Results30 packages
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A wrapper around InheritedWidget to make them easier to use and more reusable.
Extends blocs with an additional stream which can serve as a way of indicating single-time events (so-called "presentation events").
A storybook for Flutter widgets. Live preview of isolated widgets for faster development and showcase.
A flutter storybook that helps professionals and teams to catalogue their widgets.#widgetbook#storybook#ui#tool#test
Simple communication pattern abstraction on streams, created for communication between logic classes and or widgets.
A Flutter package that helps separate the mechanism of responding to an action dispatched by BLoC from state.
Easily scope providers to routes with GoProviderRoute and ShellProviderRoute.#go-router#provider#scope#nested
A collection of convenient widgets and utils made by mono. Under construction now.
Use Consumer, Select and BlocConsumer in any System Injector.
This is a set of widgets for reactive_forms package in Listener/Builder/Consumer paradigm the same as bloc library does.

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