Results81 packages
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Actively maintained, community-driven chat UI implementation with an optional Firebase BaaS.
Embed extensions for flutter_quill including image, video, formula and etc.#ui#widget#rich-text-editor
A package for creating instagram like story, you can use this package to edit images and make it story ready by adding other contents over it like text.
Flutter plugin to render & show PDF pages as images on Web, MacOS, Windows, Android and iOS.
This is a package created in the style of the instagram story creator, with which you can create images with images, texts, finger drawing.
Carousel Grid é um package para exibir thumbnail de imagens em grid com cache e zoom.
This is a package to open a camera along with a photo gallery, to simplify the steps of the end user
A android & ios document scanner & auto detector plugin for flutter.
Flexible gallery package for displaying multiple network and asset images in adaptive layouts.
A Flutter package which allows you to view any document format for Android.

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