Results8 packages
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Jaguar is a production ready HTTP server framework built for speed, simplicity and extensiblity
Transport library for sending HTTP requests and opening WebSockets. Platform-independent with builtin support for browser and Dart VM (even supports SockJS). Includes mock utilities for testing.
A simple file server written in Dart to deploy a local file server on Windows, MacOS and Linux in seconds.
Build GraphQL web servers with leto and shelf. HTTP, WebSocket, File Uploads, HTML explorers and other utilities.
A simple router dispatcher for HTTP server like expressjs to serve REST api and static files.
Static site generator. Supports markdown, mustache, partials, assets, sass. Webserver included.
Parse request bodies and query strings in Dart. Supports JSON, URL-encoded, and multi-part bodies.
KDebugTools is a powerful library for debugging Flutter applications.

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