at_app 5.0.0 copy "at_app: ^5.0.0" to clipboard
at_app: ^5.0.0 copied to clipboard

A command line tool to help developers build an atPlatform application.


Usage #

The following provides a full guide on the various ways to use at_app.

Table of Contents #

Installing and Updating #

Activate the latest version of at_app using pub:

dart pub global activate at_app

Or specify a specific version:

dart pub global activate at_app <version>

*Additionally, pub may prompt you to add the global bin to your PATH variable, please do so before proceeding.

Windows Users #

Pub binaries are activated as batch files on Windows.

If you are a Windows user, replace at_app with at_app.bat in the following commands.

Creating an atPlatform app #

The default template generates a starter atPlatform application.
The basic command syntax is identical to flutter create:

at_app create <path/to/output/directory>

Explore and use other templates #

As we add more templates to at_app, they will be visible using the --list-templates flag:

at_app create --list-templates

You can specify a template in the same way as flutter create:

at_app create --template <template-name> <path/to/output/directory>

Alternatively, use the -t abbreviation:

at_app create -t <template-name> <path/to/output/directory>

Explore and try a package sample #

Similar to our templates, we also provide samples of our packages.
View them using the --list-samples flag:

at_app create --list-samples

Our samples are different than flutter create they act similar to the templates.
You can specify a sample using the --sample option:

at_app create --sample <sample-name> <path/to/output/directory>

Alternatively, use the -s abbreviation:

at_app create -s <sample-name> <path/to/output/directory>

Explore and try a demo app #

Similar to our templates and samples, we also provide full demo apps that you can try.
View them using the --list-demos flag:

at_app create --list-demos

Our demo apps can be specified using --demo similar to the templates and samples:

at_app create --demo <demo-name> <path/to/output/directory>

Alternatively, use the -d abbreviation:

at_app create -d <demo-name> <path/to/output/directory>

App Configuration #

Just like flutter create, at_app also ships with a number of commands to configure your application to suit your needs. Some of these options are inherited from flutter create, and others are specific to atPlatform apps.

atPlatform Configuration

Option Shorthand Description Value
--namespace -n The @protocol app namespace to use for the application. atsign
--root-domain -r The @protocol root domain to use for the application. [prod | ve]
--api-key -k The api key used by at_onboarding_flutter api-key

These arguments are loaded into a .env file in the application and read into the app by at_app_flutter. If some or all of these arguments are left unspecified, at_app_flutter will use its fallback values.


In short, the namespace is what distinguishes the data stored by your app from other apps on the atPlatform. To ensure that you are not colliding with other namespaces, the best practice is to use an atsign that you own. By convention, if you own the atsign, then you also own the namespace. <!--- TODO add "learn more" link to page -->

Example usage:

at_app create --namespace @alice <path/to/output/directory>

Or the shorthand:

at_app create -n @alice <path/to/output/directory>

In most cases, the root-domain is fine when left on the default option (prod a.k.a. production). The production environment allows you to test your app, using regular atsigns. It is recommended to get and activate some free atsigns for testing purposes.

The alternative option available is ve, which stands for virtual environment. The virtual environment is a self-contained docker development environment for developing on the atPlatform. While ve is still available, using prod is preferred.

No additional options are required if you want to use production, however, if you want to use ve:

at_app create --root-domain ve <path/to/output/directory>

Or the shorthand:

at_app create -r ve <path/to/output/directory>

The api-key is used by the at_onboarding_flutter package to provide app users with an easy way to get a free atsign within the application. See here for how to get your api-key.

Adding it to the app is very straight forward:

at_app create --api-key <api-key> <path/to/output/directory>

Or the shorthand:

at_app create -k <api-key> <path/to/output/directory>

Flutter Configuration

These are all the same as flutter create with one minor exception:

Since the atPlatform is currently not supported on web, that option has been disabled in --platforms

Working with atPlatform Packages #

The packages command serves as an easy way to discover atPlatform packages that you may want to use in your new application.

Discovering atPlatform Packages #

The packages have been sorted into three categories so you can filter and list based on your needs:

  • Flutter packages
  • Core packages
  • Utility packages

In most scenarios, your project will require either the Flutter or Core packages, utility packages can be relevant to either category.

To list packages use the list subcommand:

at_app packages list

If you don't specify a category, then at_app will show you the Flutter category.

Flag Shorthand Description
--flutter -f Show the Flutter category.
--core -c Show the core category.
--util -u Show the utility category.
--all -a Show all categories.

Any combination of flags will work, however specifying --all or -a will override the other flags.


at_app packages list     # Just Flutter
at_app packages list -f  # Just Flutter
at_app packages list -u  # Just Utility
at_app packages list -c  # Just Core
at_app packages list -fu # Flutter and Utility
at_app packages list -cu # Core and Utility
at_app packages list -fc # Flutter and Core
at_app packages list -a  # All Categories

Adding packages #

You can also add a package using at_app packages add. You can use this, the same way as flutter pub add, and it can be used for any package.

For now, we don't support the ability to specify a version, but this will be coming soon.

For example:

at_app packages add at_client_mobile



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A command line tool to help developers build an atPlatform application.

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BSD-3-Clause (license)


args, at_app_create, at_commons, at_utils, chalk, collection, io, logger, mason, meta, path, pub_cache, pub_semver, pubspec, tabular, yaml


Packages that depend on at_app