Results14 packages
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Drop-in replacement for SliverList and ListView that can handle large lists with variable extents and jump/animate to specific items.
Lazily load and display pages of items as the user scrolls down your screen.
Provide a List, a grouper, and let it display it as a ListView, a GridView or anything else. Supports checkbox or radio in a scrollView.#grouped#list#gridview#toggle#checkbox
Flutter implementation of sticky headers as a sliver. Use it in a CustomScrollView.
A Sliver implementation of sticky collapsable panel, with a box header rebuild on status and a sliver child as panel content.#ios#sticky#collapsable#expandable#header
Universal explorer UI for navigate files, ftp, etc. Support custom providers and any platforms c:
A package to display a grouped grid of items with optional group headers and footers.
miroru story editor is designed in accordance with the Material Theme, offering ease of customization through its succinctly written code.
Create Single Web Page Layout with easy and optimized scrolling options in Flutter.
A flutter package for emoji selection inspired by emoji-mart. Elevate your Flutter app's emoji-picking experience.

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