuilder:

    • Added mainTable getter.
      • Used for better sorting using table name (sorteByName).
  • resource_portable: ^3.1.0

  • collection: ^1.17.2

  • test: ^1.24.4

  • vm_service: ^11.8.0

1.4.13 #

  • Initializable._finalizeInitializationWithDeps:
    • When finalizing root Initializable: wait for still initializing dependencies.
  • Fix InitializationChain._completeCircularDependency:
    • Check if Completer is already completed before call complete.
  • build_runner: ^2.4.6

1.4.12 #

  • Fix GroupConditionOR.cast.
  • ConditionSQLEncoder.keyFieldReferenceToSQL: throw exception when a field can't by found in table.

1.4.11 #

  • Added APIModuleProxyCaller and APIModuleProxyDirectCaller.
  • Rename APIModuleHttpProxy to APIModuleProxyHttpCaller.
  • reflection_factory: ^2.1.6

1.4.10 #

  • Added StringUtils.toLowerCaseSimpleCached.

  • Optimize Json.defaultFieldNameResolver.

  • Optimize FieldsFromMap.getFieldsValuesFromMap.

  • async_extension: ^1.1.1

  • reflection_factory: ^2.1.4

1.4.9 #

  • New WeakList.

  • Added DBAdapter.instances.

  • Transaction:

    • _onErrorZoneUncaughtError: get the error's Transaction and pass it to printZoneError as message.
    • Added Transaction.openInstances.
    • Added canPropagate to indicated that a Transaction can have multiple operations.
    • Added initTime, endTime and duration getters.
    • Log slow and long transactions.
    • _onExecutionError: only logs and rethrows the error in the 1st error notification.
    • _abortImpl:
      • call _transactionCompleter.complete instead of completeError to avoid issues with hidden error Zone.
  • TransactionOperation:

    • Added initTime, endTime and duration getters.
  • TransactionAbortedError:

    • Renamed abortError to error.
    • Renamed abortStackTrace to errorStackTrace.
  • Added APIRouteConfig.

  • log response time.

  • DBMySQLAdapter and DBPostgreSQLAdapter.

    • Allow minConnections and maxConnections from config.
    • getTableSchemeImpl and getTableFieldsTypesImpl: fix releaseIntoPool and disposePoolElement behavior.
  • DBEntityRepository: optimize _getRelationshipFields.

  • DBAdapter:

    • added isTransactionWithSingleOperation.
    • Fix executeTransactionOperation: identify single operation transactions.
    • Fix createPoolElement: respect maxConnections with correct poolAliveElementsSize calculation.
    • Added cancelTransactionResultWithError, throwTransactionResultWithErrorandresolveTransactionResult`.
      • Used by openTransaction result resolution.
  • Pool:

    • Fix poolDisposedElementsCount to also count _invalidatedElementsCount.
    • Fix _catchFromEmptyPool:
      • allow createPoolElement(force: true) if reached the limit and can't catch a reused element.
  • InitializationStatus:

    • New finalizing status.
  • InitializationChain:

    • Fix _isParent
      • Avoid analyzing dependencies of initializable if it exists in the parent's tree.
  • Initializable

    • _doInitializationImpl: allow circular initialization with timeout.
  • lints: ^2.1.1

  • build_runner: ^2.4.5

1.4.8 #

  • DBEntityRepository

    • _resolveEntitiesSubEntities: fix passing of parameter resolutionRules on special case.
  • args: ^2.4.2

1.4.7 #

  • APIServer:
    • _redirectToHttpsMiddleware: do not redirect /.well-known/acme-challenge/ paths.
  • sdk: '>=3.0.0 <4.0.0'
  • collection: ^1.17.1
  • googleapis_auth: ^1.4.1
  • shelf_letsencrypt: ^1.2.0
  • lints: ^2.1.0

1.4.6 #

  • ConditionEncoder:
    • Fix _resolveValueToTypeImpl:
      • Convert Enum values to String calling
      • Convert Enum values to int|num|BigInt calling Enum.index.
  • reflection_factory: ^2.1.3

1.4.5 #

  • DBSQLAdapter:
    • Now checks for missing reference columns.
    • Suggest ALTER TABLE with CONSTRAINTs.
  • SQLGenerator:
    • generateAddColumnAlterTableSQL:
      • Handle enums and references.
      • Generate CONSTRAINTs for FOREIGN KEY and UNIQUE.

1.4.4 #

  • AlterTableSQL:
    • Added indexes.
    • buildSQL: implement ifNotExists for ADD COLUMN.
  • SQLGenerator:
    • Added generateAddColumnAlterTableSQL.
  • DBSQLAdapter:
    • checkDBTables:
      • Now prints in the log a suggestion of ALTER TABLE SQLs to fix missing table columns.
  • args: ^2.4.1
  • crypto: ^3.0.3
  • gcloud: ^0.8.8
  • http: ^0.13.6
  • shelf: ^1.4.1
  • shelf_static: ^1.1.2
  • yaml: ^3.1.2

1.4.3 #

  • DBAdapter:
    • Added checkDB: checks DB tables and fields.
      • Moved call to generateTables to checkDB.
    • createPoolElement: optimize calls to createConnection when creating multiple connections simultaneously.
  • FieldsFromMap:
    • Added getFieldsKeysInMap.
  • TableScheme:
    • Added relationshipTables.
  • EntityHandler:
    • Fix valueToDynamicNumber for DateTime types.
  • Added APIEntityTypeNullableExtension to avoid resolution to APIEntityObjectExtension on Type? variables.
  • SQLBuilder: added logger and messages.
  • DBMySQLAdapter:
    • Decode TIME SQL type as Time class.
  • sdk: '>=2.18.0 <4.0.0'

1.4.2 #

  • Json:
    • Fix _jsonEncodableProvider: do not use EntityHandler if there's a registered ClassReflection.
  • APIServer:
    • Fix _toJsonEncodableAccessRules when there's an EntityAccessRules for an entity but there's no encodable function.

1.4.1 #

  • APIModuleHttpProxy:
    • Force POST request if any parameter is a List or Map.
  • APIRouteBuilder.resolveValueByType:
    • Renamed: _resolveValueType to resolveValueByType
    • Exposed and static.
    • Fix parsing of typed List, Set and Map parameters.
    • Improved tests.
  • reflection_factory: ^2.1.2

1.4.0 #

  • reflection_factory: ^2.1.0

1.3.69 #

  • APIAuthentication:
    • Added _credential field to allow return (by get credential) of the APICredential instance used in the authentication process.

1.3.68 #

  • APISecurity:
    • Added authenticateMultiple for when the request has an APICredential and also a payload with credential.
  • APICredential:
    • Added originalCredential field.
    • Added APICredential.fromMap and checkCredential.
  • APIDBModule: Added credential support.
  • async_events: ^1.0.11
  • test: ^1.24.1

1.3.67 #

  • Time.toString:
    • Fix withSeconds parameter.
  • Added Time.copyWith.

1.3.66 #

  • reflection_factory: ^2.0.7
  • hotreloader: ^3.0.6
  • statistics: ^1.0.25
  • petitparser: ^5.3.0
  • meta: ^1.9.1

1.3.65 #

  • decodeQueryStringParameters:
    • Added parameter charset.
  • swiss_knife: ^3.1.5
  • resource_portable: ^3.0.2
  • archive: ^3.3.7

1.3.64 #

  • APIRoot:
    • Added loadDependencies.

1.3.63 #

  • New HTMLDocument.
  • APIDBModule:
    • Added insert & update support.
    • Added delete operation.
    • Added UI (HTML).
  • EntityHandler:
    • Added resolveIDs.
    • Improve resolveValueByType.
  • reflection_factory: ^2.0.6

1.3.62 #

  • EntityReferenceList:
    • Fix add.

1.3.61 #

  • Added CreateIndexSQL.
  • EntityField:
    • Added _indexed and isIndexed.
    • Added constructor EntityField.indexed().
  • DBSQLAdapter:
    • Added getter entityRepositoriesBuildOrder.
  • DBAdapter:
    • allRepositories:
      • Use entityRepositoriesBuildOrder to return the repositores in the build order.
  • APIDBModule:
    • tables: list repositories ordered by name.
    • dump: list repositories in build order to allow use of the dump to populate a DB.

1.3.60 #

  • ConditionEncoder:
    • Fix queries using values of type Decimal or DynamicInt.
  • ConditionSQLEncoder:
    • Handle Decimal as double.
    • Handle DynamicInt as BigInt.

1.3.59 #

  • DBObjectGCSAdapter:
    • Fix call to replace with _getObjectInfo & try/catch.

1.3.58 #

  • New DBObjectGCSAdapter.
  • New library: bones_api_db_gcp.dart.
  • DBObjectDirectoryAdapter: clean code.
  • DBEntityRepositoryProvider:
    • Added requiredAdapters and requiredEntityRepositoryProviders:
      • Used by initializeDependencies.
  • reflection_factory: ^2.0.5
  • http: ^0.13.5
  • googleapis_auth: ^1.4.0
  • crclib: ^3.0.0

1.3.57 #

  • New DBObjectAdapter:
    • Base class for DBObjectMemoryAdapter and DBObjectDirectoryAdapter.
  • New DBAdapterRegister:
    • handles DBAdapter registration, avoiding repetitive static code in DBSQLAdapter, DBObjectAdapter and DBRelationalAdapter.
  • EntityHandler
    • Added equalsValuesEntityMap.
    • Added getEntityIDFrom.
    • equalsValuesEntity now also using equalsValuesEntityMap.
      • This fixes an issue for DBSQLMemoryAdapter.

1.3.56 #

  • EntityReference:
    • disposeEntities: force _resolveID before dispose.
  • EntityReferenceList:
    • disposeEntities: force _resolveIDs before dispose.
  • APIRouteBuilder:
    • _resolveValueType: resulve List, Set, Map generic types.

1.3.55 #

  • APIResponseStatus
    • Added REDIRECT: to perform URL/Location redirects.

1.3.54 #

  • DBObjectDirectoryAdapter:
    • _normalizeID: ensure safe ID for File path.
  • EntityReferenceBase:
    • Improve _getEntityID: allow use of if there's not EntityHandler.

1.3.53 #

  • petitparser: ^5.2.0
  • postgres: ^2.6.1

1.3.52 #

  • Renamed DBMemorySQLAdapter to DBSQLMemoryAdapter.
    • Renamed DBMemorySQLAdapterException to DBSQLMemoryAdapterException.
  • DBSQLMemoryAdapter: name changed to "sql.memory".
  • DBObjectMemoryAdapter: name changed to "object.memory".
  • DBMySQLAdapter: added alias "sql.mysql".
  • DBPostgreSQLAdapter: added alias "sql.postgresql".
  • New DBObjectDirectoryAdapter.
  • EntityHandler:
    • Fix _resolveValueByEntityHandler for when entityRepositoryProvider is null.
  • DBAdapter:
    • Added onClose.

1.3.51 #

  • Renamed DBMemoryObjectAdapter to DBObjectMemoryAdapter.
    • Renamed DBMemoryObjectAdapterException to DBObjectMemoryAdapterException.

1.3.50 #

  • APIServer:
    • Added allowRequestLetsEncryptCertificate.
  • shelf_letsencrypt: ^1.1.1

1.3.49 #

  • EntityHandler:
    • Optimize isValidEntityType.
  • APIToken:
    • Optimize generateToken.
  • IterableEntityRepositoryProviderExtension:
    • getEntityRepository: added parameter removeClosedProviders.
  • reflection_factory: ^2.0.4

1.3.48 #

  • APIConfig:
    • Added getAsMap, getAsList, getAs.
  • Added WithRuntimeTypeNameSafe.
  • Added ExtensionRuntimeTypeNameUnsafe:
    • runtimeTypeNameUnsafe
  • Added linter rules:
    • avoid_dynamic_calls.
    • avoid_type_to_string.
    • no_runtimeType_toString.
    • discarded_futures.
    • no_adjacent_strings_in_list.

1.3.47 #

  • Improve internal use of EntityCache.
  • EntityReferenceBase:
    • Added _entityCache.
  • Optimize _InitializationChain._isParent.
  • APIModuleHttpProxy:
    • onCall: using Json.decoder with EntityHandlerProvider.globalProvider.
  • Json:
    • Added decoder.
  • reflection_factory: ^2.0.3

1.3.46 #

  • Json.defaultFieldValueResolver:
    • Improve resolution of EntityReference and ``.
  • reflection_factory: ^2.0.1

1.3.45 #

  • KeyCondition: added support to >, >=, < and <= operators.
    • KeyConditionGreaterThan, KeyConditionGreaterThanOrEqual.
    • KeyConditionLessThan, KeyConditionLessThanOrEqual.
  • EntityHandler.createFromMap: added parameter jsonDecoder.

1.3.44 #

  • APIRouteRule:
    • Adde properties globalRules and noGlobalRules.
  • archive: ^3.3.6
  • args: ^2.4.0

1.3.43 #

  • Added APIEntityRules.

1.3.42 #

  • New APIEntityAccessRules, EntityAccessRules, EntityAccessRulesCached and EntityAccessRulesContext:
  • Renamed MergeEntityResolutionRulesError to MergeEntityRulesError.
  • Renamed ValidateEntityResolutionRulesError to ValidateEntityRulesError.
  • EntityAccessRules and EntityResolutionRules now extends EntityRules.
  • APIRouteHandler:
    • Added entityAccessRules.
    • Optimize entityResolutionRules.
  • APIResponse:
    • Added field apiRequest.
  • EntityReferenceBase:
    • toJson: added parameter jsonEncoder.
      • Fixes some to JSON issues, preserving the parent jsonEncoder.
  • Json:
    • toJson: expose parameter toEncodableProvider.
  • APIServer:
    • resolveBody:
      • When converting to JSON respect the EntityAccessRules of the context.
  • test: ^1.23.1

1.3.41 #

  • EntityResolutionRules:
    • Added mergeTolerant.
    • copyWith: added conflictingEntityTypes.
    • merge: allowing conflicting merge when mergeTolerant is present.

1.3.40 #

  • EntityResolutionRules:
    • Added innocuous const instance.
    • Added: isInnocuous, isValid, validate.
    • Added: copyWith and merge.
    • Added ValidateEntityResolutionRulesError and MergeEntityResolutionRulesError.
  • Added EntityRulesResolver.
    • resolveEntityResolutionRules: returns a EntityResolutionRulesResolved.
    • Added registerContextProvider(EntityRulesContextProvider).
  • APIRoot:
    • Initialization register: EntityRulesResolver.registerContextProvider.
  • Added APIEntityResolutionRules.
  • APIRouteHandler: added entityResolutionRules.
  • APIRequest: added routeHandler.
  • Moved entity rules classes to bones_api_entity_rules.dart.

1.3.39 #

  • APIRoot._callZoned:
    • Better handling of errors: throwing with StackTrace.
  • EntityResolutionRules:
    • Added isEagerEntityTypeInfo and isLazyEntityTypeInfo.
  • DBEntityRepository:
    • Optimize: resolveEntities and _resolveEntitiesSubEntities.
  • APIServer:
    • _sendAPIResponse: better handling of error response.
  • Time.parse:
    • Fix issue parsing input String as bytes.
  • coverage: ^1.6.3

1.3.38 #

  • SQLGenerator:
    • Remove unecessary UPDATE CASCADE for id (auto increment) references.
  • reflection_factory: ^2.0.0
  • async_events: ^1.0.9

1.3.37 #

  • TransactionEntityProvider:
    • Fix getEntityByID implementation: wasn't passing parameter resolutionRules to sub-calls.
  • reflection_factory: ^1.2.25

1.3.36 #

  • DBRelationalEntityRepository:
    • _ensureRelationshipsStored: avoid store of relationship fields if not in changedFields.
  • DBMemorySQLAdapter and DBMemoryObjectAdapter:
    • Construct TableScheme without relationship fields duplicated in the main fields.
  • args: ^2.3.2
  • reflection_factory: ^1.2.22

1.3.35 #

  • New testAPIServer tool.
  • Updated bones_api_template.tar.gz.
  • shelf_gzip: ^4.0.1
  • mime: ^1.0.4
  • stream_channel: ^2.1.1
  • test: ^1.22.2
  • coverage: ^1.6.2

1.3.34 #

  • reflection_factory: ^1.2.21

1.3.33 #

  • reflection_factory: ^1.2.19

1.3.32 #

  • APIServer:
    • defaultApiCacheControl and defaultStaticFilesCacheControl:
      • Added no-transform directive.
  • reflection_factory: ^1.2.18

1.3.31 #

  • APIServer:
    • Optimize headers.
    • Added fields: apiCacheControl and staticFilesCacheControl.
    • Better cache-control default values.

1.3.30 #

  • statistics: ^1.0.24
  • resource_portable: ^3.0.1
  • swiss_knife: ^3.1.3
  • archive: ^3.3.5
  • mercury_client: ^2.1.8

1.3.29 #

  • DBAdapter and DBRepositoryAdapter:
    • Added doSelectAll
  • DBMemoryObjectAdapter:
    • Added support for doSelectAll.
  • APIDBModule:
    • Added dump route.
    • JSON output compact: compatible with DB populate source samples.
  • mime: ^1.0.3
  • path: ^1.8.3
  • yaml_writer: ^1.0.3
  • build_runner: ^2.3.3
  • build_verify: ^3.1.0
  • test: ^1.22.1

1.3.28 #

  • APIRoot._callZoned: fix error handling.

1.3.27 #

  • APIDBModule:
    • Added constructor parameter name and onlyOnDevelopment.
  • APISecurity:
    • Allow call to authenticate with request parameter from an APIModule.

1.3.26 #

  • APIModule:
    • Allow method routes with parameter APIAuthentication.
  • APIRoot._callZoned: ensure that is catching Future errors.
  • Added APIConfig.development to inform development environment.
  • Added APIDBModule: a development module only to show DB entities.

1.3.25 #

  • APISecurity:
    • Added disposeAuthenticationData.
  • swiss_knife: ^3.1.2
  • pubspec: ^2.3.0
  • coverage: ^1.6.1

1.3.24 #

  • APIResponse:
    • Fix constructor parameter headers to ensure that it's always modifiable.
  • APIServer:
    • Static files:
      • Added gzip encoding.
      • Added cache-control response header.
  • logging: ^1.1.0
  • collection: ^1.17.0
  • mercury_client: ^2.1.7
  • async_events: ^1.0.8
  • archive: ^3.3.4
  • lints: ^2.0.1
  • build_runner: ^2.3.2
  • test: ^1.22.0

1.3.23 #

  • APISecurity:
    • Added logout and invalidateToken.
  • Fixed OPTIONS method for authenticationRoute (/authenticate).
  • sdk: '>=2.18.0 <3.0.0'
  • petitparser: ^5.1.0

1.3.22 #

  • reflection_factory: ^1.2.17
  • async_events: ^1.0.7

1.3.21 #

  • APIServer:
    • Added useSessionID to enable/disable the SESSIONID cookie.
    • Added option cookieless for a server that blocks all cookies.
    • Added support for Keep-Alive.
  • APIRequest:
    • Added protocol and keepAlive.
  • APIResponse:
    • Added keepAliveTimeout and keepAliveMaxRequests.

1.3.20 #

  • reflection_factory: ^1.2.16

1.3.19 #

  • ClassReflectionExtension:
    • Added: toEntityReference, toEntityReferenceList and toList.
  • TypeInfoEntityExtension:
    • Added isValidEntityReferenceType and isValidEntityReferenceListType.
  • JsonDecoder.registerTypeDecoder for EntityReference and EntityReferenceList:
    • Allow decoding of null values as EntityReference.asNull and EntityReferenceList.asNull.
  • reflection_factory: ^1.2.15
  • shelf: ^1.4.0
  • postgres: ^2.5.2
  • build_runner: ^2.2.1
  • test: ^1.21.6

1.3.18 #

  • APIRoot.resolveModule: defaults to path part #0.
  • APIModule.resolveRoute: defaults to path part #1 ?? #0.
    • Ensure that any route resolution passes through resolveRoute method (allowing personalization).
  • APIRouteBuilder: allow path parts as parameter value by parameterIndex.
  • reflection_factory: ^1.2.14

1.3.17 #

  • Added Etag: WeakEtag and StrongEtag.
  • Added CacheControlDirective and CacheControl.
  • APIResponse:
    • Added payloadETag and cacheControl.
    • Added APIResponse.notModified.
  • archive: ^3.3.1

1.3.16 #

  • APISecurity:
    • Adjust _storeTokeInfo.
  • async_events: ^1.0.6

1.3.15 #

  • DBSQLAdapter.generateCreateTableSQLs:
    • Fix CREATE TABLE SQLs order when a field is referencing to another DB.

1.3.14 #

  • APISecurity:
    • getCredentialPermissions: Added parameter previousPermissions.
    • getAuthenticationData: Added parameter previousData.
  • async_events: ^1.0.5

1.3.13 #

  • Ensure that parameter EntityResolutionRules? resolutionRules is fully propagated while fetching and resolving entities.
  • Added TransactionEntityProvider to correctly resolve entities while calling entityHandler.createFromMap inside a Transaction.
  • EntityReferenceBase:
    • Added typeName for correct generation of JSON.
    • Added parameter withEntity to copy.
  • Export MimeType and DataURLBase64 from package swiss_knife.
  • reflection_factory: ^1.2.13

1.3.12 #

  • Add EntityHandler.typeName to avoid minification issues with Types name.
  • async_events: ^1.0.4
  • reflection_factory: ^1.2.12

1.3.11 #

  • DBAdapter:
    • Fix resolution of EntityReferenceBase field table.
  • DBMemorySQLAdapter:
    • Fix resolution of relationship tables with multiple candidates.

1.3.10 #

  • EntityReference.fromID: accepts null ID (works like asNull).
  • Initializable:
    • InitializationChain._isParent: improve speed of search in the parent tree.
  • Fix update of Uint8List fields.

1.3.9 #

  • Improved enumFromName.
  • Added IterableEnumExtension.
  • Added Type.tryParse.
  • EntityReference and EntityReferenceList:
    • improve fromJson.
  • Fix EntityRepository.selectFirstByQuery:
    • resolutionRules wasn't being passed to sub calls.

1.3.8 #

  • Added
  • Added APIRoot.currentAPIRequest.
    • Logging messages now show the current
  • /API-INFO:
    • Now accepts a selected module. Example: /API-INFO/user
  • Added APIRequest.parsingDuration.
  • Added APIRepository.count.
  • Added DBEntityRepositoryProvider.extraDependencies.
  • Added Transaction.parentTransaction:
    • cacheEntity now also propagates cache to parentTransaction.
  • EntityHandler:
    • Uint8List resolution: now accepts base64, HEX and Data URL.
  • Added EntityReferenceList: a version of EntityReference for entities lists.
  • Fix EntityRepository._entitiesTracker: now tracked fields values are isolated from tracked entity.
  • Fix APISecurity._resolveAuthentication: avoid multiple parallel calls for user resolution.
  • Added tests for DBMemoryObjectAdapter.
  • reflection_factory: ^1.2.10

1.3.7 #

  • Added EntityReference: An entity field wrapper that allows lazy load of sub-entities.
  • Added EntityResolutionRules to allow lazy or eager selects.
  • EntityProvider:
    • getEntityByID: Added parameter sync.
  • reflection_factory: ^1.2.9

1.3.6 #

  • Added integration with AsyncEvent.
  • reflection_factory: ^1.2.6
  • async_events: ^1.0.3
  • statistics: ^1.0.23
  • postgres: ^2.4.6
  • shelf: ^1.3.2
  • yaml_writer: ^1.0.2

1.3.5 #

  • SQL:
    • Added isFullyDummy.
  • DBSQLAdapter:
    • Improve fieldValueToSQL when the entity is from another adapter.
    • updateSQL and doUpdateSQL: return the ID even when the SQL.isDummy.

1.3.4 #

  • APIRouteBuilder: Accepts Data URL for Uint8List parameters.
  • APIModuleHttpProxy.doRequest: converts Uint8List to Data URL (through Json.toJson).

1.3.3 #

  • Added EntityResolutionRules.
  • populateFromSource:
    • Allow source samples with url(path/to/file.txt), that will be read from a local file.

1.3.2 #

  • Clean code.

1.3.1 #

  • DBMemorySQLAdapter, DBMemoryObjectAdapter, DBPostgreSQLAdapter DBMySQLAdapter:
    • Improve toString: show instanceID.
  • SQLGenerator:
    • Fix CONSTRAINT to an entity type from another DBAdapter.

1.3.0 #

  • Clean code:
    • Renamed MemorySQLAdapter to DBMemorySQLAdapter.
    • Renamed MemoryObjectAdapter to DBMemoryObjectAdapter.
    • Renamed SQLAdapter to DBSQLAdapter.
      • Renamed SQLEntityRepository to DBSQLEntityRepository.
      • Renamed SQLEntityRepositoryProvider to DBSQLEntityRepositoryProvider.
    • Renamed MySQLAdapter to DBMySQLAdapter.
    • Renamed PostgreSQLAdapter to DBPostgreSQLAdapter.
    • Renamed bones_api_adapter_mysql.dart to bones_api_db_mysql.dart.
    • Renamed bones_api_adapter_postgre.dart to bones_api_db_postgre.dart.
    • Renamed some lib/src/*.dart files.

1.2.26 #

  • Fix resolution of EntityRepository when the same instance is returned by multiple providers.
  • Fix selectByID with null parameters and null ID.
  • Fix resolution of route parameters with a type of List of entities.
  • sdk: '>=2.17.0 <3.0.0'
  • reflection_factory: ^1.2.5

1.2.25 #

  • Added ZoneField:
    • A field value based on the current Zone.
    • Used to correctly resolve Transaction.executingTransaction and allow multiple simultaneous Transactions.
  • APIRouteBuilder:
    • Improve resolution of request parameters (entities, Decimal and bytes).
    • Allow resolution of entities and parameters using the request's payload.
  • New MemoryObjectAdapter: allow storage of objects without relationships.
  • Added DBRelationalAdapter:
    • Refactor DBAdapter and SQLAdapter to have an intermediate DBRelationalAdapter.
  • Transaction:
    • Fix finalization when some complex asynchronous errors happens in the Transaction.
    • Added TransactionOperationSubTransaction, to wrap sub transactions as an operation of the parent transaction (used when multiple DBAdapters are used in a Transaction).
  • data_serializer: ^1.0.7
  • map_history: ^1.0.3
  • async_extension: ^1.0.11
  • reflection_factory: ^1.2.4

1.2.24 #

  • bin/bones_api.dart:
    • Fix parameter --lib when respawning for Hot Reload.
  • Added SQLDialect for better handling of syntax variations.
  • SQLAdapter:
    • Moved to SQLDialect: sqlElementQuote, sqlAcceptsOutputSyntax, sqlAcceptsReturningSyntax, sqlAcceptsTemporaryTableForReturning, sqlAcceptsInsertDefaultValues, sqlAcceptsInsertIgnore, sqlAcceptsInsertOnConflict.
  • SQLGenerator: allow VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY.
  • EntityHandler:
    • Fix EntityCache interaction issues:
      • Some instance were not being cached depending on the instantiation type.
      • Internal call to Json.fromJson were wrongly clearing the EntityCache.
    • Respecting new parameter EntityCache.allowEntityFetch.
  • APIPayload (APIRequest, APIResponse):
    • Changed payloadMimeType from String to MimeType.
  • async_extension: ^1.0.10
  • reflection_factory: ^1.2.3
  • statistics: ^1.0.22

1.2.23 #

  • APIConfig:
    • Added sourceParentPath.
  • EntityRepositoryProvider:
    • populateFromSource: added parameter workingPath.
  • DBAdapter and SQLAdapter:
    • added parameter workingPath.
  • APIPlatform:
    • resolveFilePath: added parameter parentPath.
  • bin/bones_api.dart:
    • Added command inspect.
  • Updated lib/src/template/bones_api_template.tar.gz.
  • reflection_factory: ^1.2.2

1.2.22 #

  • SQLAdapterCapability:
    • Fix declaration for PostgreSQLAdapter and MySQLAdapter.

1.2.21 #

  • APIRepository:
    • Add missing transaction parameters.
  • Transaction:
    • Added executeOrError.
  • APIResponse:
    • added field stackTrace.
  • APIRouteHandler:
    • Added logging of route call.
  • Added MapAsCacheExtension.

1.2.20 #

  • SQLAdapter:
    • generateTables: fix, to avoid generation if capability.tableSQL is false.
  • reflection_factory: ^1.2.1

1.2.19 #

  • TableScheme:
    • getTableRelationshipReference: better resolution when an entity has multiple List fields referencing the same entity/table.

1.2.18 #

  • Transaction:
    • Fix synchronization of final return for long transactions.
  • Added SQLAdapterException and DBAdapterException for better exception/error handling:
    • MemorySQLAdapterException.
    • PostgreSQLAdapterException.
    • MySQLAdapterException.
  • Added FieldNameMapper.

1.2.17 #

  • Fix resolution of table columns to entity fields when resolving sub-entities.

1.2.16 #

  • MemorySQLAdapter:
    • Fix delete constraint for tables without referenced fields.
  • APIRoot:
    • Added getByType.
    • Added close (removes from available APIRoot instances).
    • stop now also closes the APIRoot.
  • APIServer:
    • stop now also closes the APIRoot.
  • EntityRepositoryProvider:
    • Optimize getEntityRepository
    • Added getEntityRepositoryByType.
  • EntityHandler:
    • Added getEntityHandlerByType and getEntityRepositoryByType.
  • EntityHandlerProvider:
    • Added getEntityHandlerByType and getEntityRepositoryByType.
  • clearPool:
    • clearPool now also closes/disposes all elements in the pool.

1.2.15 #

  • ConditionSQLEncoder:
    • keyFieldToSQL: fix resolution of class field to table column name.
    • Added resolveFieldName.
  • EntityStorage:
    • Added tryDeleteEntity and tryDeleteByID.
  • MemorySQLAdapter now check references constraint before delete.
  • PostgreSQLAdapter: improved connection retry.
  • Added tryCallMapped and tryCall utils.

1.2.14 #

  • SQLAdapter:
    • Added option generateTables: will automatically generate the tables when initialized.
  • PostgreSQLAdapter:
    • When update auto inserts (new entity with pre-defined ID), a fix of the primary key sequence is performed.

1.2.13 #

  • SQLGenerator:
    • Added normalizeColumnName: now generates column names using underscore (from camel-case fields).
  • StringUtils:
    • Added toLowerCaseSimple and toLowerCaseUnderscore.

1.2.12 #

  • MemorySQLAdapter: check for unique fields.
  • PostgreSQLAdapter and MySQLAdapter: handles unique field errors as EntityFieldInvalid.
  • EntityFieldInvalid: improved error information (added tableName and parentError).

1.2.11 #

  • EntityHandler: Fix validateFieldValue for sub-entities.

1.2.10 #

  • Generate CREATE TABLE SQL with unique constraint (from EntityField).

1.2.9 #

  • Generate CREATE TABLE SQL using EntityField information.

1.2.8 #

  • Add EntityField: annotation to inform if a field is hidden, unique and its limits (minimum,maximum).
  • EntityStorage: now checks entity fields validity (EntityField).

1.2.7 #

  • Split bones_api_entity_adapter.dart into bones_api_entity_adapter_sql.dart.
  • PostgreSQLAdapter:
    • dialect: "PostgreSQL"
  • MySQLAdapter:
    • dialect: "MySQL"
  • SQLGenerator:
    • generateCreateTableSQL:
      • Added parameters ifNotExists and sortColumns.
      • fix column generation for enum fields.
    • generateFullCreateTableSQLs: added parameters withDate, ifNotExists and sortColumns.
  • SQLAdapter tests:
    • Now is creating tables using generateFullCreateTableSQLs (MySQL and PostgreSQL).

1.2.6 #

  • Added SQLBuilder that is used to generate the entities CREATE TABLE SQLs.
  • Added SQLGenerator that is capable to generate entities tables and relationships SQLs.
  • Split SQLAdapter and SQLAdapterCapability into DBAdapterCapability and DBAdapter.
  • SQLAdapter:
    • Added generateCreateTableSQLs, generateFullCreateTableSQLs, generateEntityRepositoresCreateTableSQLs.
  • Added DBEntityRepositoryProvider and SQLEntityRepositoryProvider.
  • statistics: ^1.0.21
  • test: ^1.21.4
  • dependency_validator: ^3.2.2

1.2.5 #

  • sdk: '>=2.15.0 <3.0.0'
  • petitparser: ^5.0.0
  • hotreloader: ^3.0.5

1.2.4 #

  • SQLAdapter:
    • Fix extractSQLs.
  • APITestConfigDBMemory:
    • Now starts creating a MemorySQLAdapter.
  • APITestConfigDockerPostgreSQL:
    • Fix listTables implementation.
  • APITestConfigDockerMySQL:
    • Fix listTables implementation.

1.2.3 #

  • APIRootStarter:
    • Added isStopped.
    • Improved documentation.
    • Improved tests.
  • APIRouteBuilder:
    • apiInfo now also returns APIRouteInfo for method specific routes.
  • APITestConfig:
    • Added resolveSupported, isSupported, isUnsupported and unsupportedReason.
    • New APITestConfigDockerDBSQL: adding SQL methods for DB containers with SQL support.
  • Better hierarchy of APITestConfig implementations.
  • LoggerHandler:
    • Exposed global function logToConsole.
    • Added cancelLogToConsole.
  • Added library bones_api_test_vm.dart.
    • Exposes resolveFreePort (now uses a random approach to avoid collision between parallel tests).
  • docker_commander: ^2.0.15

1.2.2 #

  • Fix library names:
    • bones_api_test
    • bones_api_test.mysql.
    • bones_api_test.postgres.

1.2.1 #

  • EntityAccessor: added nameSimplified.
  • LoggerHandler:
    • logToConsole: avoid multiple listeners to the root logger.
  • APITestConfigDocker: remove unnecessary call to logToConsole().
  • Fix imports at bones_api_root_starter.dart.

1.2.0 #

  • Added APIRootStarter helper.
  • Added APITestConfig: an APIRoot test helper.
  • Added APITestConfigDocker, a base class for Docker database containers:
    • APITestConfigDockerMySQL (MySQL container)
    • APITestConfigDockerPostgreSQL (PostgreSQL container)
  • APIConfig: now supports variables (%VAR_NAME%).
  • SQLAdapterCapability: added capability tableSQL.
  • SQLAdapter:
    • Added parameters populateTables and populateSource (previously present only for MemorySQLAdapter).
    • Added populateTables and executeTableSQL methods.
    • generateInsertSQL: fix issue when all values are null.
  • MySQLAdapter and PostgreSQLAdapter:
    • Improved automatic resolution of relationship tables.
  • MemorySQLAdapter:
    • populateFromSource moved to EntityRepositoryProvider extension.
  • APIPlatform:
    • getProperty: read a property from an "environment variable" (VM) or window.location.href (Browser).
  • APISession and APISessionSet: moved to bones_api_session.dart.
  • Change named parameter caseInsensitive to caseSensitive to follow RegExp parameters naming style.
  • Split bones_api_utils.dart in multiple utils files:
    • bones_api_utils_collections.dart
    • bones_api_utils_httpclient.dart
    • bones_api_utils_json.dart
    • bones_api_utils_timedmap.dart
  • docker_commander: ^2.0.14

1.1.34 #

  • MemorySQLAdapter:
    • Consolidating tables after a transaction is finished, removing unnecessary history data.
  • map_history: ^1.0.2

1.1.33 #

  • mysql1: ^0.20.0
  • postgres: ^2.4.5
  • lints: ^2.0.0
  • coverage: ^1.3.2

1.1.32 #

  • MemorySQLAdapter:
    • Using MapHistory for internal representation, to allow rollback of transactions.
    • SQLAdapterCapability:
      • transactionAbort: true (rollback support).
  • Tests for SQLAdapter:
    • Improve detection of Docker daemon and skipping of tests group when Docker is not running.
  • map_history: ^1.0.1

1.1.31 #

  • EntityHandler:
    • castListNullable and castIterableNullable.
    • castList: better exception message when an element is null.
  • Condition: Better resolution and matching of JSON collections and entities.
  • KeyCondition:
    • Fix _resolveValueEntityHandler for List entities types.
  • MemorySQLAdapter:
    • Fix _normalizeEntityJSON.

1.1.30 #

  • MemorySQLAdapter:
    • Ensure that the stored data has only valid JSON values for the whole entity tree.
  • EntityRepository:
    • Added isOfEntityType.

1.1.29 #

  • EntityRepository:
    • Added deleteEntity, deleteByID and deleteEntityCascade.
  • EntityHandler:
    • Renamed isValidType to isValidEntityType.
  • shelf: ^1.3.1
  • shelf_static: ^1.1.1
  • reflection_factory: ^1.2.0
  • postgres: ^2.4.4

1.1.28 #

  • EntitySource:
    • Added selectFirstByQuery.
  • Clean code.

1.1.27 #

  • Initializable:
    • Initializable.initialize: Now returns a InitializationResult, allow improved results and dependencies in the result.
    • Improve automatic detection of circular dependencies and avoid deadlocks.
    • Refactor of dependency chain analysis code.

1.1.26 #

  • Initializable:
    • Moved code to bones_api_initializable.dart.
    • Initialization of circular dependencies:
      • Automatically identify initialization of circular dependencies.
      • "Fix" the asynchronous deadlock caused by wait of circular dependencies.

1.1.25 #

  • EntityRepositoryProvider:
    • storeAllFromJson: ensure that operations are executed sequentially.

1.1.24 #

  • Improve populate of entities using ID as reference to sub entities fields.
  • EntitySource:
    • Added existsID.
  • SQLAdapter:
    • Fixed storage (and update fallback) of entities with pre-defined IDs.
  • MemorySQLAdapter:
    • Fixed count with a condition.s
  • petitparser: ^4.4.0

1.1.23 #

  • Small path for the last version.

1.1.22 #

  • MemorySQLAdapter:
    • Fixed when comparing entities and IDs.

1.1.21 #

  • Initializable:
    • Now allows async initializations.
  • MethodReflectionExtension:
    • isAPIMethod now accepts FutureOr<APIResponse>.
  • EntityRepository:
    • Added selectAll.
  • reflection_factory: ^1.1.2
  • crypto: ^3.0.2
  • shelf: ^1.3.0
  • hotreloader: ^3.0.4
  • args: ^2.3.1
  • yaml: ^3.1.1

1.1.20 #

  • APIServer:
    • Improve resolution of APICredential username.
  • mercury_client: ^2.1.6

1.1.19 #

  • APIServer:
    • Improved resolution of request payload.
  • Added decodeQueryStringParameters, for full decoding of query string with single and multiple parameters.

1.1.18 #

  • APIRoot:
    • Added callAuthenticate.
  • APIRequest:
    • Added credential to constructors.

1.1.17 #

  • APIModuleProxy:
    • ignoreParametersTypes: added type APICredential (should exist only in the implementation).
  • reflection_factory: ^1.1.0

1.1.16 #

  • reflection_factory: ^1.0.29

1.1.15 #

  • Improved GitHub CI.
  • Added browser tests.
  • mercury_client: ^2.1.5
  • swiss_knife: ^3.1.0
  • data_serializer: ^1.0.7

1.1.14 #

  • MemorySQLAdapter: fix nextID when entities are stored with pre-defined IDs.
  • EntityHandler: Rename idFieldsName to idFieldName.

1.1.13 #

  • ClassReflectionEntityHandler:
    • Improve createFromMap.
    • Compatibility with JsonFieldAlias.
  • reflection_factory: ^1.0.28

1.1.12 #

  • SQLAdapter (PostgreSQL, MySQL and in-memory):
    • Allow auto insert of new entities with explicit IDs. It was trying to update an entity that is not stored.
  • MemorySQLAdapter:
    • Fixed support for relationship tables.
    • Fixed isolation of internal data (memory) that was leaking through queries results.
    • Improved tests: now running same tests of PostgreSQL and MySQL.
  • Better resolution of EntityRepository when multiple candidates are present.
  • Added helpers: deepCopy, deepCopyList, deepCopySet and deepCopyMap.

1.1.11 #

  • Transaction:
    • Queries now reuse already instantiated entities in the same transaction.
  • Added EntityCache for entity instantiation from Map or JSON.
  • EntityRepository:
    • Added storeAllFromJson and storeFromJson.
  • MemorySQLAdapter:
    • Fixed relationships of TableScheme loaded by the memory SQLAdapter.
  • Fix update of sub-entities, that was being ignored.
  • Improve error logging.
  • reflection_factory: ^1.0.27

1.1.10 #

  • Optimize relationship requests to resolve entities.
  • MemorySQLAdapter: support of returned columns with alias name.

1.1.9 #

  • Fix update SQL when a set value is null.

1.1.8 #

  • APIServer and APIModule: improved error logging.
  • statistics: ^1.0.20

1.1.7 #

  • APIModuleProxy: ignoring APIRequest parameters.
  • reflection_factory: ^1.0.25

1.1.6 #

  • APIServer:
    • Improved CORES response (OPTIONS request).
  • APISecurity:
    • Improved resolution of credential token and related username.
    • Improved tests.

1.1.5 #

  • SQL:
    • Added: numeric type mapped to Decimal.
  • Fix JSON parsing of Decimal types.

1.1.4 #

  • Integrate Decimal to entities, repositories, JSON and SQL.
  • Improve APIPlatform.
  • statistics: ^1.0.19

1.1.3 #

1.1.2 #

  • Added ConditionIdIN: to allow optimized selection of multiple IDs with one query.
  • Added EntityProvider to all entity field resolution related operations, like createFromMap and Json.decode.
  • Improve APIModuleHttpProxy response body decoding.
  • reflection_factory: ^1.0.24
  • mercury_client: ^2.1.4

1.1.1 #

  • Fix MethodReflectionExtension.returnsAPIResponse.

1.1.0 #

  • Added APIModuleProxy and APIModuleHttpProxy.
  • reflection_factory: ^1.0.23
  • meta: ^1.7.0

1.0.39 #

  • Added support to Let's Encrypt HTTPS certificates.
  • bones_api.dart CLI:
    • Allow domain static files.
  • APIRoot:
    • APILogger: to allow logging of APIRoot events.
    • APIRequestHandler: for personalized request handlers.
    • New fields preApiRequestHandlers and posApiRequestHandlers.
  • Fix SQLAdapter.generateInsertRelationshipSQLs.
  • Added test tag: slow
  • shelf_static: ^1.1.0
  • shelf_letsencrypt: ^1.0.0
  • dart_spawner: ^1.0.6
  • data_serializer: ^1.0.6
  • mercury_client: ^2.1.3
  • build_verify: ^3.0.0
  • path: ^1.8.1
  • sdk: '>=2.14.0 <3.0.0'

1.0.38 #

  • Fix references and naming: postgre to postgres.
  • APIServer: added support for Gzip encoding, through package shelf_gzip.
  • shelf_gzip: ^4.0.0
  • reflection_factory: ^1.0.21
  • data_serializer: ^1.0.3

1.0.37 #

  • Added support to Condition operator =~ (IN).
  • Added support to SQL operator IN.
  • postgres: ^2.4.3
  • test: ^1.19.5
  • dependency_validator: ^3.1.2

1.0.36 #

  • TypeParser and TypeInfo moved to package reflection_factory.
  • reflection_factory: ^1.0.20

1.0.35 #

  • Fix TypeInfo:
    • Now TypeInfo handles Type comparison in a special way (to keep consistence between VM and JS/Web).

1.0.34 #

  • Improved EntityHandler resolution of fields while creating instances from Map.
  • reflection_factory: ^1.0.19

1.0.33 #

  • Entity & EntityHandler:
    • Added support for enums.
  • Added enumToName and enumFromName
  • reflection_factory: ^1.0.18

1.0.32 #

  • Json:
    • Integrated with reflection_factory JsonCodec.
  • FieldsFromMap.getFieldsValuesFromMap: added parameter includeAbsentFields.
  • isAPIMethod: now ignores methods declared by APIModule, since reflection_factory now supports supper classes.
  • reflection_factory: ^1.0.17
  • postgres: ^2.4.2
  • build_runner: ^2.1.5
  • test: ^1.19.3

1.0.31 #

  • Added APIServer.apiInfoURL.
  • Updated bones_api_template.tar.gz.
  • CLI serve: fix an issue when mixing parameters -b and -r.

1.0.30 #

  • Json.toJson:
    • Added parameters: removeNullFields and entityHandlerProvider.
    • Fixed application of removeField and maskField over an entity.

1.0.29 #

  • Improved Json.toJson.
  • Added field
  • APISecurity: added getAuthenticationData.

1.0.28 #

  • Added API-INFO path: describes the API routes.

1.0.27 #

  • Improved resolution of ClassReflectionEntityHandler.
  • Extension:
    • ReflectionFactory.createFromMap.
    • ClassReflection.createFromMap.
  • async_extension: ^1.0.9
  • reflection_factory: ^1.0.16

1.0.26 #

  • Added APICredential, APIPassword and APISecurity.
  • Routes now can have APIRouteRule annotations.
  • EntityHandler: now using also using sibling reflections to resolve.
  • DataTime: toJson now converts to a UTC string.
  • Added MapMultiValueExtension.
  • Updated bones_api_template.tar.gz.
  • reflection_factory: ^1.0.14
  • crypto: ^3.0.1

1.0.25 #

  • Update template: lib/src/template/bones_api_template.tar.gz

1.0.24 #

  • TableFieldReference and TableFieldReference now also have the fields type.
  • SchemeProvider now can resolve an entity ID.
  • Fix Condition value when an entity is passed or referenced.

1.0.23 #

  • Transaction:
    • Added abort to cancel the current executing transaction.
    • Better error handling.
  • Error Zone:
    • runErrorZone transformed into createErrorZone and an extension with runGuardedAsync and asyncTry.
  • executeWithPool: added validator parameter.
  • async_extension: ^1.0.8

1.0.22 #

  • Condition:
    • Improved subfield match.
  • SQL:
    • Allow Condition with fields that are a relationship table.
  • MySQLAdapter:
    • Using sqlElementQuote "`" to avoid issues with reserved words.

1.0.21 #

  • Better handling of route parameters with null and empty values.
  • Improve example and
  • mercury_client: ^2.1.1

1.0.20 #

  • APIRouteBuilder:
    • Better conversion of parameters types.
    • Payload only for parameter of type Uint8List.
  • APIServer:
    • Better handling of errors of async payloads (Future resolution).

1.0.19 #

  • Improved SQLEntityRepository tests.
  • Fixed MemorySQLAdapter:
    • Ensure that relationships entries are unique.
    • Update previous entity fields.
  • Improved tests tags: version, docker and build.

1.0.18 #

  • APIResponseStatus:
    • Added BAD_REQUEST.
  • Added InstanceTracker to track entities fields changes.
  • EntityRepository:
    • tracking entity fields changes.
  • SQL:
    • Fix update syntax.
    • Improved UPDATE to set only modified fields.

1.0.17 #

  • Optimize imports.
  • Fix wrong import, that was preventing to use in JS/Browser platforms.

1.0.16 #

  • Better handling of APIServer errors and logging.
  • Added runErrorZone helper.
  • Added logging for entity operations errors.
  • reflection_factory: ^1.0.13

1.0.15 #

  • EntityHandler:
    • resolveValueByType now can select an entity by its ID when necessary.
  • ClassReflectionEntityHandler:
    • Fixed fieldsTypes and findIdFieldName, to ignore fields that are final or doesn't have a setter.
    • Fixed use of reflection to ensure that current object is used.
  • Improved tests to run Entity tests repositories with reflection and without reflection.
  • reflection_factory: ^1.0.12

1.0.14 #

  • Added SQLAdapter for MySQL.
  • SQL:
    • Improve generated SQL, to adapt to different dialects.
    • Allow generation of SQL with only positional parameters (needed for MySQL).
    • Improve return of DELETE, to circumvent SQL dialects without RETURNNG and OUTPUT.
    • Improved supported types.
  • mysql1: ^0.19.2
  • docker_commander: ^2.0.13

1.0.13 #

  • Added TypeInfo to represent better types with generics.
  • Added TableRelationshipReference for use in TableScheme.
  • Added TimedMap to help with timed caches.
  • Added KeyConditionIN and KeyConditionNotIN.
  • Entities:
    • Added support to relationship fields.
    • Added support for List fields pointing to another entity.
  • SQLEntityRepository:
    • Added support to UPDATE.
    • Added support to relationship tables.

1.0.12 #

  • CLI:
    • Added option --build to automatically build reflection files when detected by inspector.
    • Added commands:
      • create: creates a bones_api backend project tree.
      • info: show information about the bones_api backend project template.
  • reflection_factory: ^1.0.10
  • project_template: ^1.0.2
  • resource_portable: ^3.0.0

1.0.11 #

  • APIRequest:
    • Added scheme, requesterSource and _requesterAddress.
  • APIResponse:
    • Added metrics support (used to generate Server-Timing headers).
    • Added setCORS.
  • Added TypeParser, for lenient parsing of basic Dart types.
  • Entities:
    • Better automatic conversion of types when setting entities fields.
    • Added support for transactions.
  • Repositories:
    • Added limit support for queries.
    • Better resolution of correct EntityRepository and EntityHandler for a type while loading it.
    • Better resolution of sub-entities in fields.
  • Improved tests:
    • Using Docker container to test PostgreSQL adapter.
  • async_extension: ^1.0.7
  • reflection_factory: ^1.0.8
  • docker_commander: ^2.0.12

1.0.10 #

  • TableScheme:
    • Added getFieldsValues and getFieldValue.
  • EntityHandler: optimized fiel resolution on setFieldsFromMap.
  • Improved dartdoc references.
  • Improved tests.

1.0.9 #

  • apiMethod now can receive an APIRequest parameter while receiving other normal parameters.
  • PostgreSQLAdapter: correctly resolving idFieldName by primary key column.
  • Added test to ensure that APIRoot.VERSION is compatible with pubspec.yaml.
  • Added test that uses reflection.
  • Added build_verify test.
  • reflection_factory: ^1.0.7

1.0.8 #

  • Added APIConfig:
    • CLI now accepts a --config option.
  • Rename Data classes to Entity.
  • Added MemorySQLAdapter.
  • Added TableScheme to help ConditionEncoder:
    • SQL now can perform inner join:
      • Example Condition: address.state = "NY"
  • Improved ConditionID encoding:
    • ID field name (primary key) can be resolved for each table.
    • #ID can be used to point to the primary key field/column.
  • APIRepository & EntityRepository:
    • Added delete operation.
  • EntityHandler now handles better fields that points to other entities.
  • Improved tests.
  • async_extension: ^1.0.5
  • reflection_factory: ^1.0.6
  • yaml: ^3.1.0
  • yaml_writer: ^1.0.1
  • mercury_client: ^2.1.0

1.0.7 #

  • Added APIPayload.payloadFileExtension.
  • Added ConditionEncoder, ConditionSQLEncoder.
  • Improved Data & Entity framework:
    • Added SQLDatabaseAdapter and PostgreAdapter.
    • Added DataRepositorySQL.
  • Added DB Adapter for PostgreSQL.
  • APIServer:
    • Better auto MIME Type resolution.
  • Now API methods can return FutureOr<APIResponse>.
  • mime: ^1.0.0

1.0.6 #

  • CLI Hot Reload fixed:
    • Avoid reload of main Isolate (bones_api CLI), since API is spawned in its own Isolate.
  • DataEntity:
    • Added fieldsNames.
  • DataHandlerProvider:
    • Fixed getDataHandler.
  • Added EntityDataHandler and DataRepositoryProvider.

1.0.5 #

  • Added integration with ReflectionFactory.
    • Routes can be configured using a reflection object.
  • APIServer:
    • Added support to Dart VM Hot Reload.
  • CLI bones_api:
    • Added flag --hotreload to serve the API with Hot Reload enabled.
  • Added DataEntity and DataHandler framework
  • Added Condition:
    • Allow queries using a syntax similar to Dart.
  • New APIRepository, to allow database agnostic integration.
  • dart_spawner: ^1.0.5
  • reflection_factory: ^1.0.4
  • args: ^2.2.0
  • petitparser: ^4.2.0
  • hotreloader: ^3.0.1
  • logging: ^1.0.1
  • collection: ^1.15.0
  • lints: ^1.0.1

1.0.4 #

  • CLI bones_api:
    • Added command console.
    • Command serve: added header Content-Type.
  • Added Arguments tool.
  • Added APIRequest.fromArgs and APIRequest.fromArgsLine.
  • Added APIRequest/APIResponse payloadMimeType.

1.0.3 #

  • APIServer:
    • Added create and run helpers.

1.0.2 #

  • APIServer:
    • Add isStopped and waitStopped().
    • Removed isClosed.
  • Fix PATCH method.
  • CLI:
    • Improved serve console logging.
  • Using dart_spawner to spawn/run an API.
  • dart_spawner: ^1.0.2
  • Removed yaml: ^3.1.0

1.0.1 #

  • Improve documentation.
  • Fix typo.

1.0.0 #

  • CLI: bones_api with serve command.
  • Initial version.