app_versioning 1.1.0 copy "app_versioning: ^1.1.0" to clipboard
app_versioning: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard

Keep track of app versions and prompt users to update the app whenever there are new updates available.

App Versioning #

Keep track of app versions and prompt users to update the app whenever there are new updates available.

Overview #

This packages provides a simple yet customisable way to suggest or force updates to Android & iOS apps. Built on top of the in_app_update package for Android and upgrader for iOS.

The package also leverages the version_tracker plugin to track the app versions accross updates.

Features #

  • Retrieve information about available updates from the Play Store or App Store.
  • Version bomb. Force users to update the app if the update is mandatory by configuring a minimum version using your custom Backend or Firebase Remote Config.
  • Launch Android updates using the native In-App Updates flows, supporting flexible and immediate updates.
  • Request iOS updates by redirecting the user to the App Store.
  • Track version update history and launches to trigger onboarding flows, database migrations, and more.

Get Started #

View the example project for a complete working example.

Installation #

Add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

  app_versioning: latest

Initializing #

  1. Initialize the AppVersioning class with your app's identifiers and minimum version provider. You can use one of the following factories or create your own implementation of the AppVersioning interface:

    • Use the apiService factory to retrieve the versioning from your backend.
    final appVersioning = AppVersioning.apiService(
        apiConfig: ApiConfig(
            endpoints: ApiVersioningEndpoints(
            minimumVersioningEndpoint: "api/api-compatibility",
        updateConfig: UpdateConfig(
            appStoreAppId: "1234567890",
            playStoreAppId: "org.example.versioning",
            appstoreCountryCode: "US",
    • Use the firebaseService factory to retrieve the versioning from Firebase Remote Config.
    final appVersioning = AppVersioning.firebaseService(
      remoteConfigKeys: const RemoteConfigKeys(
        minimumIosVersionKey: "minimumIosVersion",
        minimumAndroidVersionKey: "minimumAndroidVersion",
      updateConfig: const UpdateConfig(
        appStoreAppId: "1234567890",
        playStoreAppId: "org.example.versioning",
        appstoreCountryCode: 'US',
  2. Track the current version when the app is launched.

    await appVersioning.tracker.track();
  3. Check whether a new update is available.

    final appUpdateInfo = await appVersioning.getAppUpdateInfo();
  4. If an update is available, prompt the user to update the app using your own UI elements.

    if (appUpdateInfo.isUpdateAvailable) {
      switch (appUpdateInfo.updateType) {
        case AppUpdateType.Optional:
          _showUpdatePopup(forceUpdate: false);
        case AppUpdateType.Mandatory:
          _showUpdatePopup(forceUpdate: true);
  5. If the user accepts the update, or the update is mandatory, launch the update flow.

    appVersioning.launchUpdate(updateInBackground: true);

Backend Services #

Apps using a version below the minimum version will be forced to update with a mandatory update type. This plugin currently supports 2 different backends to set the minimum version supported on the app.

  1. API: An arbitrary URL endpoint that returns the minimum versions JSON.
  2. Firebase Remote Config: Key/value pairs with the minimum versions specified on Firebase.

    This requires the project to include and set up Firebase separately. You can import the configuration using the remote_config.json file.

Contributing #

Check the guide for more information.

Deployment #

  1. Set the new version on the pubspec.yaml version field.
  2. Update the file documenting the changes.
  3. Update the file if necessary.
  4. Run dart pub publish --dry-run to ensure the package can be published successfully.
  5. Create a new tag with the release version git tag -a x.y.z -m "x.y.z" && git push --tags.
  6. Navigate to GitHub Releases and create a new release for the previously created tag, including the changes.
  7. Finally run dart pub publish to deploy the project.

Credits #

License #

This repo is covered under the MIT License.