auto_store_translate 0.0.8 copy "auto_store_translate: ^0.0.8" to clipboard
auto_store_translate: ^0.0.8 copied to clipboard

A library that automates translation/registration of metadata (title, description, etc.) in the App Store/Play Store.

Auto Store Translate #


A library that automates translation/registration of metadata (title, description, etc.) in the App Store/Play Store.

playstore & appstore translated screenshot

"Buy Me A Coffee"

How to Use? #

1. Setup the config file #

copied to clipboard

2. Create a dart file in your project and paste the code below. #

create dart file in your project
project path > auto_translation > store_meta_info.dart

please fill in all the information below.

import 'package:auto_store_translate/auto_store_translate.dart';

/// write your store info here.

MyStoreInfo myStoreInfo = MyStoreInfo(
  // Play Store Title 30 characters or less
  playStoreTitle: "",

  // Play Store Short Description 80 characters or less
  playStoreShortDescription: "",

  // Play Store Long Description 4000 characters or less
  playStoreFullDescription: '''


  // Play Store Translation Start Language
  playStoreStartLanguage: "en",

  // Play Store Title Translation
  translatePlayStoreName: true,

  // App Store Title 30 characters or less
  appStoreTitle: "",

  // App Store Subtitle 30 characters or less
  appStoreSubTitle: "",

  // App Store Description 4000 characters or less
  appStringDescription: '''


  // App Store Keywords 100 characters or less , separated by commas, SEO
  appStoreKeywords: "",

  // App Store Translation Start Language
  appStoreStartLanguage: "en",

  // App Store Title Translation
  translateAppStoreName: true,

  // Whether to display the first letter of the App Store title in uppercase
  onlyFirstCharacterUpperAppName: true,

  // App Store Update Notes
  releaseNote: "fix small bug :)",

  // Home Page URL
  homepageLink: "",

  // Privacy Policy URL
  policyPageLink: "",

main() {
      myStoreInfo: myStoreInfo,

      // google translate api key
      googleTranslateApiKey: "INPUT_YOUR_GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_API_KEY",

      // true: translate only title, false: translate title + all
      onlyAppNameTranslate: false);
copied to clipboard

It works even if you don't put the Google Translate api key, but you will soon reach the free limit.
For a guide to getting the Google Translate api key, please refer to this document.

3. Run the code above and wait for the translation to complete. #

4. you will see the translated folder in the project. #

5. Set up fastlane for each android/ios and register the information in the play store/app store. #

registering with the PlayStore(android) #

1. Setup the fastlane config file(android) #

please refer to the official document.

2. Add the code below under platform:android do in the android/fastlane/fastfile file. #

    lane :metaOnly do
          track: 'internal',
          metadata_path: '../auto_translation/metadata/android',
          skip_upload_screenshots: true,
          skip_upload_changelogs: true,
          release_status: 'draft',
          aab: '../build/app/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab',
copied to clipboard

3. Open the terminal in the android project location and enter the following. #

    fastlane metaOnly
copied to clipboard

4. You will see the translated information in the play store console. #

registering with the App Store(iOS) #

1. Setup the fastlane config file(ios) #

please refer to the official document.

2. Add the code below under platform:ios do in the ios/fastlane/fastfile file. #

    lane :metaOnly do
            metadata_path: '../auto_translation/metadata/ios',
            force: true, # Skip HTMl report verification
            skip_screenshots: true,
            skip_binary_upload: true,
copied to clipboard

3. Open the terminal in the ios project location and enter the following. #

    fastlane metaOnly
copied to clipboard

4. You will see the translated information in the app store connect. #




Weekly Downloads

2024.08.06 - 2025.02.18

A library that automates translation/registration of metadata (title, description, etc.) in the App Store/Play Store.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


MIT (license)


basic_utils, csv, dio, flutter, http, path, quiver


Packages that depend on auto_store_translate