appkit_ui_element_colors 1.0.0
appkit_ui_element_colors: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard
A Flutter plugin that exposes AppKit’s “UI Element Colors.”
appkit_ui_element_colors #
A Flutter plugin that exposes AppKit’s “UI Element Colors” to facilitate the retrieval of standard color objects for use with windows, controls, labels, text, selections and other content in your app.
Screenshot of example project #

Getting started #
Install this package:
flutter pub add appkit_ui_element_colors
Then import it in your Dart code:
import 'package:appkit_ui_element_colors/appkit_ui_element_colors.dart';
Features #
Retrieving UI element colors #
The following colors are available:
Available UI Element colors
- labelColor
- secondaryLabelColor
- tertiaryLabelColor
- quaternaryLabelColor
- textColor
- placeholderTextColor
- selectedTextColor
- textBackgroundColor
- selectedTextBackgroundColor
- keyboardFocusIndicatorColor
- unemphasizedSelectedTextColor
- unemphasizedSelectedTextBackgroundColor
- linkColor
- separatorColor
- selectedContentBackgroundColor
- unemphasizedSelectedContentBackgroundColor
- selectedMenuItemTextColor
- gridColor
- headerTextColor
- alternatingContentBackgroundColors0
- alternatingContentBackgroundColors1
- controlAccentColor
- controlColor
- controlBackgroundColor
- controlTextColor
- disabledControlTextColor
- currentControlTint
- selectedControlColor
- selectedControlTextColor
- alternateSelectedControlTextColor
- scrubberTexturedBackground
- windowBackgroundColor
- windowFrameTextColor
- underPageBackgroundColor
- findHighlightColor
- highlightColor
- shadowColor
Each color can be retrieved as a Color
object using the AppkitUiElementColors.getColor
final darkWindowBackgroundColor = await AppkitUiElementColors.getColor(
uiElementColor: UiElementColor.windowBackgroundColor,
appearance: NSAppearanceName.darkAqua,
Alternatively, it can also be converted to any available NSColorSpace
and retrieved as a map of requested NSColorComponent
s using AppkitUiElementColors.getColorComponents
final components = await AppkitUiElementColors.getColorComponents(
uiElementColor: UiElementColor.selectedControlColor,
components: {
colorSpace: NSColorSpace.sRGB,
appearance: NSAppearanceName.aqua,
// prints "{blueComponent: 0.7450980544090271, redComponent: 1.0, greenComponent: 0.9333333373069763}"
Observing system color changes #
Certain events, such as the user changing their preferred accent color, can trigger system color changes. Such changes can be observed using the SystemColorObserver
class. The AppkitUiElementColors
class provides a global shared instance of SystemColorObserver
that can be accessed as follows:
.listen((_) => print('System colors changed.'));
Building widgets using UiElementColorBuilder
The UiElementColorBuilder
class provides a convenient way to build widgets that depend on UI element colors provided by appkit_ui_element_colors:
builder: (context, colorContainer) => Container(
color: colorContainer.windowBackgroundColor,
By default, UiElementColorBuilder
uses a
to provide a global
shared instance of UiElementColorContainer
uses an instance of
derived from the current BuildContext
and assumes it to
be the same across all UiElementBuilder
s which use it.
If your app contains surfaces with different MediaQueryData
use OwnedUiElementColorContainerInstanceProvider
// A dark cupertino theme.
data: const CupertinoThemeData(
brightness: Brightness.dark,
// Override the MediaQueryData so that platformBrightness is dark.
child: MediaQuery(
data: MediaQuery.of(context).copyWith(
platformBrightness: Brightness.dark,
child: UiElementColorBuilder(
// Since there may be surfaces within the app that do not override the
// brightness, use an OwnedUiElementColorContainerInstanceProvider.
builder: (context, colorContainer) => Container(
color: colorContainer.windowBackgroundColor,
Incorrect usage of SharedUiElementColorContainerInstanceProvider
throws the following assertion error:
“Found conflicting MediaQueryData in SharedUiElementColorContainerInstanceProvider. If you are using UiElementColorBuilder within widget subtrees with differing MediaQueryData (such as different theme brightness or accessibility settings), please use OwnedUiElementColorContainerInstanceProvider instead.”