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aptabase_flutter: ^0.0.9 copied to clipboard

Flutter SDK for Aptabase: Open Source Privacy-First and Simple Analytics for Mobile, Desktop and Web Apps


aptabase_flutter #

pub package pub points

Instrument your app with Aptabase, an Open Source, Privacy-First and Simple Analytics for Mobile, Desktop and Web Apps.

Platform Support #

Android iOS MacOS Web Linux Windows
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Install #

You can install the SDK by running the following command:

pub add aptabase_flutter

Usage #

First you need to get your App Key from Aptabase, you can find it in the Instructions menu on the left side menu.

On your main.dart, import package:aptabase_flutter/aptabase_flutter.dart and initialized the SDK.

void main() async {
+ WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
+ await Aptabase.init("<YOUR_APP_KEY>"); // 👈 this is where you enter your App Key

  runApp(const MyApp());

Note: You need to change your main function to be async and call WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); before initializing the SDK.

Afterwards you can start tracking events with Aptabase.instance:

import 'package:aptabase_flutter/aptabase_flutter.dart';

// Tracking how many times the user has clicked the button
void _incrementCounter() {
  setState(() {

// Same as above, but with a custom property
void _incrementCounter() {
  Aptabase.instance.trackEvent("increment", { "counter": _counter });
  setState(() {

A few important notes:

  1. The SDK will automatically enhance the event with some useful information, like the OS, the app version, and other things.
  2. You're in control of what gets sent to Aptabase. This SDK does not automatically track any events, you need to call trackEvent manually.
    • Because of this, it's generally recommended to at least track an event at startup
  3. You do not need to await the trackEvent function, it'll run in the background.
  4. Only strings and numbers values are allowed on custom properties


verified publisheraptabase.com

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Flutter SDK for Aptabase: Open Source Privacy-First and Simple Analytics for Mobile, Desktop and Web Apps

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unknown (license)


device_info_plus, flutter, package_info_plus, universal_io, uuid


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