Results119 packages
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Effortlessly manage and persist shopping cart data in your Flutter app with this comprehensive package. Simplify local storage and enhance the shopping experience for your users.
A flutter package to cache network image fastly without any native dependencies.You can add beautiful loaders, percentage indicators and error builder.#cache#image#photo#download#network
Flutter localization in easy steps, simple ways to localize and translate your app
A tiny widget to listen hive box changes, using the ValueListenableBuilder with removing unnecessary parts of it, like context and child widget of it.
A cache helper which uses hive and flutter_secure_storage to make ease to store session and encrypted data#local-storage#session#cache#hive#secure-storage
Asynchronous data caching, refetching & invalidation library for Flutter
Abstraction for reading and persisting data to platform specific storage.
DBMS Hive Ui is a package that presents a smart methodology to work with the Hive database, It is easy to view, edit and create new rows.
Flutter Package used to create a room to storage audio sections [Favorites, Internal Playlists, Most Played, etc...].
Flutter Watcher is an alternative to ValueNotifier. It provides a more simple syntax, caching value, built-in asynchronous safety, and automatic tracking of complex data changes.

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