Results63 packages
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Managing the colors of your StatusBar and NavigationBar is easier and more convenient using the StatusBarManager in your Flutter project.
A package which provides multiple states for a button with endless customizability.
This package offers a functional approach to handling HTTP status codes.#status-codes#status-code#http#https#iana
Sample statistics, histograms, probability distributions, and random sample generators for Dart.
The Dart analyzer settings with stricter linter rules that allow you to write more maintainable code and improve performance.
Widget modifying status & navigation bar color: StatusBarColor dependency project.
A flutter state management solution with dependency injection. You can easily manage your state
This is a dart package for Cloudflare API to allow easy Image, Stream and Live Input api management.
WebInStats In-App Marketing SDK Flutter plugin.
A dart package aiming to provide useful extensions and helper functions to ease and speed up development.#extensions#helpers#utility#utils

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