ansi_modifier 0.1.2 copy "ansi_modifier: ^0.1.2" to clipboard
ansi_modifier: ^0.1.2 copied to clipboard

Style strings for terminal output by adding, replacing, or removing ANSI modifiers.

Ansi Modifier #


Introduction #

The package provides the class Ansi holding ANSI modifier codes and the String extension methods style and clearStyle for adding, replacing, and removing ANSI modifiers. It provides Ansi codes for changing the current cursor position.

Usage #

Include ansi_modifier as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

1. Changing the Font Style and Colour of Console Output #

Use the String extension function style to add new modifiers or to replace existing ones. Use the function clearStyle to remove all Ansi modifier from a string.

import 'package:ansi_modifier/src/ansi.dart';

void main(List<String> args) {
  // Create colorized strings.
  print('\nCreate colorized strings:');
  final blue = 'blueberry'.style( + Ansi.italic);
  final green = 'green apple'.style(;
  final blueGreen = blue +
      ' and ' +
        method: Replace.none,
  print('$blue, $green, $blueGreen');

  // Modify a previously colorized string.
  print('\nModify previously colorized strings:');

  // Create custom Ansi modifier.
  final customModifier = Ansi.combine({Ansi.yellow, Ansi.bold, Ansi.underline});

  // Replace first modifier:
  final yellowGreen =, method: Replace.first);

  // Replace all modifiers.
  final magenta =, method: Replace.clearPrevious);

  // Strip all Ansi modifiers.
  print('$yellowGreen, $magenta, ${magenta.clearStyle()}\n');

Runnig the program above:

$ dart example/bin/color_example.dart

produces the following output:

Console Output

2. Moving the Current Cursor Position #

Ansi codes for moving the current cursor position can be constructed using the constructors .cursorUp, .cursorDown, .cursorForward, .cursorBack, .cursorNextLine, .cursorPreviousLine, and .cursorToColumn. These codes can be used e.g. to create shell progress indicators and timers.

The example below shows how to change the current cursor position by using Dart's stdout function write.

import 'dart:io';

import 'package:ansi_modifier/src/ansi.dart';

void main(List<String> args) {
  print('Moving the cursor:');

  stdout.write('Hello world!');
  stdout.write(Ansi.cursorToColumn(1)); // Moving to the first column.
  stdout.write('Say Hi to the moon!');
  stdout.write(Ansi.cursorForward(10)); // Moving forward by 10 characters.
  stdout.write('Hi there.');

The program above produces the following console output:

$ dart example/bin/cursor_example.dart
Moving the cursor:
Say Hi to the moon!          Hi there.

Tips and Tricks #

  • The String extension method style supports different replacement modes that can be adjusted using the optional argument method.

  • Ansi codes can be combined using the addition operator + Ansi.bold, or by using the factory constructor Ansi.combine.

  • Ansi output can be globally disabled by setting Ansi.status = AnsiOutput.disabled or by using the option:

    $ dart --define=isMonochrome=true example/bin/color_example.dart

Features and bugs #

If some Ansi modifiers are missing please file an enhancement request at the issue tracker.

pub points



Style strings for terminal output by adding, replacing, or removing ANSI modifiers.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


#ansi #terminal #console #color #cursor-position


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


Packages that depend on ansi_modifier