Results31 packages
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Pacote para facilitar e agilizar a comunicação com a API via_cep e obter informações sobre CEPs e localidades de todo o Brasil
i18n made easy for Flutter. With flutter_i18n you can make your app international, using just a simple .json, .xml, .yaml or .toml file!
A pure Dart library designed primarily for command line automation of Onvif compatible devices, but can be used anywhere Dart is used.
FHIR library of versions R4, STU3, DSTU2, and R5 (draft) for Dart & Flutter.
WYSIWYG editor for Flutter with a rich set of supported formatting options.
Package para parsear e transformar um arquivo de danfe xml em objeto ou buffer para impressao
A Flutter package for fetching complete data from YouTube. Supports Search, Trending, Channels, Playlists and Video Data.
A simple, unofficial AWS S3 client in dart. Supports downloading objects and listing objects in a bucket.
A most easily usable JSON response wrapper library in Dart. With JsonResponse, you can easily and safely handle JSON response on your application.
GeoEngine is a Dart library for geospatial analysis and geometry. It has precise distance calculations, coordinates conversions, geodetic processing, and GIS support in Dart.

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