better_player 0.0.32 copy "better_player: ^0.0.32" to clipboard
better_player: ^0.0.32 copied to clipboard


Advanced video player based on video_player and Chewie. It's solves many typical use cases and it's easy to run.

0.0.32 #

0.0.31 #

  • Added showPlaceholderUntilPlay in BetterPlayerConfiguration
  • Fixed exception event not being triggered
  • Fixed controls not displaying on video finished

0.0.30 #

  • Fixed issue when full screen was triggered twice if autoPlay and fullScreenByDefault were enabled
  • Removed flutter_widgets, since it's not maintained anymore. Added instead visibility_detector package (by
  • Added rewind and forward buttons for android player.
  • Fixed player UI's jank
  • Added enableSkips and skipsTimeInMilliseconds in BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration
  • Changed middle play button behavior (now it's only used for restart player).
  • Updated BetterPlayerControllerProvider visibility.
  • Override invalid dependency from wakelock library.

0.0.29+1 #

  • Updated readme

0.0.29 #

  • Fixed routePageBuilder usage from BetterPlayerConfiguration
  • Added overflowMenuIcon, playbackSpeedIcon, qualitiesIcon, subtitlesIcon, overflowMenuIconsColor to BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration
  • Added double tap to play/pause video (original idea by

0.0.28 #

  • Fixed subtitles overflow issue when transitioning between fullscreen and normal state
  • Added alignment and backgroundColor in BetterPlayerSubtitlesConfiguration

0.0.27 #

  • Added enableOverflowMenu option in BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration (enable/disable overflow menu)
  • Added overflowMenuCustomItems in BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration (show custom menu items in overflow menu)
  • [BREAKING_CHANGE] Removed defaultErrorText, loadingNextVideoText, liveText from BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration. To change these values, please use translations in BetterPlayerConfiguration.
  • Added BetterPlayerTranslations in BetterPlayerConfiguration. You can use it to setup translations of the player.

0.0.26 #

  • Added fullScreenAspectRatio and deviceOrientationsOnFullScreen to handle different full screen scenarios
  • Updated wakelock version

0.0.25 #

  • [BREAKING_CHANGE]: changed API in BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration: enableQualities replaces enableTracks.
  • Added support for different video resolutions
  • Fixed issue when full screen is being dismissed on changing subtitles

0.0.24 #

  • Added possibility to set multiple subtitles to video
  • [BREAKING_CHANGE]: changed API in BetterPlayerDataSource. Instead of one subtitles object, list of subtitles is required.

0.0.23 #

  • General bug fixes.
  • Added playerVisibilityChangedBehavior in BetterPlayerConfiguration.
  • Changed player behavior when player is not visible in viewport: if player was playing before leaving viewport it will be paused and if user views player again it will start playing automatically.
  • Added and BetterPlayer.file methods.
  • Changed iOS & Android native classes name to prevent conflict issues with video_player.

0.0.22 #

  • Added support for hls tracks (quality of the videos).
  • Added useHlsTracks and hlsTrackName in BetterPlayerDataSource.
  • Added CHANGED_TRACK event.
  • You can choose track from overflow menu. When there's no tracks to select "Default" will be selected.

0.0.21 #

  • Added enableSubtitles parameter.

0.0.20 #

  • Added rotation parameter in BetterPlayerConfiguration.

0.0.19 #

  • Added support for hls subtitles (BetterPlayer will handle them automatically).
  • [BREAKING_CHANGE]: changed API in BetterPlayerSubtitlesSource. To use old API, please use factory: BetterPlayerSubtitlesSource.single.
  • Added useHlsSubtitles parameter in BetterPlayerDataSource.
  • Added CHANGED_SUBTITLES event.
  • User can choose subtitles from overflow menu, when there's no subtitles selected, "none" options will be chosen.

0.0.18: #

  • Fixed loading issue when auto play video feature is enabled in playlist.

0.0.17 #

0.0.16 #

  • Added overflow menu.
  • Added playback speed feature (based on solution).
  • User can choose playback speed from overflow menu.
  • Added SET_SPEED event.

0.0.15 #

0.0.14 #

0.0.13 #

  • Changed channel name of video player plugin.
  • Fixed dispose issue in cupertino player.

0.0.12 #

0.0.11 #

  • Fixed iOS crash on dispose.
  • Added player headers support.
  • Updated dependencies.
  • Dart Analysis refactor.

0.0.10 #

  • Added BetterPlayerListVideoPlayerController to control list video player.

0.0.9 #

  • Fixed setState called after dispose.
  • General bugfixes.

0.0.8 #

  • Fixed buffering indicator issue on Android.

0.0.7 #

  • Fixed progress bar scroll lag.

0.0.6 #

  • Fixed video duration issue.
  • Added HTML subtitles.

0.0.5 #

  • Added reusable video player.
  • Bug fixes.

0.0.4 #

  • Changed 'settings' to 'configuration'.
  • Removed unused parameters from configuration.
  • Documentation update.

0.0.3 #

  • Updated documentation.

0.0.2 #

  • Moved example project from better_player_example to example.

0.0.1 #

  • Initial release.
pub points



Advanced video player based on video_player and Chewie. It's solves many typical use cases and it's easy to run.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


flutter, flutter_hls_parser, flutter_widget_from_html_core, meta, open_iconic_flutter, pedantic, visibility_detector, wakelock


Packages that depend on better_player